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Your first steps with a hydra-node.

Running a Hydra head means running a Hydra node connected to some other Hydra nodes and connected to a Cardano node. A working cardano-node is therefore a pre-requisite for running a Hydra head. In this guide, we won't go over details about running a Cardano node and we invite you to look for existing documentation on the matter if need be.

cardano-node & cardano-cli

We recommend using containers and the official Docker image for running a Cardano node.

This image contains both cardano-node and cardano-cli. The latter is handy to run various commands, for example to create addresses and to generate keys.

Hydra-node options...

The entire configuration of the hydra-node is provided through command-line options. Options are used to configure various elements of the network, API, chain connection and used ledger. You can use the --help option to get a description of all options:

hydra-node - Implementation of the Hydra Head protocol

Usage: hydra-node ([-q|--quiet] (-n|--node-id NODE-ID) [-h|--host IP]
[-p|--port PORT] [-P|--peer ARG] [--api-host IP]
[--api-port PORT] [--monitoring-port PORT]
[--hydra-signing-key FILE] [--hydra-verification-key FILE]
[--hydra-scripts-tx-id TXID] [--persistence-dir DIR]
[--mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL] [--node-socket FILE]
[--cardano-signing-key FILE]
[--cardano-verification-key FILE]
[--start-chain-from SLOT.HEADER_HASH]
[--contestation-period CONTESTATION-PERIOD]
[--ledger-protocol-parameters FILE] |
COMMAND) [--version] [--script-info]

Starts a Hydra Node

Available options:
-q,--quiet Turns off logging.
-n,--node-id NODE-ID The Hydra node identifier used on the Hydra network.
It is important to have a unique identifier in order
to be able to distinguish between connected peers.
-h,--host IP Listen address for incoming Hydra network
connections. (default:
-p,--port PORT Listen port for incoming Hydra network connections.
(default: 5001)
-P,--peer ARG A peer address in the form <host>:<port>, where
<host> can be an IP address, or a host name. Can be
provided multiple times, once for each peer (current
maximum limit is 4 peers).
--api-host IP Listen address for incoming client API connections.
--api-port PORT Listen port for incoming client API connections.
(default: 4001)
--monitoring-port PORT Listen port for monitoring and metrics via
prometheus. If left empty, monitoring server is not
--hydra-signing-key FILE Hydra signing key used by our hydra-node.
(default: "")
--hydra-verification-key FILE
Hydra verification key of another party in the Head.
Can be provided multiple times, once for each
participant (current maximum limit is 4 ).
--hydra-scripts-tx-id TXID
The transaction which is expected to have published
Hydra scripts as reference scripts in its outputs.
Note: All scripts need to be in the first 10 outputs.
See release notes for pre-published versions. You can
use the 'publish-scripts' sub-command to publish them
--persistence-dir DIR The directory where the Hydra Head state is stored.Do
not edit these files manually!
--mainnet Use the mainnet magic id.
--testnet-magic NATURAL Network identifier for a testnet to connect to. We
only need to provide the magic number here. For
example: '2' is the 'preview' network. See
for available networks. (default: 42)
--node-socket FILE Filepath to local unix domain socket used to
communicate with the cardano node.
(default: "node.socket")
--cardano-signing-key FILE
Cardano signing key of our hydra-node. This will be
used to authorize Hydra protocol transactions for
heads the node takes part in and any funds owned by
this key will be used as 'fuel'.
(default: "")
--cardano-verification-key FILE
Cardano verification key of another party in the
Head. Can be provided multiple times, once for each
participant (current maximum limit is 4).
--start-chain-from SLOT.HEADER_HASH
The id of the block we want to start observing the
chain from. If not given, uses the chain tip at
startup. Composed by the slot number, a separator
('.') and the hash of the block header. For example:
--contestation-period CONTESTATION-PERIOD
Contestation period for close transaction in seconds.
If this value is not in sync with other participants
hydra-node will ignore the initial tx. Additionally,
this value needs to make sense compared to the
current network we are running. (default: 60s)
--ledger-protocol-parameters FILE
Path to protocol parameters used in the Hydra Head.
See manual how to configure this.
(default: "protocol-parameters.json")
--version Show version
--script-info Dump script info as JSON
-h,--help Show this help text

Available commands:
publish-scripts Publish Hydra's Plutus scripts on chain to be used
by the hydra-node as --hydra-script-tx-id.

