{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (
module Hydra.Ledger.Cardano,
module Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Builder,
Ledger.ShelleyGenesis (..),
) where
import Hydra.Prelude
import Hydra.Cardano.Api hiding (initialLedgerState, utxoFromTx)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano.Builder
import Cardano.Api.UTxO (fromPairs, pairs)
import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Rules (
FailureDescription (..),
TagMismatchDescription (FailedUnexpectedly),
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes qualified as Ledger
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules (
ConwayLedgerPredFailure (ConwayUtxowFailure),
ConwayUtxoPredFailure (UtxosFailure),
ConwayUtxosPredFailure (ValidationTagMismatch),
ConwayUtxowPredFailure (UtxoFailure),
import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus (debugPlutus)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API.Mempool qualified as Ledger
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Genesis qualified as Ledger
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState qualified as Ledger
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules qualified as Ledger
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Default (def)
import Hydra.Chain.ChainState (ChainSlot (..))
import Hydra.Ledger (Ledger (..), ValidationError (..))
import Hydra.Tx (IsTx (..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Hydra.Tx.Gen (genKeyPair, genOneUTxOFor)
import Test.QuickCheck (
cardanoLedger :: Ledger.Globals -> Ledger.LedgerEnv LedgerEra -> Ledger Tx
cardanoLedger :: Globals -> LedgerEnv LedgerEra -> Ledger Tx
cardanoLedger Globals
globals LedgerEnv LedgerEra
ledgerEnv =
-> UTxOType Tx
-> [Tx]
-> Either (Tx, ValidationError) (UTxOType Tx)
ChainSlot -> UTxO -> [Tx] -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
applyTransactions :: ChainSlot -> UTxO -> [Tx] -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
$sel:applyTransactions:Ledger :: ChainSlot
-> UTxOType Tx
-> [Tx]
-> Either (Tx, ValidationError) (UTxOType Tx)
applyTransactions :: ChainSlot -> UTxO -> [Tx] -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
applyTransactions ChainSlot
slot UTxO
utxo = \case
[] -> UTxO -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right UTxO
tx : [Tx]
txs) -> do
utxo' <- ChainSlot -> UTxO -> Tx -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
applyTx ChainSlot
slot UTxO
utxo Tx
ChainSlot -> UTxO -> [Tx] -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
applyTransactions ChainSlot
slot UTxO
utxo' [Tx]
applyTx :: ChainSlot -> UTxO -> Tx -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
applyTx (ChainSlot Natural
slot) UTxO
utxo Tx
tx =
case Globals
-> MempoolEnv (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> MempoolState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> Tx (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> Either
(ApplyTxError (ConwayEra StandardCrypto))
(MempoolState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto),
Validated (Tx (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)))
forall era (m :: * -> *).
(ApplyTx era, MonadError (ApplyTxError era) m) =>
-> MempoolEnv era
-> MempoolState era
-> Tx era
-> m (MempoolState era, Validated (Tx era))
Ledger.applyTx Globals
globals MempoolEnv (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
env' MempoolState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
memPoolState (Tx -> Tx LedgerEra
forall era. Tx era -> Tx (ShelleyLedgerEra era)
toLedgerTx Tx
tx) of
Left ApplyTxError (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
err ->
(Tx, ValidationError) -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (Tx
tx, ApplyTxError (ConwayEra StandardCrypto) -> ValidationError
forall {era} {era} {era} {era} {era}.
(PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)
~ ConwayLedgerPredFailure era,
PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXO" era) ~ ConwayUtxoPredFailure era,
PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXOW" era)
~ ConwayUtxowPredFailure era,
PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXOS" era)
~ ConwayUtxosPredFailure era,
(CmpNat (ProtVerLow era) (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerLow era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(CmpNat (ProtVerLow era) (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerLow era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(CmpNat (ProtVerLow era) (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerLow era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(CmpNat (ProtVerLow era) (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerLow era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
(OrdCond (CmpNat 0 (ProtVerHigh era)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...),
ConwayEraScript era, ConwayEraScript era, EraTxOut era, Era era,
Era era, Show (TxCert era), Show (ContextError era),
Show (GovState era), Show (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERTS" era)),
Show (PredicateFailure (EraRule "GOV" era)), Show (Value era),
Show (TxOut era), Show (Script era)) =>
ApplyTxError era -> ValidationError
toValidationError ApplyTxError (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
Right (Ledger.LedgerState{lsUTxOState :: forall era. LedgerState era -> UTxOState era
Ledger.lsUTxOState = UTxOState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
us}, Validated (AlonzoTx (ConwayEra StandardCrypto))
_validatedTx) ->
UTxO -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (UTxO -> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO)
-> (UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto) -> UTxO)
-> UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto) -> UTxO
UTxO LedgerEra -> UTxO
fromLedgerUTxO (UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO)
-> UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> Either (Tx, ValidationError) UTxO
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTxOState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
-> UTxO (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
forall era. UTxOState era -> UTxO era
Ledger.utxosUtxo UTxOState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
toValidationError :: ApplyTxError era -> ValidationError
toValidationError (Ledger.ApplyTxError (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)
e :| [PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)]
_)) = case PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)
e of
(ConwayUtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (UtxosFailure (ValidationTagMismatch IsValid
_ (FailedUnexpectedly (PlutusFailure Text
msg ByteString
ctx :| [FailureDescription]
_)))))) ->
Text -> ValidationError
ValidationError (Text -> ValidationError) -> Text -> ValidationError
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
"Plutus validation failed: "
Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"Debug info: "
Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show (IO (PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto)
-> PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafeDupablePerformIO (IO (PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto)
-> PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto)
-> IO (PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto)
-> PlutusDebugInfo StandardCrypto
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall c. Crypto c => String -> IO (PlutusDebugInfo c)
debugPlutus @StandardCrypto (ByteString -> String
forall a b. ConvertUtf8 a b => b -> a
decodeUtf8 ByteString
PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)
_ -> Text -> ValidationError
ValidationError (Text -> ValidationError) -> Text -> ValidationError
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConwayLedgerPredFailure era -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)
ConwayLedgerPredFailure era
env' :: MempoolEnv (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
env' = LedgerEnv LedgerEra
ledgerEnv{Ledger.ledgerSlotNo = fromIntegral slot}
memPoolState :: MempoolState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
memPoolState =
{ lsUTxOState :: UTxOState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
Ledger.lsUTxOState = UTxOState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
forall a. Default a => a
def{Ledger.utxosUtxo = toLedgerUTxO utxo}
, lsCertState :: CertState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
Ledger.lsCertState = CertState (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
forall a. Default a => a
newLedgerEnv :: PParams LedgerEra -> Ledger.LedgerEnv LedgerEra
newLedgerEnv :: PParams LedgerEra -> LedgerEnv LedgerEra
newLedgerEnv PParams LedgerEra
protocolParams =
{ ledgerSlotNo :: SlotNo
Ledger.ledgerSlotNo = Word64 -> SlotNo
SlotNo Word64
ledgerIx :: TxIx
Ledger.ledgerIx = TxIx
forall a. Bounded a => a
ledgerAccount :: AccountState
Ledger.ledgerAccount = Coin -> Coin -> AccountState
Ledger.AccountState Coin
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Coin
forall a. Monoid a => a
, ledgerPp :: PParams (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
Ledger.ledgerPp = PParams (ConwayEra StandardCrypto)
PParams LedgerEra
, ledgerMempool :: Bool
Ledger.ledgerMempool = Bool
, ledgerEpochNo :: Maybe EpochNo
Ledger.ledgerEpochNo = Maybe EpochNo
forall a. Maybe a
fromChainSlot :: ChainSlot -> SlotNo
fromChainSlot :: ChainSlot -> SlotNo
fromChainSlot (ChainSlot Natural
s) = Natural -> SlotNo
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Natural
mkTransferTx ::
MonadFail m =>
NetworkId ->
UTxO ->
SigningKey PaymentKey ->
VerificationKey PaymentKey ->
m Tx
mkTransferTx :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
-> UTxO
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> m Tx
mkTransferTx NetworkId
networkId UTxO
utxo SigningKey PaymentKey
sender VerificationKey PaymentKey
recipient =
case (TxOut CtxUTxO Era -> Bool)
-> UTxO -> Maybe (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
forall out. (out -> Bool) -> UTxO' out -> Maybe (TxIn, out)
UTxO.find (VerificationKey PaymentKey -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era -> Bool
forall ctx era. VerificationKey PaymentKey -> TxOut ctx era -> Bool
isVkTxOut (VerificationKey PaymentKey -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era -> Bool)
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SigningKey PaymentKey -> VerificationKey PaymentKey
forall keyrole.
