{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

module Hydra.BehaviorSpec where

import Hydra.Prelude
import Test.Hydra.Prelude hiding (shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldReturn, shouldSatisfy)

import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM (
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadAsync (Async, MonadAsync (async), cancel, forConcurrently_)
import Control.Monad.IOSim (IOSim, runSimTrace, selectTraceEventsDynamic)
import Data.List ((!!))
import Data.List qualified as List
import Hydra.API.ClientInput
import Hydra.API.Server (Server (..))
import Hydra.API.ServerOutput (DecommitInvalidReason (..), ServerOutput (..))
import Hydra.Cardano.Api (SigningKey)
import Hydra.Chain (
  Chain (..),
  ChainEvent (..),
  OnChainTx (..),
  PostChainTx (..),
import Hydra.Chain.ChainState (ChainSlot (ChainSlot), ChainStateType, IsChainState, chainStateSlot)
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.Handlers (getLatest, newLocalChainState, pushNew, rollback)
import Hydra.HeadLogic (Effect (..), HeadState (..), IdleState (..), Input (..), defaultTTL)
import Hydra.HeadLogicSpec (testSnapshot)
import Hydra.Ledger (Ledger, nextChainSlot)
import Hydra.Ledger.Simple (SimpleChainState (..), SimpleTx (..), aValidTx, simpleLedger, utxoRef, utxoRefs)
import Hydra.Logging (Tracer)
import Hydra.Network (Network (..))
import Hydra.Network.Message (Message, NetworkEvent (..))
import Hydra.Node (DraftHydraNode (..), HydraNode (..), HydraNodeLog (..), connect, createNodeState, queryHeadState, runHydraNode, waitDelay)
import Hydra.Node.InputQueue (InputQueue (enqueue), createInputQueue)
import Hydra.NodeSpec (createMockSourceSink)
import Hydra.Tx.ContestationPeriod (ContestationPeriod (UnsafeContestationPeriod), toNominalDiffTime)
import Hydra.Tx.Crypto (HydraKey, aggregate, sign)
import Hydra.Tx.DepositDeadline (DepositDeadline (UnsafeDepositDeadline))
import Hydra.Tx.Environment (Environment (..))
import Hydra.Tx.IsTx (IsTx (..))
import Hydra.Tx.Party (Party (..), deriveParty, getParty)
import Hydra.Tx.Snapshot (Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber, getSnapshot)
import Test.Hydra.Tx.Fixture (
import Test.Util (shouldBe, shouldNotBe, shouldRunInSim, traceInIOSim)

spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = Spec -> Spec
forall a. SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
parallel (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Sanity tests of test suite" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"does not delay for real" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      -- If it works, it simulates a lot of time passing within 1 second
      NominalDiffTime -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadTimer m, MonadThrow m) =>
NominalDiffTime -> m a -> m a
failAfter NominalDiffTime
1 (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          DiffTime -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => DiffTime -> m ()
threadDelay DiffTime

  String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Single participant Head" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"accepts Init command" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n ->
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"accepts Commit after successful Init" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can close an open head" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
ServerOutput tx -> m ()

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"does not fanout automatically" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
ServerOutput tx -> m ()
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> ServerOutput tx
ReadyToFanout HeadId
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> NominalDiffTime -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadTimer m, MonadThrow m, IsChainState tx) =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> NominalDiffTime -> m ()
nothingHappensFor TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 NominalDiffTime

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"does finalize head after contestation period upon command" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
ServerOutput tx -> m ()
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> ServerOutput tx
ReadyToFanout HeadId
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

  String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Two participant Head" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"only opens the head after all nodes committed" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]

              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              let veryLong :: IOSim s a -> IOSim s (Maybe a)
veryLong = DiffTime -> IOSim s a -> IOSim s (Maybe a)
forall a. DiffTime -> IOSim s a -> IOSim s (Maybe a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadTimer m =>
DiffTime -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
timeout DiffTime
              IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> IOSim s (Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
forall {a}. IOSim s a -> IOSim s (Maybe a)
veryLong (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1) IOSim s (Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
-> (Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, Eq a, Show a) =>
a -> a -> m ()
`shouldNotBe` ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
bob, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
bob (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can abort and re-open a head when one party has not committed" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsAborted{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"cannot abort head when commits have been collected" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
bob, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer

              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx

              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx a.
MonadThrow m =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a) -> m a
waitMatch TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                CommandFailed{} -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard Bool
                ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"ignores head initialization of other head" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
              -- We expect bob to ignore alice's head which he is not part of
              -- although bob's configuration would includes alice as a
              -- peerconfigured)
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx a.
MonadThrow m =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a) -> m a
waitMatch TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, [Party]
parties :: [Party]
$sel:parties:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> [Party]
parties} ->
                  Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Bool -> Maybe ()) -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& [Party]
parties [Party] -> [Party] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== [Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
                ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"outputs committed utxo when client requests it" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx

              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
GetUTxOResponse HeadId
testHeadId ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

    String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"in an open head" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"sees the head closed by other nodes" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosedWith SnapshotNumber

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"valid new transactions are seen by all parties" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                let tx :: SimpleTx
tx = Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
42 SimpleTx

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"valid new transactions get snapshotted" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                let tx :: SimpleTx
tx = Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
42 SimpleTx

                let snapshot :: Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot = HeadId
-> SnapshotVersion
-> SnapshotNumber
-> [SimpleTx]
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
-> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> SnapshotVersion
-> SnapshotNumber
-> [tx]
-> UTxOType tx
-> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
-> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
-> Snapshot tx
Snapshot HeadId
testHeadId SnapshotVersion
0 SnapshotNumber
1 [SimpleTx
tx] ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
2, Integer
42]) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
forall a. Monoid a => a
                    sigs :: MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
sigs = [Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)]
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall {k} (a :: k). [Signature a] -> MultiSignature a
aggregate [SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot, SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk Snapshot SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> Snapshot tx -> MultiSignature (Snapshot tx) -> ServerOutput tx
SnapshotConfirmed HeadId
testHeadId Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)

                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. IOSim s a -> (a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosedWith SnapshotNumber

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"snapshots are created as long as transactions to snapshot exist" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                -- Load the "ingest queue" of the head enough to have still
                -- pending transactions after a first snapshot request by
                -- alice. Note that we are in a deterministic simulation here.
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx)
-> SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx)
-> SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx)
-> SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer

                -- Expect alice to create a snapshot from the first requested
                -- transaction right away which is the current snapshot policy.
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                  SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{SnapshotNumber
number :: SnapshotNumber
$sel:number:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number, [SimpleTx]
confirmed :: [SimpleTx]
$sel:confirmed:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> [tx]
confirmed}} ->
number SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
1 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& [SimpleTx]
confirmed [SimpleTx] -> [SimpleTx] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== [Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                  ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                -- Expect bob to also snapshot what did "not fit" into the first
                -- snapshot.
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                  SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{SnapshotNumber
$sel:number:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number :: SnapshotNumber
number, [SimpleTx]
$sel:confirmed:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> [tx]
confirmed :: [SimpleTx]
confirmed}} ->
                    -- NOTE: We sort the confirmed to be clear that the order may
                    -- be freely picked by the leader.
number SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
2 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& [SimpleTx] -> [SimpleTx]
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort [SimpleTx]
confirmed [SimpleTx] -> [SimpleTx] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== [Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
41, Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                  ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                -- As there are no pending transactions and snapshots anymore
                -- we expect to continue normally on seeing just another tx.
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx)
-> SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                  SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{SnapshotNumber
$sel:number:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number :: SnapshotNumber
number, [SimpleTx]
$sel:confirmed:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> [tx]
confirmed :: [SimpleTx]
confirmed}} ->
number SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
3 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& [SimpleTx]
confirmed [SimpleTx] -> [SimpleTx] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== [Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                  ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"depending transactions stay pending and are confirmed in order" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                let firstTx :: SimpleTx
firstTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                let secondTx :: SimpleTx
secondTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
3) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                -- Expect secondTx to be valid, but not applicable and stay pending
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx

