Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




spec :: Spec Source #

shouldParseJSONAs :: forall a. (HasCallStack, FromJSON a) => LByteString -> Expectation Source #

roundtripFromAndToApi :: UTxO -> Property Source #

roundtripProtocolParameters :: PParams LedgerEra -> Property Source #

Test that the ProtocolParameters To/FromJSON instances to roundtrip. Note that we use the ledger PParams type to generate values, but the cardano-api type ProtocolParameters is used for the serialization.

roundtripTxId :: Tx -> Property Source #

roundtripTxId' :: Tx -> Property Source #

roundtripLedger :: Tx -> Property Source #

roundtripCBOR :: (Eq a, Show a, ToCBOR a, FromCBOR a) => a -> Property Source #

propDoesNotCollapse :: (Show (t a), Foldable t, Monoid (t a)) => String -> Gen (t a) -> Spec Source #

propRealisticValue :: Value -> Property Source #

A transaction or transaction output can usually only contain a realistic number of native asset entries. This property checks a realistic order of magnitude (100).

propHasEnoughLovelace :: TxOut CtxUTxO -> Property Source #

Check that an output has enough lovelace to cover asset deposits.

propGeneratesGoodTxOut :: TxOut CtxUTxO -> Property Source #

Check that the given TxOut fulfills several requirements and does not use unsupported features. See genTxOut for rationale.