(Key keyrole, HasTypeProxy keyrole) =>
SigningKey keyrole -> VerificationKey keyrole
getVerificationKey SigningKey PaymentKey
sender) UTxO
utxo of
Maybe (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
Nothing -> String -> m Tx
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"no utxo left to spend"
Just (TxIn
txIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era
txOut) ->
case (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
-> (AddressInEra, Value)
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> Either TxBodyError Tx
mkSimpleTx (TxIn
txIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era
txOut) (NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra
forall era.
IsShelleyBasedEra era =>
NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra era
mkVkAddress NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
recipient, TxOut CtxUTxO Era -> Value
forall ctx. TxOut ctx -> Value
txOutValue TxOut CtxUTxO Era
txOut) SigningKey PaymentKey
sender of
Left TxBodyError
err ->
String -> m Tx
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail (String -> m Tx) -> String -> m Tx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"mkSimpleTx failed: " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TxBodyError -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show TxBodyError
Right Tx
tx ->
Tx -> m Tx
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Tx
mkSimpleTx ::
(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) ->
(AddressInEra, Value) ->
SigningKey PaymentKey ->
Either TxBodyError Tx
mkSimpleTx :: (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
-> (AddressInEra, Value)
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> Either TxBodyError Tx
mkSimpleTx (TxIn
txin, TxOut AddressInEra
owner Value
valueIn TxOutDatum CtxUTxO
datum ReferenceScript
refScript) (AddressInEra
recipient, Value
valueOut) SigningKey PaymentKey
sk = do
body <- TxBodyContent BuildTx -> Either TxBodyError TxBody
createAndValidateTransactionBody TxBodyContent BuildTx
let witnesses :: [KeyWitness]
witnesses = [TxBody -> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey -> KeyWitness
makeShelleyKeyWitness TxBody
body (SigningKey PaymentKey -> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
WitnessPaymentKey SigningKey PaymentKey
Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx
forall a. a -> Either TxBodyError a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx) -> Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [KeyWitness] -> TxBody -> Tx
forall era. [KeyWitness era] -> TxBody era -> Tx era
makeSignedTransaction [KeyWitness]
witnesses TxBody
bodyContent :: TxBodyContent BuildTx
bodyContent =
TxBodyContent BuildTx
{ txIns = [(txin, BuildTxWith $ KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending)]
, txOuts = outs
, txFee = TxFeeExplicit fee
outs :: [TxOut CtxTx]
outs =
forall ctx.
-> Value -> TxOutDatum ctx -> ReferenceScript -> TxOut ctx
TxOut @CtxTx AddressInEra
recipient Value
valueOut TxOutDatum CtxTx
forall ctx. TxOutDatum ctx
TxOutDatumNone ReferenceScript
TxOut CtxTx -> [TxOut CtxTx] -> [TxOut CtxTx]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [ forall ctx.
-> Value -> TxOutDatum ctx -> ReferenceScript -> TxOut ctx
TxOut @CtxTx
valueIn Value -> Value -> Value
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Value -> Value
negateValue Value
(TxOutDatum CtxUTxO -> TxOutDatum CtxTx
forall era. TxOutDatum CtxUTxO era -> TxOutDatum CtxTx era
forall {k} (f :: * -> k -> *) (era :: k).