                -- Expect a snapshot of the firstTx transaction
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                  let snapshot :: Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot = SnapshotNumber
-> SnapshotVersion
-> [SimpleTx]
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
forall tx.
Monoid (UTxOType tx) =>
-> SnapshotVersion -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Snapshot tx
testSnapshot SnapshotNumber
1 SnapshotVersion
0 [SimpleTx
firstTx] ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer
                      sigs :: MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
sigs = [Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)]
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall {k} (a :: k). [Signature a] -> MultiSignature a
aggregate [SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot, SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk Snapshot SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> Snapshot tx -> MultiSignature (Snapshot tx) -> ServerOutput tx
SnapshotConfirmed HeadId
testHeadId Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)

                -- Expect a snapshot of the now unblocked secondTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
2 SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                  let snapshot :: Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot = SnapshotNumber
-> SnapshotVersion
-> [SimpleTx]
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
forall tx.
Monoid (UTxOType tx) =>
-> SnapshotVersion -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Snapshot tx
testSnapshot SnapshotNumber
2 SnapshotVersion
0 [SimpleTx
secondTx] ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer
                      sigs :: MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
sigs = [Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)]
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall {k} (a :: k). [Signature a] -> MultiSignature a
aggregate [SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot, SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk Snapshot SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> Snapshot tx -> MultiSignature (Snapshot tx) -> ServerOutput tx
SnapshotConfirmed HeadId
testHeadId Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"depending transactions expire if not applicable in time" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                let firstTx :: SimpleTx
firstTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                let secondTx :: SimpleTx
secondTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
3) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                -- Expect secondTx to be valid, but not applicable and stay pending
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                -- If we wait too long, secondTx will expire
                DiffTime -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => DiffTime -> m ()
threadDelay (DiffTime -> IOSim s ()) -> DiffTime -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Natural -> DiffTime
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Natural
defaultTTL DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* DiffTime
waitDelay DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ DiffTime
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
transaction :: SimpleTx
$sel:transaction:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> tx
transaction} -> SimpleTx
transaction SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SimpleTx
                  ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 SimpleTx

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"sending two conflicting transactions should lead one being confirmed and one expired" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                let tx' :: SimpleTx
tx' =
                        { $sel:txSimpleId:SimpleTx :: Integer
txSimpleId = Integer
                        , $sel:txInputs:SimpleTx :: UTxOType SimpleTx
txInputs = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                        , $sel:txOutputs:SimpleTx :: UTxOType SimpleTx
txOutputs = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                    tx'' :: SimpleTx
tx'' =
                        { $sel:txSimpleId:SimpleTx :: Integer
txSimpleId = Integer
                        , $sel:txInputs:SimpleTx :: UTxOType SimpleTx
txInputs = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                        , $sel:txOutputs:SimpleTx :: UTxOType SimpleTx
txOutputs = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                  let snapshot :: Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot = SnapshotNumber
-> SnapshotVersion
-> [SimpleTx]
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
forall tx.
Monoid (UTxOType tx) =>
-> SnapshotVersion -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Snapshot tx
testSnapshot SnapshotNumber
1 SnapshotVersion
0 [SimpleTx
tx'] ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer
                      sigs :: MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
sigs = [Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)]
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall {k} (a :: k). [Signature a] -> MultiSignature a
aggregate [SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot, SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk Snapshot SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> Snapshot tx -> MultiSignature (Snapshot tx) -> ServerOutput tx
SnapshotConfirmed HeadId
testHeadId Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
$sel:transaction:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> tx
transaction :: SimpleTx
transaction} -> SimpleTx
transaction SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SimpleTx
                  ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

      String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"outputs utxo from confirmed snapshot when client requests it" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
          (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                let newTx :: SimpleTx
newTx = (Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
42){txInputs = utxoRefs [1]}
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx

                let snapshot :: Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot = SnapshotNumber
-> SnapshotVersion
-> [SimpleTx]
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
forall tx.
Monoid (UTxOType tx) =>
-> SnapshotVersion -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Snapshot tx
testSnapshot SnapshotNumber
1 SnapshotVersion
0 [SimpleTx
newTx] ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer
                    sigs :: MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
sigs = [Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)]
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall {k} (a :: k). [Signature a] -> MultiSignature a
aggregate [SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot, SigningKey HydraKey
-> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
forall a.
SignableRepresentation a =>
SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a
sign SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk Snapshot SimpleTx

                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
-> Snapshot SimpleTx
-> MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx.
-> Snapshot tx -> MultiSignature (Snapshot tx) -> ServerOutput tx
SnapshotConfirmed HeadId
testHeadId Snapshot SimpleTx
snapshot MultiSignature (Snapshot SimpleTx)

                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx

                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
GetUTxOResponse HeadId
testHeadId ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer

      String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Commit" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"requested commits get approved" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
injectChainEvent TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, UTxOType SimpleTx
$sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> UTxOType tx
utxo :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo} -> HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Key (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool
forall t. StaticMap t => Key t -> t -> Bool
member Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can process multiple commits" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let depositUTxO2 :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2 = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2 Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
2 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
2, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
                  let normalTx :: SimpleTx
normalTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
3 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
3 SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
22 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
3, Integer
11, Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can process transactions while commit pending" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  let normalTx :: SimpleTx
normalTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                    SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{[SimpleTx]
$sel:confirmed:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> [tx]
confirmed :: [SimpleTx]
confirmed}} -> SimpleTx
normalTx SimpleTx -> [SimpleTx] -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable f, DisallowElem f, Eq a) =>
a -> f a -> Bool
`elem` [SimpleTx]
                    ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
3, Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can close with commit in flight" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber
$sel:snapshotNumber:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber} -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
2, Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"fanout utxo is correct after a commit" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can do new deposit once the first one has settled" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  let depositUTxO2 :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2 = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline2 :: UTCTime
deadline2 = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2 Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
2 UTCTime
deadline2, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO2, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
2, $sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline = UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
111 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer
2, Integer
11, Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"multiple commits and decommits in sequence" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx

                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
Decommit SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToDecommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToDecommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToDecommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
42 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
-> TxIdType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitApproved HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
decommitTx) ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitFinalized HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
2, Integer
        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"commit and decommit same utxo" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let depositUTxO :: UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
                    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                    Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId
-> UTxOType SimpleTx
-> TxIdType SimpleTx
-> UTCTime
-> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx.
HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> TxIdType tx -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnDepositTx HeadId
testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitRecorded{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxoToCommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToCommit = Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
depositUTxO, $sel:pendingDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
pendingDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, UTCTime
$sel:deadline:PeerConnected :: UTCTime
deadline :: UTCTime
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToCommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToCommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToCommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:theDeposit:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
theDeposit = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, UTxOType SimpleTx
$sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> UTxOType tx
utxo :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo} -> HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Key (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool
forall t. StaticMap t => Key t -> t -> Bool
member Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
11) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
Decommit SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToDecommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToDecommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToDecommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
88 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
-> TxIdType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitApproved HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
decommitTx) ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitFinalized HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, UTxOType SimpleTx
$sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> UTxOType tx
utxo :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo} -> HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool -> Bool
not (Key (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool
forall t. StaticMap t => Key t -> t -> Bool
member Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
11 Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

