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This page provides details about the Hydra networking layer, which encompasses the network of Hydra nodes where heads can be opened.


  • What's the expected topology of the transport layer?
    • Are connected peers a subset, superset, or identical set of the head parties?
  • Do we need the delivery ordering and reliability guarantees TCP provides?
    • TCP provides full-duplex, stream-oriented, persistent connections between nodes
    • The Hydra networking layer is based on asynchronous message passing, which seems better suited to UDP
  • Do we need to consider nodes being reachable through firewalls?
    • This responsibility could be delegated to end users, allowing them to configure their firewalls/NATs to align with Hydra node requirements
    • This may be more manageable for business, corporate, or organizational parties than for individual end-users
  • Do we want privacy within a head?
    • Transactions' details should be opaque to outside observers, with only the final outcome of the head's fanout being observable
  • How do we identify/discover peers/parties?
    • The paper assumes a setup phase where:

      To create a head-protocol instance, an initiator invites a set of participants {p1,...,pn} (including themselves) to join by announcing protocol parameters: the participant list, parameters of the (multi-)signature scheme, etc. Each party subsequently establishes pairwise authenticated channels with all other parties involved.

  • What constitutes a list of participants? Should each participant be uniquely identifiable? If so, what identification method should be used — naming scheme, IP: port address, public key, certificate?
    • What do 'pairwise authenticated channels' entail? Are these actual TCP/TLS connections, or do they operate at the Transport (layer 4) or Session (layer 5) level?
  • How open do we want our network protocol to be?
    • Currently leveraging the Ouroboros stack with CBOR message encoding, integrating other tools into the Hydra network may pose challenges.


Network resilience

In August 2024 we added some network resilience tests, implemented as a GitHub action step in network-test.yaml.

The approach is to use Pumba to inject networking faults into a docker-based setup. This is effective, because of the NetEm capability that allows for very powerful manipulation of the networking stack of the containers.

Initially, we have set up percentage-based loss on some very specific scenarios; namely a three-node setup between Alice, Bob and Carol.

With this setup, we tested the following scenarios:

  • Three nodes, 900 transactions ("scaling=10"):

    • 1% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 2% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 3% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 4% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 5% packet loss to both peers: Sometimes works, sometimes fails
    • 10% packet loss to both peers: Sometimes works, sometimes fails
    • 20% packet loss to both peers: ❌Failure
  • Three nodes, 4500 transactions ("scaling=50"):

    • 1% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 2% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 3% packet loss to both peers: ✅ Success
    • 4% packet loss to both peers: Sometimes works, sometimes fails
    • 5% packet loss to both peers: Sometimes works, sometimes fails
    • 10% packet loss to both peers: ❌Failure
    • 20% packet loss to both peers: ❌Failure

"Success" here means that all transactions were processed; "Failure" means one or more transactions did not get confirmed by all participants within a particular timeframe.

The main conclusion here is ... there's a limit to the amount of packet loss we can sustain, it's related to how many transactions we are trying to send (naturally, given the percent of failure is per packet.)

You can keep an eye on the runs of this action here: Network fault tolerance.

The main things to note are:

  • Overall, the CI job will succeed even if every scenario fails. This is, ultimately, due to a bug in GitHub actions that prevents one from declaring an explicit pass-or-fail expectation per scenario. The impact is that you should manually check this job on each of your PRs.
  • It's okay to see certain configurations fail, but it's certainly not expected to see them all fail; certainly not the zero-loss cases. Anything that looks suspcisious should be investigated.


We held a meeting with the networking team on February 14, 2022, to explore the integration of the Ouroboros network stack into Hydra. During the discussion, there was a notable focus on performance, with Neil Davies providing insightful performance metrics.

  • World circumference: 600ms
  • Latency w/in 1 continent: 50-100ms
  • Latency w/in DC: 2-3ms
  • Subsecond roundtrip should be fine wherever the nodes are located
  • Basic reliability of TCP connections decreases w/ distance:
    • w/in DC connection can last forever
    • outside DC: it's hard to keep a single TCP cnx up forever; if a reroute occurs because some intermediate node is down, it takes 90s to resettle a route
    • this implies that as the number of connections goes up, the probability of having at least one connection down at all times increases
  • Closing of the head must be dissociated from network connections => a TCP cnx disappearing =/=> closing the head
  • Within the Cardano network, propagation of a single empty block takes 400ms (to reach 10K nodes)
    • the Ouroboros network should withstand 1000s of connections (there are some system-level limits)
  • Modelling the Hydra network
    • a logical framework for modelling the performance of network associate CDF with time for a message to appear at all nodes (this is what is done in the hydra-sim
    • we could define a layer w/ the semantics we expect; for example, Snocket = PTP connection w/ ordered guaranteed messages delivery – do we need that in Hydra?
  • How about Wireguard? It's a very interesting approach, with some shortcomings:
    • no global addressing scheme
    • there is one eth interface/connection
    • on the plus side, it transparently manages IP address changes
    • does not help w/ Firewalls, eg NAT needs to be configured on each node.

Cardano networking

See this Wiki page for detailed notes about how the Cardano network works and uses Ouroboros.

  • Cardano is a global network spanning thousands of nodes, with nodes constantly joining and leaving, resulting in a widely varying topology. Its primary function is block propagation: blocks produced by certain nodes according to consensus rules must reach every node in the network within 20 seconds.
  • Nodes cannot maintain direct connections to all other nodes; instead, block diffusion occurs through a form of gossiping. Each node is connected to a limited set of peers with whom it exchanges blocks.
  • Nodes must withstand adversarial behavior from peers and other nodes, necessitating control over the amount and rate of data they ingest. Hence, a pull-based messaging layer is essential.
  • Producer nodes, which require access to signing keys, are considered sensitive assets. They are typically operated behind relay nodes to enhance security and mitigate the risks of DoS attacks or other malicious activities.
  • Nodes often operate behind ADSL or cable modems, firewalls, or in other complex networking environments that prevent direct addressing. Therefore, nodes must initiate connections to externally reachable relay nodes, and rely on a pull-based messaging approach.


Current state

  • Hydra nodes form a network of pairwise connected peers using point-to-point (eg, TCP) connections that are expected to remain active at all times:
    • Nodes use Ouroboros as the underlying network abstraction, which manages connections with peers via a reliable point-to-point stream-based communication framework known as a Snocket
    • All messages are broadcast to peers using the PTP connections
    • Due to the nature of the Hydra protocol, the lack of a connection to a peer halts any progress of the head.
  • A hydra-node can only open a head with all its peers and exclusively with them. This necessitates that nodes possess prior knowledge of the topology of both peers and heads they intend to establish.
  • Connected nodes implement basic failure detection through heartbeats and monitoring exchanged messages.
  • Messages exchanged between peers are signed using the party's Hydra key and validated upon receiving.

Gossip diffusion network

The following diagram illustrates one possible implementation of a pull-based messaging system for Hydra, developed from discussions with IOG’s networking engineers:

Hydra pull-based network