{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hydra.HeadLogic.Error where
import Hydra.Prelude
import Hydra.HeadLogic.Input (Input)
import Hydra.HeadLogic.State (HeadState)
import Hydra.Ledger (ValidationError)
import Hydra.Tx (
IsTx (TxIdType),
import Hydra.Tx.Crypto (HydraKey, VerificationKey)
data LogicError tx
= UnhandledInput {forall tx. LogicError tx -> Input tx
input :: Input tx, forall tx. LogicError tx -> HeadState tx
currentHeadState :: HeadState tx}
| RequireFailed {forall tx. LogicError tx -> RequirementFailure tx
requirementFailure :: RequirementFailure tx}
| AssertionFailed {forall tx. LogicError tx -> Text
message :: Text}
| NotOurHead {forall tx. LogicError tx -> HeadId
ourHeadId :: HeadId, forall tx. LogicError tx -> HeadId
otherHeadId :: HeadId}
deriving stock ((forall x. LogicError tx -> Rep (LogicError tx) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (LogicError tx) x -> LogicError tx)
-> Generic (LogicError tx)
forall x. Rep (LogicError tx) x -> LogicError tx
forall x. LogicError tx -> Rep (LogicError tx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall tx x. Rep (LogicError tx) x -> LogicError tx
forall tx x. LogicError tx -> Rep (LogicError tx) x
$cfrom :: forall tx x. LogicError tx -> Rep (LogicError tx) x
from :: forall x. LogicError tx -> Rep (LogicError tx) x
$cto :: forall tx x. Rep (LogicError tx) x -> LogicError tx
to :: forall x. Rep (LogicError tx) x -> LogicError tx
instance (Typeable tx, Show (Input tx), Show (HeadState tx), Show (RequirementFailure tx)) => Exception (LogicError tx)
instance (Arbitrary (Input tx), Arbitrary (HeadState tx), Arbitrary (RequirementFailure tx)) => Arbitrary (LogicError tx) where
arbitrary :: Gen (LogicError tx)
arbitrary = Gen (LogicError tx)
forall a.
(Generic a, GA UnsizedOpts (Rep a),
UniformWeight (Weights_ (Rep a))) =>
Gen a
shrink :: LogicError tx -> [LogicError tx]
shrink = LogicError tx -> [LogicError tx]
forall a.
(Generic a, RecursivelyShrink (Rep a), GSubterms (Rep a) a) =>
a -> [a]
deriving stock instance (Eq (HeadState tx), Eq (Input tx), Eq (RequirementFailure tx)) => Eq (LogicError tx)
deriving stock instance (Show (HeadState tx), Show (Input tx), Show (RequirementFailure tx)) => Show (LogicError tx)
deriving anyclass instance (ToJSON (HeadState tx), ToJSON (Input tx), ToJSON (RequirementFailure tx)) => ToJSON (LogicError tx)
deriving anyclass instance (FromJSON (HeadState tx), FromJSON (Input tx), FromJSON (RequirementFailure tx)) => FromJSON (LogicError tx)
data RequirementFailure tx
= ReqSnNumberInvalid {forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> SnapshotNumber
requestedSn :: SnapshotNumber, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> SnapshotNumber
lastSeenSn :: SnapshotNumber}
| ReqSvNumberInvalid {forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> SnapshotVersion
requestedSv :: SnapshotVersion, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> SnapshotVersion
lastSeenSv :: SnapshotVersion}
| ReqSnNotLeader {requestedSn :: SnapshotNumber, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> Party
leader :: Party}
| ReqSnDecommitNotSettled
| InvalidMultisignature {forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> Text
multisig :: Text, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> [VerificationKey HydraKey]
vkeys :: [VerificationKey HydraKey]}
| SnapshotAlreadySigned {forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> [Party]
knownSignatures :: [Party], forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> Party
receivedSignature :: Party}
| AckSnNumberInvalid {requestedSn :: SnapshotNumber, lastSeenSn :: SnapshotNumber}
| SnapshotDoesNotApply {requestedSn :: SnapshotNumber, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> TxIdType tx
txid :: TxIdType tx, forall tx. RequirementFailure tx -> ValidationError
error :: ValidationError}
deriving stock ((forall x. RequirementFailure tx -> Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x)
-> (forall x.
Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x -> RequirementFailure tx)
-> Generic (RequirementFailure tx)
forall x. Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x -> RequirementFailure tx
forall x. RequirementFailure tx -> Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall tx x. Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x -> RequirementFailure tx
forall tx x. RequirementFailure tx -> Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x
$cfrom :: forall tx x. RequirementFailure tx -> Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x
from :: forall x. RequirementFailure tx -> Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x
$cto :: forall tx x. Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x -> RequirementFailure tx
to :: forall x. Rep (RequirementFailure tx) x -> RequirementFailure tx
deriving stock instance Eq (TxIdType tx) => Eq (RequirementFailure tx)
deriving stock instance Show (TxIdType tx) => Show (RequirementFailure tx)
deriving anyclass instance ToJSON (TxIdType tx) => ToJSON (RequirementFailure tx)
deriving anyclass instance FromJSON (TxIdType tx) => FromJSON (RequirementFailure tx)
instance Arbitrary (TxIdType tx) => Arbitrary (RequirementFailure tx) where
arbitrary :: Gen (RequirementFailure tx)
arbitrary = Gen (RequirementFailure tx)
forall a.
(Generic a, GA UnsizedOpts (Rep a),
UniformWeight (Weights_ (Rep a))) =>
Gen a