      String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Decommit" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can request decommit" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
Decommit SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"requested decommits get approved" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
Decommit SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
$sel:utxoToDecommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToDecommit :: Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
utxoToDecommit}} ->
-> (Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool) -> Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Bool
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe Bool
False (Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
42 `member`) Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut)
Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx)
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
-> TxIdType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitApproved HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
decommitTx) ([Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> ServerOutput tx
DecommitFinalized HeadId
testHeadId (SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, UTxOType SimpleTx
$sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> UTxOType tx
utxo :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo} -> HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool -> Bool
not (Key (Set SimpleTxOut) -> Set SimpleTxOut -> Bool
forall t. StaticMap t => Key t -> t -> Bool
member Key (Set SimpleTxOut)
42 Set SimpleTxOut
UTxOType SimpleTx
                      ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can only process one decommit at once" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let decommitTx1 :: SimpleTx
decommitTx1 = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (Decommit{$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
decommitTx1, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

                  let decommitTx2 :: SimpleTx
decommitTx2 = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      { $sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                      , $sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
                      , $sel:decommitInvalidReason:PeerConnected :: DecommitInvalidReason SimpleTx
decommitInvalidReason = DecommitAlreadyInFlight{$sel:otherDecommitTxId:DecommitTxInvalid :: TxIdType SimpleTx
otherDecommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
decommitTx2, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can process transactions while decommit pending" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitRequested{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:PeerConnected :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                    DecommitApproved{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
1, $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

                  let normalTx :: SimpleTx
normalTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                    SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{[SimpleTx]
$sel:confirmed:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> [tx]
confirmed :: [SimpleTx]
confirmed}} -> SimpleTx
normalTx SimpleTx -> [SimpleTx] -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable f, DisallowElem f, Eq a) =>
a -> f a -> Bool
`elem` [SimpleTx]
                    ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecommitFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can close with decommit in flight" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx

                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx a.
MonadThrow m =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a) -> m a
waitMatch TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Maybe ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, SnapshotNumber
$sel:snapshotNumber:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber} -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Bool -> Maybe ()) -> Bool -> Maybe ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId
headId HeadId -> HeadId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== HeadId
testHeadId Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
                    ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a

                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"fanout utxo is correct after a decommit" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      { $sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                      , $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                      , $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer

        String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can fanout with empty utxo" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
                  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
                  let decommitTx :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
1 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
1) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (Decommit{SimpleTx
$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx :: SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      { $sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                      , $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                      , $sel:utxoToDecommit:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoToDecommit = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      { $sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                      , $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                  let decommitTx2 :: SimpleTx
decommitTx2 = Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx
SimpleTx Integer
2 (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
2) (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (Decommit{$sel:decommitTx:Init :: SimpleTx
decommitTx = SimpleTx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                      { $sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                      , $sel:decommitTxId:PeerConnected :: TxIdType SimpleTx
decommitTxId = SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx
forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx
txId SimpleTx
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadyToFanout{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
                  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs []}

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"can be finalized by all parties after contestation period" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
 -> IOSim s (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b c.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
>=> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
ServerOutput tx -> m ()
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> ServerOutput tx
ReadyToFanout HeadId
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsFinalized{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"contest automatically when detecting closing with old snapshot" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [Party
bob] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ->
            SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
bobSk [Party
alice] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 -> do
              SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)

              -- Perform a transaction to produce the latest snapshot, number 1
              let tx :: SimpleTx
tx = Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
                SnapshotConfirmed{$sel:snapshot:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Snapshot tx
snapshot = Snapshot{SnapshotNumber
$sel:number:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number :: SnapshotNumber
number}} -> SnapshotNumber
number SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
                ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

              -- Have n1 & n2 observe a close with not the latest snapshot
              let deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = Gen UTCTime
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Gen UTCTime -> Int -> UTCTime
forall a. Gen a -> Int -> a
`generateWith` Int
              -- XXX: This is a bit cumbersome and maybe even incorrect (chain
              -- states), the simulated chain should provide a way to inject an
              -- 'OnChainTx' without providing a chain state?
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
injectChainEvent TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId -> SnapshotNumber -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> SnapshotNumber -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnCloseTx HeadId
testHeadId SnapshotNumber
0 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
              TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ChainEvent SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
injectChainEvent TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 Observation{$sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx SimpleTx
observedTx = HeadId -> SnapshotNumber -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> SnapshotNumber -> UTCTime -> OnChainTx tx
OnCloseTx HeadId
testHeadId SnapshotNumber
0 UTCTime
deadline, $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType SimpleTx
newChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural

              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
$sel:snapshotNumber:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber} -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
                ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

              -- Expect n1 to contest with latest snapshot, number 1
              [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] ((ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ())
-> (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
$sel:snapshotNumber:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber} -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SnapshotNumber
                ServerOutput SimpleTx
_ -> Bool

  String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"Hydra Node Logging" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"traces processing of events" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      let result :: SimTrace ()
result = (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> SimTrace a
runSimTrace ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
                SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

          logs :: [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
logs = forall a b. Typeable b => SimTrace a -> [b]
selectTraceEventsDynamic @_ @(HydraNodeLog SimpleTx) SimTrace ()

      [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
        [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> IO ()
forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> IO ()
`shouldContain` [Party -> Word64 -> Input SimpleTx -> HydraNodeLog SimpleTx
forall tx. Party -> Word64 -> Input tx -> HydraNodeLog tx
BeginInput Party
alice Word64
0 (ClientInput SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx -> Input tx
ClientInput ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
      [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
        [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> IO ()
forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> IO ()
`shouldContain` [Party -> Word64 -> HydraNodeLog SimpleTx
forall tx. Party -> Word64 -> HydraNodeLog tx
EndInput Party
alice Word64

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"traces handling of effects" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      let result :: SimTrace ()
result = (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> SimTrace a
runSimTrace ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> SimTrace ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
            (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
              SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
                TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
                [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]

          logs :: [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
logs = forall a b. Typeable b => SimTrace a -> [b]
selectTraceEventsDynamic @_ @(HydraNodeLog SimpleTx) SimTrace ()

      [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
logs [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> IO ()
forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> IO ()
`shouldContain` [Party
-> Word64 -> Word32 -> Effect SimpleTx -> HydraNodeLog SimpleTx
forall tx.
Party -> Word64 -> Word32 -> Effect tx -> HydraNodeLog tx
BeginEffect Party
alice Word64
2 Word32
0 (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx
forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> Effect tx
ClientEffect (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx)
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
      [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx]
logs [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> [HydraNodeLog SimpleTx] -> IO ()
forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> IO ()
`shouldContain` [Party -> Word64 -> Word32 -> HydraNodeLog SimpleTx
forall tx. Party -> Word64 -> Word32 -> HydraNodeLog tx
EndEffect Party
alice Word64
2 Word32

  String -> Spec -> Spec
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
describe String
"rolling back & forward does not make the node crash" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"does work for rollbacks past init" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            -- We expect the Init to be rolled back and forward again
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> Natural -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> Natural -> m ()
rollbackAndForward SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain Natural
            -- We expect the node to still work and let us commit
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer

    String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a.
(HasCallStack, Example a) =>
String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
it String
"does work for rollbacks past open" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())))
-> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> IO a
shouldRunInSim ((forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ())
-> (forall s. IOSim s ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ((SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
 -> IOSim s ())
-> (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ->
          SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ())
-> IOSim s ()
forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
aliceSk [] SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ((TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ())
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()) -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 -> do
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
            -- We expect one Commit AND the CollectCom to be rolled back and
            -- forward again
            SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> Natural -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> Natural -> m ()
rollbackAndForward SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain Natural
            -- We expect the node to still work and let us post L2 transactions
            let tx :: SimpleTx
tx = Integer -> SimpleTx
aValidTx Integer
            TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 (SimpleTx -> ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. tx -> ClientInput tx
NewTx SimpleTx
            [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> TxIdType SimpleTx -> SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> TxIdType tx -> tx -> ServerOutput tx
TxValid HeadId
testHeadId Integer
TxIdType SimpleTx
42 SimpleTx