┃ ⚠ WARNING ⚠ ┃
┃ This costs money. About 50 Ada. ┃
┃ Spent using the provided signing key. ┃
Dynamic Configuration

We realise that the command-line in its current form isn't as user-friendly as it could, and is somewhat cumbersome to use for setting up large clusters.

There are however plans to make the configuration more user-friendly and configurable dynamically; see #240 & ADR-15

...and Where to Find Them

Cardano Keys

The previous section describes the various options and elements needed to setup a Hydra node. In this section, we'll show how to obtain some of those elements. First, let's start with the Cardano keys (--cardano-signing-key and --cardano-verification-key).

In a head, every participant is authenticated by two sets of keys, one key pair is a plain Ed25519 public/private key pair quite common on Cardano already. Such a key pair can be generated using the cardano-cli as follows:

cardano-cli address key-gen --verification-key-file cardano.vk --signing-key-file

From there, each participant is expected to share their verification key with other participants. To start a node, one will need its own signing key and other participants' verification key. Those keys are currently used to authenticate on-chain transactions which drives the execution of the Hydra protocol. They prevent unsolicited actors to fiddle with the head life-cycle (for instance, someone external to the head could otherwise abort an initialised head). While this wouldn't put head participants' funds at risk, it is still an annoyance that one wants to prevent.

Hydra keys

The second set of keys are the so-called Hydra keys, which are used for multi-signing snapshots within a Head. While in the long-run, those keys will be key pairs used within MuSig2 aggregated multi-signature scheme. At present however, the aggregated multisig cryptography is yet to be implemented and the Hydra nodes are a naive, but secure multi-signature scheme based on Ed25519 keys.

These are similar to cardano keys but are used only in the layer 2. We provide demo key pairs as alice.{vk,sk}, bob.{vk,sk} and carol.{vk,sk} in our demo folder.

Alternatively, unique keys can be generated using hydra-node:

hydra-node gen-hydra-key --output-file my-key

This will create two files, and my-key.vk containing Hydra keys suitable for use inside a head.

Contestation Period

Contestation period is an argument to the hydra-node, expressed as a number of seconds, for example:

$ hydra-node ... --contestation-period 120s

Contestation period is used in:

  • Constructing the upper validity bound for Close and Contest transactions,
  • Computing the contestation deadline and therefore the lower validity bound for FanOut transaction.

This parameter has a default value of 60 seconds, which should be enough under normal circumstances, but it needs to be tailored to the condition of network we are running on since slot lengths and block production rates are different on different networks.

Consistent contestation period

All parties in the hydra head protocol need to configure the same value for --contestation-period otherwise the Init transaction will be ignored. This prevents certain party from stalling/DoS-ing the head by setting contestation period to unreasonably large values.

Invalid Close and Contest Transactions

Depending on the contestation period value and the network conditions, Close and Contest transactions could become invalid and be silently rejected by the cardano-node to which they have been submitted. This can happen, for example, if:

  • The network is congested, with lot of transactions waiting to be included in a block,
  • The node's connectivity to the network drops and the transaction is not propagated to block producers fast enough.

The hydra-node itself does not currently handle this situation and therefore each client application needs to put in place some retry mechanism depending on the time it should "normally" take to have the transaction.

Reference Scripts

Hydra makes use of reference scripts to reduce the size of transactions driving the Head's lifecycle. In principle, reference scripts will be published with each release and the corresponding transaction id will be advertised in the release notes. However, if you do want to play around with this and provide alternative versions, you can do so by first publishing the scripts yourself via the publish-scripts command:

hydra-node publish-scripts --testnet-magic 42 --node-socket /path/to/node.socket --cardano-signing-key

On success, this commands outputs a transaction id ready to be used. The provided key is expected to hold funds (> 50 ADA), and will be used to create multiple UNSPENDABLE UTxO entries on-chain, each carrying a script that can be later referenced by the Hydra node.

Ledger Parameters

At the core of a Hydra head, there's a ledger. At the moment, Hydra is wired only to Cardano and assumes a ledger configuration similar to the one used on the layer 1. This translates as a command-line option --ledger-protocol-parameters. This defines the updatable protocol parameters such as fees or transaction sizes. They use the same format as the one used by the cardano-cli (e.g. cardano-cli query protocol-parameters's output).

