Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A Model of the Hydra head Protocol.

This model integrates in a single state-machine like abstraction the whole behaviour of a Hydra Head, taking into account both on-chain state and contracts, and off-chain interactions. It is written from the point of view of a pre-defined set of Hydra node operators that want to create a channel between them. It's a "happy path" model that does not implement any kind of adversarial behaviour and whose transactions are very simple: Each tx is a payment of one Ada-only UTxO transferred to another party in full, without any change.

More intricate and specialised models shall be developed once we get a firmer grasp of the whole framework, injecting faults, taking into account more parts of the stack, modelling more complex transactions schemes...


The Model

data WorldState Source #

State maintained by the model.




  • hydraParties :: [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]

    List of parties identified by both signing keys required to run protocol. This list must not contain any duplicated key.

  • hydraState :: GlobalState

    Expected consensus state All nodes should be in the same state.


Instances details
Show WorldState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

Eq WorldState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

DynLogicModel WorldState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


restricted :: Action WorldState a -> Bool

StateModel WorldState Source #

Basic instantiation of StateModel for our WorldState state.

Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

Associated Types

data Action WorldState a

type Error WorldState


actionName :: Action WorldState a -> String

arbitraryAction :: VarContext -> WorldState -> Gen (Any (Action WorldState))

shrinkAction :: Typeable a => VarContext -> WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> [Any (Action WorldState)]

initialState :: WorldState

nextState :: Typeable a => WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> Var a -> WorldState

failureNextState :: Typeable a => WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> WorldState

precondition :: WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> Bool

validFailingAction :: WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> Bool

HasVariables WorldState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


getAllVariables :: WorldState -> Set (Any Var)

(MonadAsync m, MonadFork m, MonadMask m, MonadTimer m, MonadThrow (STM m), MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadDelay m) => RunModel WorldState (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


perform :: Typeable a => WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> RunMonad m (PerformResult (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a))

postcondition :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Realized (RunMonad m) a -> PostconditionM (RunMonad m) Bool

postconditionOnFailure :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Either (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a) -> PostconditionM (RunMonad m) Bool

monitoring :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Either (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a) -> Property -> Property

monitoringFailure :: WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Error WorldState -> Property -> Property

Show (Action WorldState a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


showsPrec :: Int -> Action WorldState a -> ShowS Source #

show :: Action WorldState a -> String Source #

showList :: [Action WorldState a] -> ShowS Source #

Eq (Action WorldState a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


(==) :: Action WorldState a -> Action WorldState a -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: Action WorldState a -> Action WorldState a -> Bool Source #

HasVariables (Action WorldState a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


getAllVariables :: Action WorldState a -> Set (Any Var)

data Action WorldState a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

data Action WorldState a where
type Error WorldState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

type Error WorldState = Void

data GlobalState Source #

Global state of the Head protocol. While each participant in the Hydra Head protocol has its own private view of the state, we model the expected global state whose properties stem from the consensus built into the Head protocol. In other words, this state is what each node's local state should be eventually.



Start of the "world". This state is left implicit in the node's logic as it represents that state where the node does not even exist.












Instances details
Show GlobalState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

Eq GlobalState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

type Uncommitted = Map Party (UTxOType Payment) Source #

newtype OffChainState Source #





Instances details
Show OffChainState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

Eq OffChainState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

Generator Helper

genSeed :: Gen (Action WorldState ()) Source #

genToCommit :: (SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> Gen (Map Party [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]) Source #

genContestationPeriod :: Gen ContestationPeriod Source #

genDepositDeadline :: Gen DepositDeadline Source #

genInit :: [(SigningKey HydraKey, b)] -> Gen (Action WorldState ()) Source #

genPayment :: WorldState -> Gen (Party, Payment) Source #

partyKeys :: Gen [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)] Source #

Generate a list of pairs of Hydra/Cardano signing keys. All the keys in this list are guaranteed to be unique.

Running the model

data Nodes m Source #

Concrete state needed to run actions against the implementation. This state is used and might be updated when actually performing actions generated from the StateModel.




  • nodes :: Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx m)

    Map from party identifiers to a handle for interacting with a node.

  • logger :: Tracer m (HydraLog Tx ())

    Logger used by each node. The reason we put this here is because the concrete value needs to be instantiated upon the test run initialisation, outiside of the model.

  • threads :: [Async m ()]

    List of threads spawned when executing RunMonad

  • chain :: SimulatedChainNetwork Tx m


Instances details
MonadSTM m => MonadState (Nodes m) (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


get :: RunMonad m (Nodes m) Source #

put :: Nodes m -> RunMonad m () Source #

state :: (Nodes m -> (a, Nodes m)) -> RunMonad m a Source #

newtype RunState m Source #





Instances details
Monad m => MonadReader (RunState m) (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


ask :: RunMonad m (RunState m) Source #

local :: (RunState m -> RunState m) -> RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m a Source #

reader :: (RunState m -> a) -> RunMonad m a Source #

newtype RunMonad m a Source #

Our execution MonadTransformer.

This type is needed in order to keep the execution monad m abstract and thus simplify the definition of the RunModel instance which requires a proper definition of Realized type family. See this issue for a discussion on why this monad is needed.

We could perhaps getaway with it and just have a type based on IOSim monad but this is cumbersome to write.