-- | Wait for some output at some node(s) to be produced /eventually/. See
-- 'waitUntilMatch' for how long it waits.
waitUntil ::
  (HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m, IsChainState tx) =>
  [TestHydraClient tx m] ->
  ServerOutput tx ->
  m ()
waitUntil :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient tx m]
nodes ServerOutput tx
expected =
  [TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient tx m]
nodes (ServerOutput tx -> ServerOutput tx -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== ServerOutput tx

-- | Wait for some output to match some predicate /eventually/. This will not
-- wait forever, but for a long time (1 month) to get a nice error location.
-- Should not be an issue when used within `shouldRunInSim`, this was even 1000
-- years before - but we since we are having the protocol produce 'Tick' events
-- constantly this would be fully simulated to the end.
waitUntilMatch ::
  (Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m) =>
  [TestHydraClient tx m] ->
  (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) ->
  m ()
waitUntilMatch :: forall tx (m :: * -> *).
(Show (ServerOutput tx), HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m,
 MonadTimer m) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> (ServerOutput tx -> Bool) -> m ()
waitUntilMatch [TestHydraClient tx m]
nodes ServerOutput tx -> Bool
predicate = do
  TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
seenMsgs <- [ServerOutput tx] -> m (TVar m [ServerOutput tx])
forall a. a -> m (TVar m a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> m (TVar m a)
newTVarIO []
  DiffTime -> m () -> m (Maybe ())
forall a. DiffTime -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadTimer m =>
DiffTime -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
timeout DiffTime
oneMonth ([TestHydraClient tx m] -> (TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable f, MonadAsync m) =>
f a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forConcurrently_ [TestHydraClient tx m]
nodes ((TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()) -> m ())
-> (TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TVar m [ServerOutput tx] -> TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()
match TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
seenMsgs) m (Maybe ()) -> (Maybe () -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
    Just ()
x -> () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
    Maybe ()
Nothing -> do
      [ServerOutput tx]
msgs <- TVar m [ServerOutput tx] -> m [ServerOutput tx]
forall a. TVar m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> m a
readTVarIO TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
      String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
String -> m a
failure (String -> m ()) -> String -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        Text -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString (Text -> String) -> Text -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          [Text] -> Text
forall t. IsText t "unlines" => [t] -> t
            [ Text
"waitUntilMatch did not match a message within " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> DiffTime -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show DiffTime
oneMonth Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
", seen messages:"
            , [Text] -> Text
forall t. IsText t "unlines" => [t] -> t
unlines (ServerOutput tx -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show (ServerOutput tx -> Text) -> [ServerOutput tx] -> [Text]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [ServerOutput tx]
  match :: TVar m [ServerOutput tx] -> TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()
match TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
seenMsgs TestHydraClient tx m
n = do
    ServerOutput tx
msg <- TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient tx m
    STM m () -> m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> ([ServerOutput tx] -> [ServerOutput tx]) -> STM m ()
forall a. TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
modifyTVar' TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
seenMsgs (ServerOutput tx
msg :))
    Bool -> m () -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (ServerOutput tx -> Bool
predicate ServerOutput tx
msg) (m () -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      TVar m [ServerOutput tx] -> TestHydraClient tx m -> m ()
match TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
seenMsgs TestHydraClient tx m

  oneMonth :: DiffTime
oneMonth = DiffTime
3600 DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* DiffTime
24 DiffTime -> DiffTime -> DiffTime
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* DiffTime

-- | Wait for an output matching the predicate and extracting some value. This
-- will loop forever until a match has been found.
waitMatch ::
  MonadThrow m =>
  TestHydraClient tx m ->
  (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a) ->
  m a
waitMatch :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx a.
MonadThrow m =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a) -> m a
waitMatch TestHydraClient tx m
node ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a
predicate =
  m a
  go :: m a
go = do
    ServerOutput tx
next <- TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient tx m
    m a -> (a -> m a) -> Maybe a -> m a
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe m a
go a -> m a
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ServerOutput tx -> Maybe a
predicate ServerOutput tx

-- XXX: The names of the following handles and functions are confusing.

-- | A thin client layer around 'HydraNode' to be interact with it through
-- 'send', 'waitForNext', access all outputs and inject events through the test
-- chain.
data TestHydraClient tx m = TestHydraClient
  { forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send :: ClientInput tx -> m ()
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext :: m (ServerOutput tx)
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
injectChainEvent :: ChainEvent tx -> m ()
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m [ServerOutput tx]
serverOutputs :: m [ServerOutput tx]
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *). TestHydraClient tx m -> m (HeadState tx)
queryState :: m (HeadState tx)

-- | A simulated chain that just echoes 'PostChainTx' as 'Observation's of
-- 'OnChainTx' onto all connected nodes. It can also 'rollbackAndForward' any
-- number of these "transactions".
data SimulatedChainNetwork tx m = SimulatedChainNetwork
  { forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
-> DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
connectNode :: DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *). SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> Async m ()
tickThread :: Async m ()
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> Natural -> m ()
rollbackAndForward :: Natural -> m ()
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
  , forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
closeWithInitialSnapshot :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()

dummySimulatedChainNetwork :: SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
dummySimulatedChainNetwork :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
dummySimulatedChainNetwork =
    { $sel:connectNode:SimulatedChainNetwork :: DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
connectNode = \DraftHydraNode tx m
_ -> Text -> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
    , $sel:tickThread:SimulatedChainNetwork :: Async m ()
tickThread = Text -> Async m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
    , $sel:rollbackAndForward:SimulatedChainNetwork :: Natural -> m ()
rollbackAndForward = \Natural
_ -> Text -> m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
    , $sel:simulateCommit:SimulatedChainNetwork :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit = \(Party, UTxOType tx)
_ -> Text -> m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
    , $sel:closeWithInitialSnapshot:SimulatedChainNetwork :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
closeWithInitialSnapshot = \(Party
_, UTxOType tx
_) -> Text -> m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text

-- | With-pattern wrapper around 'simulatedChainAndNetwork' which does 'cancel'
-- the 'tickThread'. Also, this will fix tx to 'SimpleTx' so that it can pick an
-- initial chain state to play back to our test nodes.
-- NOTE: The simulated network has a block time of 20 (simulated) seconds.
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork ::
  (MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
  (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) ->
  m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m) =>
(SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()) -> m ()
withSimulatedChainAndNetwork SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()
action = do
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m
chain <- ChainStateType SimpleTx -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, IsChainStateTest tx) =>
ChainStateType tx -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m)
simulatedChainAndNetwork SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> m ()
action SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m
  Async m () -> m ()
forall a. Async m a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadAsync m => Async m a -> m ()
cancel (Async m () -> m ()) -> Async m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m -> Async m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *). SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> Async m ()
tickThread SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx m

-- | Class to manipulate the chain state by advancing it's slot in
-- 'simulatedChainAndNetwork'.
class IsChainState a => IsChainStateTest a where
  advanceSlot :: ChainStateType a -> ChainStateType a

instance IsChainStateTest SimpleTx where
  advanceSlot :: ChainStateType SimpleTx -> ChainStateType SimpleTx
advanceSlot SimpleChainState{ChainSlot
$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: SimpleChainState -> ChainSlot
slot :: ChainSlot
slot} = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = ChainSlot -> ChainSlot
nextChainSlot ChainSlot

