plutus-merkle-tree-1.1.0: On-Chain Merkle Trees
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A purely functional implementation of MerkleTrees that is suitable for usage on-chain. Note however that the construction of MerkleTree and membership proofs are still expected to happen *off-chain* while only the proof verification should be done on-chain.

Note that this module is meant to used as a qualified import, for example:

import qualified Plutus.MerkleTree as MT


data MerkleTree Source #

A MerkleTree representation, suitable for on-chain manipulation. Construction of the merkle tree shouldn't be done by hand, but via fromList.


MerkleNode Hash MerkleTree MerkleTree 
MerkleLeaf Hash BuiltinByteString 


Instances details
Show MerkleTree Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree

Eq MerkleTree Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree

Eq MerkleTree Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


(==) :: MerkleTree -> MerkleTree -> Bool

fromList :: [BuiltinByteString] -> MerkleTree Source #

Construct a MerkleTree from a list of serialized data as BuiltinByteString.

Note that, while this operation is doable on-chain, it is expensive and preferably done off-chain.

toList :: MerkleTree -> [BuiltinByteString] Source #

Deconstruct a MerkleTree back to a list of elements.

>>> toList (fromList xs) == xs

rootHash :: MerkleTree -> Hash Source #

Obtain the root hash of a MerkleTree. In particular we have:

>>> (mt == mt') == (rootHash mt == rootHash mt')

null :: MerkleTree -> Bool Source #

Return true if the MerkleTree is empty.

>>> null mt == (size mt == 0)

size :: MerkleTree -> Integer Source #

Total numbers of leaves in the tree.


type Proof = [Either Hash Hash] Source #

A membership Proof. The type is meant to be opaque.

mkProof :: BuiltinByteString -> MerkleTree -> Maybe Proof Source #

Construct a membership Proof from an element and a MerkleTree. Returns Nothing if the element isn't a member of the tree to begin with.

member :: BuiltinByteString -> Hash -> Proof -> Bool Source #

Check whether a element is part of a MerkleTree using only its root hash and a Proof. The proof is guaranteed to be in log(n) of the size of the tree, which is why we are interested in such data-structure in the first place.


newtype Hash Source #

A type for representing hash digests.


Hash BuiltinByteString 


Instances details
Show Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree

Eq Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


(==) :: Hash -> Hash -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: Hash -> Hash -> Bool Source #

Eq Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


(==) :: Hash -> Hash -> Bool

FromData Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


fromBuiltinData :: BuiltinData -> Maybe Hash

ToData Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


toBuiltinData :: Hash -> BuiltinData

UnsafeFromData Hash Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Plutus.MerkleTree


unsafeFromBuiltinData :: BuiltinData -> Hash

hash :: BuiltinByteString -> Hash Source #

Computes a SHA-256 hash of a given BuiltinByteString message.

combineHash :: Hash -> Hash -> Hash Source #

Combines two hashes digest into a new one. This is effectively a new hash digest of the same length.