Instances details
MonadTrans RunMonad Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


lift :: Monad m => m a -> RunMonad m a Source #

(MonadAsync m, MonadFork m, MonadMask m, MonadTimer m, MonadThrow (STM m), MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadDelay m) => RunModel WorldState (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


perform :: Typeable a => WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> RunMonad m (PerformResult (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a))

postcondition :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Realized (RunMonad m) a -> PostconditionM (RunMonad m) Bool

postconditionOnFailure :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Either (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a) -> PostconditionM (RunMonad m) Bool

monitoring :: (WorldState, WorldState) -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Either (Error WorldState) (Realized (RunMonad m) a) -> Property -> Property

monitoringFailure :: WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> LookUp (RunMonad m) -> Error WorldState -> Property -> Property

Applicative m => Applicative (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


pure :: a -> RunMonad m a Source #

(<*>) :: RunMonad m (a -> b) -> RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m c Source #

(*>) :: RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m b Source #

(<*) :: RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


fmap :: (a -> b) -> RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b Source #

(<$) :: a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m a Source #

Monad m => Monad (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


(>>=) :: RunMonad m a -> (a -> RunMonad m b) -> RunMonad m b Source #

(>>) :: RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m b Source #

return :: a -> RunMonad m a Source #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


throwIO :: Exception e => e -> RunMonad m a

bracket :: RunMonad m a -> (a -> RunMonad m b) -> (a -> RunMonad m c) -> RunMonad m c

bracket_ :: RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m c -> RunMonad m c

finally :: RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m b -> RunMonad m a

Monad m => MonadReader (RunState m) (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


ask :: RunMonad m (RunState m) Source #

local :: (RunState m -> RunState m) -> RunMonad m a -> RunMonad m a Source #

reader :: (RunState m -> a) -> RunMonad m a Source #

MonadSTM m => MonadState (Nodes m) (RunMonad m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model


get :: RunMonad m (Nodes m) Source #

put :: Nodes m -> RunMonad m () Source #

state :: (Nodes m -> (a, Nodes m)) -> RunMonad m a Source #

type Realized (RunMonad m) a Source #

This type family is needed to link the _actual_ output from runnign actions with the ones that are modelled.

In our case we can keep things simple and use the same types on both side of the fence.

Instance details

Defined in Hydra.Model

type Realized (RunMonad m) a = a

Performing actions

seedWorld :: (MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m, MonadThrow (STM m), MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadFork m, MonadMask m, MonadDelay m) => [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)] -> ContestationPeriod -> DepositDeadline -> Uncommitted -> RunMonad m () Source #

performCommit :: (MonadThrow m, MonadTimer m) => [CardanoSigningKey] -> Party -> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> RunMonad m ActualCommitted Source #

performDecommit :: (MonadThrow m, MonadTimer m, MonadAsync m, MonadDelay m) => Party -> Payment -> RunMonad m () Source #

performNewTx :: (MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m, MonadDelay m) => Party -> Payment -> RunMonad m Payment Source #

waitForOpen :: MonadDelay m => TestHydraClient tx m -> RunMonad m () Source #

Wait for the head to be open by searching from the beginning. Note that there rollbacks or multiple life-cycles of heads are not handled here.

waitForReadyToFanout :: MonadDelay m => TestHydraClient tx m -> RunMonad m () Source #

Wait for the head to be closed by searching from the beginning. Note that there rollbacks or multiple life-cycles of heads are not handled here.

sendsInput :: (MonadSTM m, MonadThrow m) => Party -> ClientInput Tx -> RunMonad m () Source #

performInit :: (MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m) => Party -> RunMonad m () Source #

performAbort :: (MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m) => Party -> RunMonad m () Source #

performClose :: (MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m, MonadDelay m) => Party -> RunMonad m () Source #

performFanout :: (MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadDelay m) => Party -> RunMonad m UTxO Source #

performCloseWithInitialSnapshot :: (MonadThrow m, MonadTimer m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) => WorldState -> Party -> RunMonad m () Source #

performRollbackAndForward :: (MonadThrow m, MonadTimer m) => Natural -> RunMonad m () Source #

stopTheWorld :: MonadAsync m => RunMonad m () Source #

Utility functions

toTxOuts :: [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> [TxOut CtxUTxO] Source #

Convert payment-style utxos into transaction outputs.

toRealUTxO :: UTxOType Payment -> UTxOType Tx Source #

Convert payment-style utxos into real utxos. The Payment tx domain is smaller than UTxO and we map every unique signer + value entry to a mocked TxIn on the real cardano domain.

mkTxOut :: CardanoSigningKey -> Value -> TxOut CtxUTxO Source #

showFromAction :: (Show a => b) -> Action WorldState a -> b Source #

Bring Show instance in scope drawing it from the Action type.

This is a neat trick to provide showable results from action in a context where there's no explicit `Show a` instance, eg. in the monitoring and postcondition functions. We don't have access to an a directly because its value depends on type family Realized.

(===) :: (Eq a, Show a, Monad m) => a -> a -> PostconditionM m Bool Source #

Like ===, but works in PostconditionM.

waitForUTxOToSpend :: forall m. (MonadTimer m, MonadDelay m) => UTxO -> CardanoSigningKey -> Value -> TestHydraClient Tx m -> m (Either UTxO (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)) Source #

isOwned :: CardanoSigningKey -> (TxIn, TxOut ctx) -> Bool Source #

headIsOpen :: ServerOutput tx -> Bool Source #

headIsReadyToFanout :: ServerOutput tx -> Bool Source #