-- | Creates a simulated chain and network to which 'HydraNode's can be
-- connected to using 'connectNode'. NOTE: The 'tickThread' needs to be
-- 'cancel'ed after use. Use 'withSimulatedChainAndNetwork' instead where
-- possible.
simulatedChainAndNetwork ::
  forall m tx.
  (MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, IsChainStateTest tx) =>
  ChainStateType tx ->
  m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m)
simulatedChainAndNetwork :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadTime m, MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, IsChainStateTest tx) =>
ChainStateType tx -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m)
simulatedChainAndNetwork ChainStateType tx
initialChainState = do
  TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history <- [ChainEvent tx] -> m (TVar m [ChainEvent tx])
forall a. a -> m (TVar m a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> m (TVar m a)
newTVarIO []
  TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes <- [HydraNode tx m] -> m (TVar m [HydraNode tx m])
forall a. a -> m (TVar m a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> m (TVar m a)
newTVarIO []
  LocalChainState m tx
localChainState <- ChainStateHistory tx -> m (LocalChainState m tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadSTM m, IsChainState tx) =>
ChainStateHistory tx -> m (LocalChainState m tx)
newLocalChainState (ChainStateType tx -> ChainStateHistory tx
forall tx. ChainStateType tx -> ChainStateHistory tx
initHistory ChainStateType tx
  Async m ()
tickThread <- m () -> m (Async m ())
forall a. m a -> m (Async m a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadAsync m => m a -> m (Async m a)
async (m () -> m (Async m ())) -> m () -> m (Async m ())
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> LocalChainState m tx -> m ()
simulateTicks TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes LocalChainState m tx
  SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m))
-> SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> m (SimulatedChainNetwork tx m)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      { $sel:connectNode:SimulatedChainNetwork :: DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
connectNode = \DraftHydraNode tx m
draftNode -> do
          let mockChain :: Chain tx m
mockChain =
                  { $sel:postTx:Chain :: MonadThrow m => PostChainTx tx -> m ()
postTx = \PostChainTx tx
tx -> do
now <- m UTCTime
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadTime m => m UTCTime
                      -- Only observe "after one block"
                      m (Async m ()) -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (m (Async m ()) -> m ())
-> (m () -> m (Async m ())) -> m () -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. m () -> m (Async m ())
forall a. m a -> m (Async m a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadAsync m => m a -> m (Async m a)
async (m () -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                        DiffTime -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => DiffTime -> m ()
threadDelay DiffTime
                        TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> OnChainTx tx
-> m ()
forall {m :: * -> *} {tx} {t :: * -> *}.
(MonadSTM m, IsChainStateTest tx, Foldable t) =>
TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> OnChainTx tx
-> m ()
createAndYieldEvent TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history LocalChainState m tx
localChainState (OnChainTx tx -> m ()) -> OnChainTx tx -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTCTime -> PostChainTx tx -> OnChainTx tx
forall tx. IsTx tx => UTCTime -> PostChainTx tx -> OnChainTx tx
toOnChainTx UTCTime
now PostChainTx tx
                  , $sel:draftCommitTx:Chain :: MonadThrow m =>
HeadId -> CommitBlueprintTx tx -> m (Either (PostTxError tx) tx)
draftCommitTx = \HeadId
_ -> Text -> CommitBlueprintTx tx -> m (Either (PostTxError tx) tx)
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
"unexpected call to draftCommitTx"
                  , $sel:draftDepositTx:Chain :: MonadThrow m =>
-> CommitBlueprintTx tx
-> UTCTime
-> m (Either (PostTxError tx) tx)
draftDepositTx = \HeadId
_ -> Text
-> CommitBlueprintTx tx
-> UTCTime
-> m (Either (PostTxError tx) tx)
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
"unexpected call to draftIncrementalCommitTx"
                  , $sel:submitTx:Chain :: MonadThrow m => tx -> m ()
submitTx = \tx
_ -> Text -> m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
"unexpected call to submitTx"
              mockNetwork :: Network m (Message tx)
mockNetwork = DraftHydraNode tx m
-> TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> Network m (Message tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
MonadSTM m =>
DraftHydraNode tx m
-> TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> Network m (Message tx)
createMockNetwork DraftHydraNode tx m
draftNode TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
              mockServer :: Server tx m
mockServer = Server{$sel:sendOutput:Server :: ServerOutput tx -> m ()
sendOutput = m () -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const (m () -> ServerOutput tx -> m ())
-> m () -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()}
          HydraNode tx m
node <- Chain tx m
-> Network m (Message tx)
-> Server tx m
-> DraftHydraNode tx m
-> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
Monad m =>
Chain tx m
-> Network m (Message tx)
-> Server tx m
-> DraftHydraNode tx m
-> m (HydraNode tx m)
connect Chain tx m
mockChain Network m (Message tx)
mockNetwork Server tx m
forall {tx}. Server tx m
mockServer DraftHydraNode tx m
          STM m () -> m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m () -> m ()) -> STM m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
-> ([HydraNode tx m] -> [HydraNode tx m]) -> STM m ()
forall a. TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
modifyTVar TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes (HydraNode tx m
node :)
          HydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure HydraNode tx m
      , Async m ()
$sel:tickThread:SimulatedChainNetwork :: Async m ()
tickThread :: Async m ()
      , $sel:rollbackAndForward:SimulatedChainNetwork :: Natural -> m ()
rollbackAndForward = TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> Natural
-> m ()
forall {tx} {a} {m :: * -> *} {t :: * -> *}.
(IsChainState tx, Integral a, MonadSTM m, Foldable t) =>
TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> LocalChainState m tx -> a -> m ()
rollbackAndForward TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history LocalChainState m tx
      , $sel:simulateCommit:SimulatedChainNetwork :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit = \(Party
party, UTxOType tx
committed) ->
          TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> OnChainTx tx
-> m ()
forall {m :: * -> *} {tx} {t :: * -> *}.
(MonadSTM m, IsChainStateTest tx, Foldable t) =>
TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> OnChainTx tx
-> m ()
createAndYieldEvent TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history LocalChainState m tx
localChainState (OnChainTx tx -> m ()) -> OnChainTx tx -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ OnCommitTx{$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, Party
party :: Party
$sel:party:OnInitTx :: Party
party, UTxOType tx
committed :: UTxOType tx
$sel:committed:OnInitTx :: UTxOType tx
      , $sel:closeWithInitialSnapshot:SimulatedChainNetwork :: (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
closeWithInitialSnapshot = Text -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
"unexpected call to closeWithInitialSnapshot"
  -- seconds
  blockTime :: DiffTime
blockTime = DiffTime

  simulateTicks :: TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> LocalChainState m tx -> m ()
simulateTicks TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes LocalChainState m tx
localChainState = m () -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b
forever (m () -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    DiffTime -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => DiffTime -> m ()
threadDelay DiffTime
now <- m UTCTime
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadTime m => m UTCTime
    ChainEvent tx
event <- STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx))
-> STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      ChainStateType tx
cs <- LocalChainState m tx -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
LocalChainState m tx -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
getLatest LocalChainState m tx
      let chainSlot :: ChainSlot
chainSlot = ChainStateType tx -> ChainSlot
forall tx. IsChainState tx => ChainStateType tx -> ChainSlot
chainStateSlot ChainStateType tx
      ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a. a -> STM m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx))
-> ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTCTime -> ChainSlot -> ChainEvent tx
forall tx. UTCTime -> ChainSlot -> ChainEvent tx
Tick UTCTime
now ChainSlot
    TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> m [HydraNode tx m]
forall a. TVar m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> m a
readTVarIO TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes m [HydraNode tx m] -> ([HydraNode tx m] -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> [HydraNode tx m] -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
`handleChainEvent` ChainEvent tx