We provide existing files in hydra-cluster/config which can be used as basis. In particular, the protocol parameters are defined to nullify costs inside a head. Apart from that, they are the direct copy the current mainnet parameters. An interesting point about the Hydra's ledger is that, while it re-uses the same rules and code as the layer 1 (a.k.a. isomorphic), parameters may also be altered to slightly differ from the layer 1. This is the case for fees, but could also be done for script maximum execution budget for instance. However, not all parameters are safe to alter! Changing parameters that control the maximum size of a value (carrying native assets), or the minimum Ada value for a UTxO may render a head "unclosable"! A good rule thumb is that anything that applies strictly to transactions (fees, execution units, max tx size...) is safe to change. But anything that could be reflected in the UTxO is not.

About Protocol Parameters

Note that many of protocol-parameters are actually irrelevant in the context of Hydra (for example, there's no treasury or stake pool inside a head; consequently, parameters configuring the reward incentive or delegation rules are pointless and unused).


Finally, one last bit necessary to get Hydra nodes up and running is to add funds to their "internal wallet". All the transactions driving the Head lifecycle (Init, Abort, Close, ...) need to be submitted to the layer 1, and hence they cost money!

For that, any funds owned by the --cardano-signing-key given to the --hydra-node will be considered spendable to pay fees or use as collateral for these Hydra protocol transactions. Consequently, sending some ADA-only funds to the address of this "internal wallet" is required. To get the address for the cardano keys as generated above, one can use for example the cardano-cli:

cardano-cli address build --verification-key-file cardano.vk --mainnet
# addr1v92l229athdj05l20ggnqz24p4ltlj55e7n4xplt2mxw8tqsehqnt

External commits

While the hydra-node holds funds to fuel protocol transactions, any wallet can be used to commit funds into an initializing Hydra head. The hydra-node provides an HTTP endpoint at /commit, which allows to specify multiple UTxO (belonging to public key or script address) and returns a draft transaction. This transaction is already balanced and all fees are paid by the funds held by the hydra-node, but is missing witnesses for the public key outputs to commit. Hence, an integrated wallet would need to sign this transaction and submit it to the Cardano network. See the api documentation for details.

Generating transactions for the WebSocket API

To perform a transaction within an initialized Head via the WebSocket API of Hydra Node, use the commands below and send the output to the node:

Transaction building
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--babbage-era \
--tx-in 09d34606abdcd0b10ebc89307cbfa0b469f9144194137b45b7a04b273961add8#687 \
--tx-out addr1vx8apm8x8rla2w6tk7dxnwrlxkmeuera4x4tw5j695xhxeq4wawpz+7620669 \
--fee 0 \
--out-file tx.json

cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file tx.json \
--signing-key-file \
--out-file signed-tx.json

echo "{ \"tag\": \"NewTx\", \"transaction\": $(cat signed-tx.json | jq ".cborHex") }"
{ "tag": "NewTx", "transaction": "84a3008182582009d34606abdcd0b10ebc89307cbfa0b469f9144194137b45b7a04b273961add81902af0181a200581d618fd0ece638ffd53b4bb79a69b87f35b79e647da9aab7525a2d0d7364011a0074483d0200a10081825820c736d40ee64c031851af26007c00a3b6fcbebccfd333a8ee6f14983f9be5331c58404bae506f5235778ec65eca6fdfcf6ec61ab93420b91e0b71ca82d437904f860e999372cf00252246ca77012e19c344b3af60df9f853af53fc86835f95a119609f5f6" }

The --tx-in value is a UTxO obtained from the reply to the { "tag": "GetUTxO" } message. E.g.:

"tag": "GetUTxOResponse",
"utxo": {
"09d34606abdcd0b10ebc89307cbfa0b469f9144194137b45b7a04b273961add8#687": {
"address": "addr1w9htvds89a78ex2uls5y969ttry9s3k9etww0staxzndwlgmzuul5",
"value": {
"lovelace": 7620669

Example Setup

Google Cloud w/ Terraform

We provide sample node configurations that will help you get started hosting a Hydra node on virtual machines in the Cloud in the sample-node-config/ directory. In particular, this setup contains a docker-compose.yaml specification which gives a good template for configuring cardano-node + hydra-node services. It also offers various useful scripts to setup your cluster.

Note: This setup is meant to configure your cluster for devnet network. If you want to run the node on mainnet check out Running on Mainnet paragraph.

Running on Mainnet

Hydra node is compatible with the mainnet network. To choose this network you need to specify --mainnet flag for the network id in the hydra-node arguments. We publish the hydra scripts on each new release and you can find them on the release page (look for section Hydra Scripts).

Please be sure to read the relevant section section to fully understand the limitations and consequences of running Hydra nodes on mainnet.