ToTxContext f =>
f CtxUTxO era -> f CtxTx era
toTxContext TxOutDatum CtxUTxO
| Value
valueOut Value -> Value -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Value
fee :: Coin
fee = Integer -> Coin
Coin Integer
mkRangedTx ::
(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) ->
(AddressInEra, Value) ->
SigningKey PaymentKey ->
(Maybe TxValidityLowerBound, Maybe TxValidityUpperBound) ->
Either TxBodyError Tx
mkRangedTx :: (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
-> (AddressInEra, Value)
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> (Maybe TxValidityLowerBound, Maybe TxValidityUpperBound)
-> Either TxBodyError Tx
mkRangedTx (TxIn
txin, TxOut AddressInEra
owner Value
valueIn TxOutDatum CtxUTxO
datum ReferenceScript
refScript) (AddressInEra
recipient, Value
valueOut) SigningKey PaymentKey
sk (Maybe TxValidityLowerBound
validityLowerBound, Maybe TxValidityUpperBound
validityUpperBound) = do
body <- TxBodyContent BuildTx -> Either TxBodyError TxBody
createAndValidateTransactionBody TxBodyContent BuildTx
let witnesses :: [KeyWitness]
witnesses = [TxBody -> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey -> KeyWitness
makeShelleyKeyWitness TxBody
body (SigningKey PaymentKey -> ShelleyWitnessSigningKey
WitnessPaymentKey SigningKey PaymentKey
Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx
forall a. a -> Either TxBodyError a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx) -> Tx -> Either TxBodyError Tx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [KeyWitness] -> TxBody -> Tx
forall era. [KeyWitness era] -> TxBody era -> Tx era
makeSignedTransaction [KeyWitness]
witnesses TxBody
bodyContent :: TxBodyContent BuildTx
bodyContent =
TxBodyContent BuildTx
{ txIns = [(txin, BuildTxWith $ KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending)]
, txOuts =
TxOut @CtxTx recipient valueOut TxOutDatumNone ReferenceScriptNone
: [ TxOut @CtxTx
(valueIn <> negateValue valueOut)
(toTxContext datum)
| valueOut /= valueIn
, txFee = TxFeeExplicit $ Coin 0
, txValidityLowerBound = fromMaybe TxValidityNoLowerBound validityLowerBound
, txValidityUpperBound = fromMaybe TxValidityNoUpperBound validityUpperBound
adjustUTxO :: Tx -> UTxO -> UTxO
adjustUTxO :: Tx -> UTxO -> UTxO
adjustUTxO Tx
tx UTxO
utxo =
let txid :: TxIdType Tx
txid = Tx -> TxIdType Tx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId Tx
consumed :: [TxIn]
consumed = Tx -> [TxIn]
forall era. Tx era -> [TxIn]
txIns' Tx
produced :: UTxO
produced =
TxOut CtxTx -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era
forall era. TxOut CtxTx era -> TxOut CtxUTxO era
(TxOut CtxTx -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era) -> UTxO' (TxOut CtxTx) -> UTxO
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxTx)] -> UTxO' (TxOut CtxTx)
forall out. [(TxIn, out)] -> UTxO' out
fromPairs ((\(TxOut CtxTx
txout, Word
ix) -> (TxId -> TxIx -> TxIn
TxIn TxIdType Tx
txid (Word -> TxIx
TxIx Word
ix), TxOut CtxTx
txout)) ((TxOut CtxTx, Word) -> (TxIn, TxOut CtxTx))
-> [(TxOut CtxTx, Word)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxTx)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [TxOut CtxTx] -> [Word] -> [(TxOut CtxTx, Word)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip (Tx -> [TxOut CtxTx]
forall era. Tx era -> [TxOut CtxTx era]
txOuts' Tx
tx) [Word
0 ..])