  createAndYieldEvent :: TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> LocalChainState m tx
-> OnChainTx tx
-> m ()
createAndYieldEvent TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history LocalChainState m tx
localChainState OnChainTx tx
tx = do
    ChainEvent tx
chainEvent <- STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx))
-> STM m (ChainEvent tx) -> m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      ChainStateType tx
cs <- LocalChainState m tx -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
LocalChainState m tx -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
getLatest LocalChainState m tx
      let cs' :: ChainStateType tx
cs' = ChainStateType tx -> ChainStateType tx
forall a.
IsChainStateTest a =>
ChainStateType a -> ChainStateType a
advanceSlot ChainStateType tx
      LocalChainState m tx -> ChainStateType tx -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
LocalChainState m tx -> ChainStateType tx -> STM m ()
pushNew LocalChainState m tx
localChainState ChainStateType tx
      ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a. a -> STM m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx))
-> ChainEvent tx -> STM m (ChainEvent tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          { $sel:observedTx:Observation :: OnChainTx tx
observedTx = OnChainTx tx
          , $sel:newChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType tx
newChainState = ChainStateType tx
    TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall {m :: * -> *} {t :: * -> *} {tx}.
(MonadSTM m, Foldable t) =>
TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
recordAndYieldEvent TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history ChainEvent tx

  recordAndYieldEvent :: TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
recordAndYieldEvent TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history ChainEvent tx
chainEvent = do
    t (HydraNode tx m)
ns <- STM m (t (HydraNode tx m)) -> m (t (HydraNode tx m))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (t (HydraNode tx m)) -> m (t (HydraNode tx m)))
-> STM m (t (HydraNode tx m)) -> m (t (HydraNode tx m))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
-> ([ChainEvent tx] -> [ChainEvent tx]) -> STM m ()
forall a. TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
modifyTVar' TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history (ChainEvent tx
chainEvent :)
      TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m)) -> STM m (t (HydraNode tx m))
forall a. TVar m a -> STM m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> STM m a
readTVar TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
    t (HydraNode tx m) -> (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ t (HydraNode tx m)
ns ((HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ())
-> (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \HydraNode tx m
n ->
      HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
handleChainEvent HydraNode tx m
n ChainEvent tx

  rollbackAndForward :: TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> LocalChainState m tx -> a -> m ()
rollbackAndForward TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history LocalChainState m tx
localChainState a
steps = do
    -- Split the history after given steps
    ([ChainEvent tx]
toReplay, [ChainEvent tx]
kept) <- STM m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
-> m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
 -> m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx]))
-> STM m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
-> m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      ([ChainEvent tx]
toReplay, [ChainEvent tx]
kept) <- Int -> [ChainEvent tx] -> ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
forall a. Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt (a -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral a
steps) ([ChainEvent tx] -> ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx]))
-> STM m [ChainEvent tx]
-> STM m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> STM m [ChainEvent tx]
forall a. TVar m a -> STM m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> STM m a
readTVar TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
      TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> [ChainEvent tx] -> STM m ()
forall a. TVar m a -> a -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> a -> STM m ()
writeTVar TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history [ChainEvent tx]
      ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
-> STM m ([ChainEvent tx], [ChainEvent tx])
forall a. a -> STM m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([ChainEvent tx] -> [ChainEvent tx]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [ChainEvent tx]
toReplay, [ChainEvent tx]
    -- Determine the new (last kept one) chainstate
    let chainSlot :: ChainSlot
chainSlot =
          [ChainSlot] -> ChainSlot
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> a
List.head ([ChainSlot] -> ChainSlot) -> [ChainSlot] -> ChainSlot
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
            (ChainEvent tx -> ChainSlot) -> [ChainEvent tx] -> [ChainSlot]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
              ( \case
                  Observation{ChainStateType tx
$sel:newChainState:Observation :: forall tx. ChainEvent tx -> ChainStateType tx
newChainState :: ChainStateType tx
newChainState} -> ChainStateType tx -> ChainSlot
forall tx. IsChainState tx => ChainStateType tx -> ChainSlot
chainStateSlot ChainStateType tx
                  ChainEvent tx
_NoObservation -> Text -> ChainSlot
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text
"unexpected non-observation ChainEvent"
              [ChainEvent tx]
    ChainStateType tx
rolledBackChainState <- STM m (ChainStateType tx) -> m (ChainStateType tx)
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m (ChainStateType tx) -> m (ChainStateType tx))
-> STM m (ChainStateType tx) -> m (ChainStateType tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LocalChainState m tx -> ChainSlot -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
LocalChainState m tx -> ChainSlot -> STM m (ChainStateType tx)
rollback LocalChainState m tx
localChainState ChainSlot
    -- Yield rollback events
    t (HydraNode tx m)
ns <- TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m)) -> m (t (HydraNode tx m))
forall a. TVar m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> m a
readTVarIO TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
    t (HydraNode tx m) -> (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ t (HydraNode tx m)
ns ((HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ())
-> (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \HydraNode tx m
n -> HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
handleChainEvent HydraNode tx m
n Rollback{ChainStateType tx
rolledBackChainState :: ChainStateType tx
$sel:rolledBackChainState:Observation :: ChainStateType tx
    -- Re-play the observation events
    [ChainEvent tx] -> (ChainEvent tx -> m ()) -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ [ChainEvent tx]
toReplay ((ChainEvent tx -> m ()) -> m ())
-> (ChainEvent tx -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ChainEvent tx
ev ->
      TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall {m :: * -> *} {t :: * -> *} {tx}.
(MonadSTM m, Foldable t) =>
TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
-> TVar m [ChainEvent tx] -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
recordAndYieldEvent TVar m (t (HydraNode tx m))
nodes TVar m [ChainEvent tx]
history ChainEvent tx

handleChainEvent :: HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
handleChainEvent :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
handleChainEvent HydraNode{InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue :: InputQueue m (Input tx)
$sel:inputQueue:HydraNode :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue} = InputQueue m (Input tx) -> Input tx -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) e. InputQueue m e -> e -> m ()
enqueue InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue (Input tx -> m ())
-> (ChainEvent tx -> Input tx) -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ChainEvent tx -> Input tx
forall tx. ChainEvent tx -> Input tx

createMockNetwork :: MonadSTM m => DraftHydraNode tx m -> TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> Network m (Message tx)
createMockNetwork :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
MonadSTM m =>
DraftHydraNode tx m
-> TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> Network m (Message tx)
createMockNetwork DraftHydraNode tx m
node TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
nodes =
  Network{Message tx -> m ()
broadcast :: Message tx -> m ()
$sel:broadcast:Network :: Message tx -> m ()
  broadcast :: Message tx -> m ()
broadcast Message tx
msg = do
    [HydraNode tx m]
allNodes <- TVar m [HydraNode tx m] -> m [HydraNode tx m]
forall a. TVar m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> m a
readTVarIO TVar m [HydraNode tx m]
    (HydraNode tx m -> m ()) -> [HydraNode tx m] -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (HydraNode tx m -> Message tx -> m ()
`handleMessage` Message tx
msg) [HydraNode tx m]

  handleMessage :: HydraNode tx m -> Message tx -> m ()
handleMessage HydraNode{InputQueue m (Input tx)
$sel:inputQueue:HydraNode :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue :: InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue} Message tx
msg =
    InputQueue m (Input tx) -> Input tx -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) e. InputQueue m e -> e -> m ()
enqueue InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue (Input tx -> m ())
-> (NetworkEvent (Message tx) -> Input tx)
-> NetworkEvent (Message tx)
-> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Natural -> NetworkEvent (Message tx) -> Input tx
forall tx. Natural -> NetworkEvent (Message tx) -> Input tx
NetworkInput Natural
defaultTTL (NetworkEvent (Message tx) -> m ())
-> NetworkEvent (Message tx) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReceivedMessage{Party
sender :: Party
$sel:sender:ConnectivityEvent :: Party
sender, Message tx
msg :: Message tx
$sel:msg:ConnectivityEvent :: Message tx

  sender :: Party
sender = DraftHydraNode tx m -> Party
forall a. HasParty a => a -> Party
getParty DraftHydraNode tx m

