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14. Token usage in Hydra Scripts

· 3 minutes de lecture




  • The Hydra on-chain-verification scripts are used to validate Hydra protocol transactions and ensure they are lawful.
  • At least these three properties need to be enforced:
    • Authentication: ensure that only Head participants can, for example, abort a Head
    • Contract continuity: ensure that a Head was initialized before it can be opened by a collectCom tx.
    • Completeness: ensure that all Head participants had chance to commit funds to a Head.
  • The Hydra Head paper introduces participation tokens (PT) and a state thread token (ST) for that matter.
  • Such tokens (a.k.a native assets) are identified by the CurrencySymbol, that is the hash of their MintingPolicyScript (a.k.a PolicyID in the ledger), and a ByteString, the socalled TokenName (a.k.a as AssetName in the ledger, see shelley-ma ledger spec)
  • There can be multiple Hydra Heads on a network and a hydra-node need to distinguish individual Head instances or even (later) keep track of multiple Heads. Concretely, this means that we need to infer a Head identifier (HeadId) from observing each of the Hydra protocol transactions.


  • We solve both challenges by defining that ST and PTs shall use the same MintingPolicyScript and thus have same CurrencySymbol
  • The MintingPolicyScript shall be parameterized by TxOutRef to yield a unique CurrencySymbol per Head (similar to the OneShotCurrency example)
  • ST and one PT per participant are minted in the initTx
  • The TokenName of the ST can be any well-known ByteString, e.g. "HydraHeadV1"
  • The TokenName of the PTs needs to be the PubKeyHash of the respective participant


  • Heads can be identified by looking for the ST in init, collectCom, close, contest or fanout transactions, or the PT in commit transactions. In both cases, the CurrencySymbol == HeadId

  • Our scripts become simpler as we only need to check that ST/PT are paid forward, instead of needing to check datums

  • The datum produced by commit txs (and consumed by collectCom) is Just SerializedTxOut, which is simpler than also keeping the participant which committed in the datum (compare to full life-cycle of 0.3.0).

  • The v_head script validator does not need to be parameterized, which makes discovering new Heads (and also tracking them for metrics) easier as the address to watch for is common to all Heads (of the same v_head version).

  • The v_head script (path) for the abort life-cycle can be implemented already much safer by checking that all PTs are burned on the abort transaction (counting inputs in abort life-cycle of 0.3.0).

  • Updated diagrams for the full and abort on-chain life-cycles of a Hydra Head.

Follow-up questions

  • What value does the ST actually add? We could always look for the PT to identify a Head and contract continuity would already be achieved by the PTs!
  • In discussions it turned out to be not clear where the Head's CurrencySymbol is coming from, and consequently how to identify that an ST is indeed an ST?