module Hydra.Network.Ouroboros.Type where

import Hydra.Prelude

import Network.TypedProtocol.Codec
import Network.TypedProtocol.Core
import Ouroboros.Consensus.Util (ShowProxy (..))

-- | TODO explain Protocol
-- It is used both as a type level tag for the protocol and as the kind of the
-- types of the states in the protocol state machine. That is @FireForget@ is a
-- kind, and @StIdle@ is a type of that kind.
data FireForget msg where
  StIdle :: FireForget msg
  StDone :: FireForget msg

data SFireForget (st :: FireForget msg) where
  SingIdle :: SFireForget StIdle
  SingDone :: SFireForget StDone

deriving instance Show (SFireForget st)

instance StateTokenI StIdle where
  stateToken :: StateToken 'StIdle
stateToken = StateToken 'StIdle
SFireForget 'StIdle
forall {k} {msg :: k}. SFireForget 'StIdle
instance StateTokenI StDone where
  stateToken :: StateToken 'StDone
stateToken = StateToken 'StDone
SFireForget 'StDone
forall {k} {msg :: k}. SFireForget 'StDone

instance ShowProxy (FireForget msg) where
  showProxy :: Proxy (FireForget msg) -> String
showProxy Proxy (FireForget msg)
_ = String

instance Protocol (FireForget msg) where
  -- The actual messages in our protocol.
  -- Messages define the possible transitions between the protocol's state as defined
  -- by `FireForget`. In this particular case things are extremely simple: The protocol
  -- handles `Msg` containing some payload until terminated by `MsgDone`.
  data Message (FireForget msg) from to where
    MsgSend :: msg -> Message (FireForget msg) 'StIdle 'StIdle
    MsgDone :: Message (FireForget msg) 'StIdle 'StDone

  type StateAgency StIdle = ClientAgency
  type StateAgency StDone = NobodyAgency

  type StateToken = SFireForget

deriving stock instance Show msg => Show (Message (FireForget msg) from to)

deriving stock instance Eq msg => Eq (Message (FireForget msg) from to)