-- | Derive an 'OnChainTx' from 'PostChainTx' to simulate a "perfect" chain.
-- NOTE: This implementation announces hard-coded contestationDeadlines. Also,
-- all heads will have the same 'headId' and 'headSeed'.
toOnChainTx :: IsTx tx => UTCTime -> PostChainTx tx -> OnChainTx tx
toOnChainTx :: forall tx. IsTx tx => UTCTime -> PostChainTx tx -> OnChainTx tx
toOnChainTx UTCTime
now = \case
participants :: [OnChainId]
$sel:participants:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> [OnChainId]
participants, HeadParameters
headParameters :: HeadParameters
$sel:headParameters:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadParameters
headParameters} ->
    OnInitTx{$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, headSeed :: HeadSeed
headSeed = HeadSeed
testHeadSeed, HeadParameters
headParameters :: HeadParameters
$sel:headParameters:OnInitTx :: HeadParameters
headParameters, [OnChainId]
participants :: [OnChainId]
$sel:participants:OnInitTx :: [OnChainId]
  AbortTx{} ->
    OnAbortTx{$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
headId :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId} ->
$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, TxIdType tx
recoverTxId :: TxIdType tx
$sel:recoverTxId:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> TxIdType tx
recoverTxId} ->
$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, $sel:recoveredTxId:OnInitTx :: TxIdType tx
recoveredTxId = TxIdType tx
headId :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, ConfirmedSnapshot tx
incrementingSnapshot :: ConfirmedSnapshot tx
$sel:incrementingSnapshot:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> ConfirmedSnapshot tx
incrementingSnapshot, TxIdType tx
depositTxId :: TxIdType tx
$sel:depositTxId:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> TxIdType tx
depositTxId} ->
      { HeadId
$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId :: HeadId
      , $sel:newVersion:OnInitTx :: SnapshotVersion
newVersion = SnapshotVersion
version SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotVersion
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ SnapshotVersion
      , TxIdType tx
depositTxId :: TxIdType tx
$sel:depositTxId:OnInitTx :: TxIdType tx
version :: SnapshotVersion
$sel:version:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotVersion
version} = ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
forall tx. ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
getSnapshot ConfirmedSnapshot tx
headId :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, ConfirmedSnapshot tx
decrementingSnapshot :: ConfirmedSnapshot tx
$sel:decrementingSnapshot:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> ConfirmedSnapshot tx
decrementingSnapshot} ->
      { HeadId
$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId :: HeadId
      , $sel:newVersion:OnInitTx :: SnapshotVersion
newVersion = SnapshotVersion
version SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotVersion
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ SnapshotVersion
      , $sel:distributedOutputs:OnInitTx :: [TxOutType tx]
distributedOutputs = [TxOutType tx]
-> (UTxOType tx -> [TxOutType tx])
-> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
-> [TxOutType tx]
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe [TxOutType tx]
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty UTxOType tx -> [TxOutType tx]
forall tx. IsTx tx => UTxOType tx -> [TxOutType tx]
outputsOfUTxO Maybe (UTxOType tx)
$sel:version:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotVersion
version :: SnapshotVersion
version, Maybe (UTxOType tx)
$sel:utxoToDecommit:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToDecommit :: Maybe (UTxOType tx)
utxoToDecommit} = ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
forall tx. ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
getSnapshot ConfirmedSnapshot tx
  CloseTx{ConfirmedSnapshot tx
closingSnapshot :: ConfirmedSnapshot tx
$sel:closingSnapshot:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> ConfirmedSnapshot tx
closingSnapshot} ->
      { $sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
      , $sel:snapshotNumber:OnInitTx :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber = Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number (ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
forall tx. ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
getSnapshot ConfirmedSnapshot tx
      , $sel:contestationDeadline:OnInitTx :: UTCTime
contestationDeadline = NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> UTCTime
addUTCTime (ContestationPeriod -> NominalDiffTime
toNominalDiffTime ContestationPeriod
testContestationPeriod) UTCTime
headId :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> HeadId
headId :: HeadId
headId, ConfirmedSnapshot tx
contestingSnapshot :: ConfirmedSnapshot tx
$sel:contestingSnapshot:InitTx :: forall tx. PostChainTx tx -> ConfirmedSnapshot tx
contestingSnapshot} ->
      { HeadId
$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId :: HeadId
      , $sel:snapshotNumber:OnInitTx :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber = Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber
number (ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
forall tx. ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx
getSnapshot ConfirmedSnapshot tx
      , $sel:contestationDeadline:OnInitTx :: UTCTime
contestationDeadline = NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> UTCTime
addUTCTime (ContestationPeriod -> NominalDiffTime
toNominalDiffTime ContestationPeriod
testContestationPeriod) UTCTime
  FanoutTx{} ->
    OnFanoutTx{$sel:headId:OnInitTx :: HeadId
headId = HeadId

testContestationPeriod :: ContestationPeriod
testContestationPeriod :: ContestationPeriod
testContestationPeriod = Natural -> ContestationPeriod
UnsafeContestationPeriod Natural

testDepositDeadline :: DepositDeadline
testDepositDeadline :: DepositDeadline
testDepositDeadline = Natural -> DepositDeadline
UnsafeDepositDeadline Natural

nothingHappensFor ::
  (MonadTimer m, MonadThrow m, IsChainState tx) =>
  TestHydraClient tx m ->
  NominalDiffTime ->
  m ()
nothingHappensFor :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadTimer m, MonadThrow m, IsChainState tx) =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> NominalDiffTime -> m ()
nothingHappensFor TestHydraClient tx m
node NominalDiffTime
secs =
  DiffTime -> m (ServerOutput tx) -> m (Maybe (ServerOutput tx))
forall a. DiffTime -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadTimer m =>
DiffTime -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
timeout (NominalDiffTime -> DiffTime
forall a b. (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
realToFrac NominalDiffTime
secs) (TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient tx m
node) m (Maybe (ServerOutput tx))
-> (Maybe (ServerOutput tx) -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (Maybe (ServerOutput tx) -> Maybe (ServerOutput tx) -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, Eq a, Show a) =>
a -> a -> m ()
`shouldBe` Maybe (ServerOutput tx)
forall a. Maybe a