utxo' :: UTxO
utxo' = [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> UTxO
forall out. [(TxIn, out)] -> UTxO' out
fromPairs ([(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> UTxO)
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> UTxO
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era) -> Bool)
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter (\(TxIn
txin, TxOut CtxUTxO Era
_) -> TxIn
txin TxIn -> [TxIn] -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable f, DisallowElem f, Eq a) =>
a -> f a -> Bool
`notElem` [TxIn]
consumed) ([(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)])
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTxO -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO Era)]
forall out. UTxO' out -> [(TxIn, out)]
pairs UTxO
in UTxO
utxo' UTxO -> UTxO -> UTxO
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> UTxO
genSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions :: Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
genSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions :: Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
genSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions = do
n <- Gen Int
numTxs <- (Int, Int) -> Gen Int
forall a. Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
choose (Int
1, Int
Int -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
genFixedSizeSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions Int
genFixedSizeSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions :: Int -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
genFixedSizeSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions :: Int -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
genFixedSizeSequenceOfSimplePaymentTransactions Int
numTxs = do
(VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk, SigningKey PaymentKey
sk) <- Gen (VerificationKey PaymentKey, SigningKey PaymentKey)
utxo <- VerificationKey PaymentKey -> Gen UTxO
genOneUTxOFor VerificationKey PaymentKey
_, [Tx]
txs) <- ((UTxO, [Tx]) -> Int -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx]))
-> (UTxO, [Tx]) -> [Int] -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) b a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldM (SigningKey PaymentKey -> (UTxO, [Tx]) -> Int -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
forall {f :: * -> *} {p}.
Applicative f =>
SigningKey PaymentKey -> (UTxO, [Tx]) -> p -> f (UTxO, [Tx])
go SigningKey PaymentKey
sk) (UTxO
utxo, []) [Int
1 .. Int
(UTxO, [Tx]) -> Gen (UTxO, [Tx])
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (UTxO
utxo, [Tx] -> [Tx]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [Tx]
testNetworkId :: NetworkId
testNetworkId = NetworkMagic -> NetworkId
Testnet (NetworkMagic -> NetworkId) -> NetworkMagic -> NetworkId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word32 -> NetworkMagic
NetworkMagic Word32
go :: SigningKey PaymentKey -> (UTxO, [Tx]) -> p -> f (UTxO, [Tx])
go SigningKey PaymentKey
sk (UTxO
utxo, [Tx]
txs) p
_ = do
case NetworkId
-> UTxO
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> Either Text Tx
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
-> UTxO
-> SigningKey PaymentKey
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> m Tx
mkTransferTx NetworkId
testNetworkId UTxO
utxo SigningKey PaymentKey
sk (SigningKey PaymentKey -> VerificationKey PaymentKey
forall keyrole.
(Key keyrole, HasTypeProxy keyrole) =>
SigningKey keyrole -> VerificationKey keyrole
getVerificationKey SigningKey PaymentKey
sk) of
Left Text
err -> Text -> f (UTxO, [Tx])
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error (Text -> f (UTxO, [Tx])) -> Text -> f (UTxO, [Tx])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"mkTransferTx failed: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
Right Tx
tx -> (UTxO, [Tx]) -> f (UTxO, [Tx])
forall a. a -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Tx -> UTxOType Tx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> UTxOType tx
utxoFromTx Tx
tx, Tx
tx Tx -> [Tx] -> [Tx]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Tx]
instance Arbitrary (Hash PaymentKey) where
arbitrary :: Gen (Hash PaymentKey)
arbitrary = HasCallStack => ByteString -> Hash PaymentKey
ByteString -> Hash PaymentKey
unsafePaymentKeyHashFromBytes (ByteString -> Hash PaymentKey)
-> ([Word8] -> ByteString) -> [Word8] -> Hash PaymentKey
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [Word8] -> ByteString
BS.pack ([Word8] -> Hash PaymentKey)
-> Gen [Word8] -> Gen (Hash PaymentKey)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Int -> Gen Word8 -> Gen [Word8]
forall a. Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf Int
28 Gen Word8
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a