withHydraNode ::
  forall s a.
  SigningKey HydraKey ->
  [Party] ->
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) ->
  (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a) ->
  IOSim s a
withHydraNode :: forall s a.
SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a)
-> IOSim s a
withHydraNode SigningKey HydraKey
signingKey [Party]
otherParties SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a
action = do
  TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
outputs <- STM (IOSim s) (TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
-> IOSim s (TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
forall a. HasCallStack => STM (IOSim s) a -> IOSim s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically STM (IOSim s) (TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx))
forall a. STM (IOSim s) (TQueue (IOSim s) a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => STM m (TQueue m a)
  TVar s [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
outputHistory <- [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
-> IOSim s (TVar (IOSim s) [ServerOutput SimpleTx])
forall a. a -> IOSim s (TVar (IOSim s) a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> m (TVar m a)
newTVarIO [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
forall a. Monoid a => a
  let initialChainState :: SimpleChainState
initialChainState = SimpleChainState{$sel:slot:SimpleChainState :: ChainSlot
slot = Natural -> ChainSlot
ChainSlot Natural
  HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s)
node <- Tracer (IOSim s) (HydraNodeLog SimpleTx)
-> Ledger SimpleTx
-> ChainStateType SimpleTx
-> SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> TVar (IOSim s) [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ContestationPeriod
-> DepositDeadline
-> IOSim s (HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s))
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadThrow m) =>
Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
-> Ledger tx
-> ChainStateType tx
-> SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
-> TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
-> ContestationPeriod
-> DepositDeadline
-> m (HydraNode tx m)
createHydraNode Tracer (IOSim s) (HydraNodeLog SimpleTx)
forall a s. Typeable a => Tracer (IOSim s) a
traceInIOSim Ledger SimpleTx
simpleLedger SimpleChainState
ChainStateType SimpleTx
initialChainState SigningKey HydraKey
signingKey [Party]
otherParties TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
outputs TVar (IOSim s) [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
TVar s [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
outputHistory SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain ContestationPeriod
testContestationPeriod DepositDeadline
  IOSim s () -> (Async (IOSim s) () -> IOSim s a) -> IOSim s a
forall a b.
IOSim s a -> (Async (IOSim s) a -> IOSim s b) -> IOSim s b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
MonadAsync m =>
m a -> (Async m a -> m b) -> m b
withAsync (HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadCatch m, MonadAsync m, IsChainState tx) =>
HydraNode tx m -> m ()
runHydraNode HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s)
node) ((Async (IOSim s) () -> IOSim s a) -> IOSim s a)
-> (Async (IOSim s) () -> IOSim s a) -> IOSim s a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Async (IOSim s) ()
_ ->
    TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a
action (TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
-> TVar (IOSim s) [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
-> HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
MonadSTM m =>
TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
-> TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> HydraNode tx m
-> TestHydraClient tx m
createTestHydraClient TQueue (IOSim s) (ServerOutput SimpleTx)
outputs TVar (IOSim s) [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
TVar s [ServerOutput SimpleTx]
outputHistory HydraNode SimpleTx (IOSim s)

createTestHydraClient ::
  MonadSTM m =>
  TQueue m (ServerOutput tx) ->
  TVar m [ServerOutput tx] ->
  HydraNode tx m ->
  TestHydraClient tx m
createTestHydraClient :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
MonadSTM m =>
TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
-> TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> HydraNode tx m
-> TestHydraClient tx m
createTestHydraClient TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
outputs TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
outputHistory HydraNode{InputQueue m (Input tx)
$sel:inputQueue:HydraNode :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue :: InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue, NodeState tx m
nodeState :: NodeState tx m
$sel:nodeState:HydraNode :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). HydraNode tx m -> NodeState tx m
nodeState} =
    { $sel:send:TestHydraClient :: ClientInput tx -> m ()
send = InputQueue m (Input tx) -> Input tx -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) e. InputQueue m e -> e -> m ()
enqueue InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue (Input tx -> m ())
-> (ClientInput tx -> Input tx) -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ClientInput tx -> Input tx
forall tx. ClientInput tx -> Input tx
    , $sel:waitForNext:TestHydraClient :: m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext = STM m (ServerOutput tx) -> m (ServerOutput tx)
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (TQueue m (ServerOutput tx) -> STM m (ServerOutput tx)
forall a. TQueue m a -> STM m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TQueue m a -> STM m a
readTQueue TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
    , $sel:injectChainEvent:TestHydraClient :: ChainEvent tx -> m ()
injectChainEvent = InputQueue m (Input tx) -> Input tx -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) e. InputQueue m e -> e -> m ()
enqueue InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue (Input tx -> m ())
-> (ChainEvent tx -> Input tx) -> ChainEvent tx -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ChainEvent tx -> Input tx
forall tx. ChainEvent tx -> Input tx
    , $sel:serverOutputs:TestHydraClient :: m [ServerOutput tx]
serverOutputs = [ServerOutput tx] -> [ServerOutput tx]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse ([ServerOutput tx] -> [ServerOutput tx])
-> m [ServerOutput tx] -> m [ServerOutput tx]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> TVar m [ServerOutput tx] -> m [ServerOutput tx]
forall a. TVar m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TVar m a -> m a
readTVarIO TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
    , $sel:queryState:TestHydraClient :: m (HeadState tx)
queryState = STM m (HeadState tx) -> m (HeadState tx)
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (NodeState tx m -> STM m (HeadState tx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *). NodeState tx m -> STM m (HeadState tx)
queryHeadState NodeState tx m

createHydraNode ::
  (MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadThrow m) =>
  Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx) ->
  Ledger tx ->
  ChainStateType tx ->
  SigningKey HydraKey ->
  [Party] ->
  TQueue m (ServerOutput tx) ->
  TVar m [ServerOutput tx] ->
  SimulatedChainNetwork tx m ->
  ContestationPeriod ->
  DepositDeadline ->
  m (HydraNode tx m)
createHydraNode :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, MonadLabelledSTM m, MonadThrow m) =>
Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
-> Ledger tx
-> ChainStateType tx
-> SigningKey HydraKey
-> [Party]
-> TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
-> TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
-> ContestationPeriod
-> DepositDeadline
-> m (HydraNode tx m)
createHydraNode Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
tracer Ledger tx
ledger ChainStateType tx
chainState SigningKey HydraKey
signingKey [Party]
otherParties TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
outputs TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
outputHistory SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
chain ContestationPeriod
cp DepositDeadline
depositDeadline = do
  (EventSource (StateEvent tx) m
eventSource, EventSink (StateEvent tx) m
eventSink) <- m (EventSource (StateEvent tx) m, EventSink (StateEvent tx) m)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadLabelledSTM m =>
m (EventSource a m, EventSink a m)
  -- NOTE: Not using 'hydrate' as we don't want to run the event source conduit.
  let headState :: HeadState tx
headState = IdleState tx -> HeadState tx
forall tx. IdleState tx -> HeadState tx
Idle IdleState{ChainStateType tx
chainState :: ChainStateType tx
$sel:chainState:IdleState :: ChainStateType tx
  let chainStateHistory :: ChainStateHistory tx
chainStateHistory = ChainStateType tx -> ChainStateHistory tx
forall tx. ChainStateType tx -> ChainStateHistory tx
initHistory ChainStateType tx
  NodeState tx m
nodeState <- Maybe Word64 -> HeadState tx -> m (NodeState tx m)
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
MonadLabelledSTM m =>
Maybe Word64 -> HeadState tx -> m (NodeState tx m)
createNodeState Maybe Word64
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing HeadState tx
  InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue <- m (InputQueue m (Input tx))
forall (m :: * -> *) e.
(MonadDelay m, MonadAsync m, MonadLabelledSTM m) =>
m (InputQueue m e)
  HydraNode tx m
node <-
    SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
-> DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
-> DraftHydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
      SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
        { Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
tracer :: Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
$sel:tracer:DraftHydraNode :: Tracer m (HydraNodeLog tx)
        , Environment
env :: Environment
$sel:env:DraftHydraNode :: Environment
        , Ledger tx
ledger :: Ledger tx
$sel:ledger:DraftHydraNode :: Ledger tx
        , NodeState tx m
nodeState :: NodeState tx m
$sel:nodeState:DraftHydraNode :: NodeState tx m
        , InputQueue m (Input tx)
inputQueue :: InputQueue m (Input tx)
$sel:inputQueue:DraftHydraNode :: InputQueue m (Input tx)
        , EventSource (StateEvent tx) m
eventSource :: EventSource (StateEvent tx) m
$sel:eventSource:DraftHydraNode :: EventSource (StateEvent tx) m
        , $sel:eventSinks:DraftHydraNode :: [EventSink (StateEvent tx) m]
eventSinks = [EventSink (StateEvent tx) m
        , ChainStateHistory tx
chainStateHistory :: ChainStateHistory tx
$sel:chainStateHistory:DraftHydraNode :: ChainStateHistory tx
  HydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (HydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m))
-> HydraNode tx m -> m (HydraNode tx m)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    HydraNode tx m
      { server =
            { sendOutput = \ServerOutput tx
out -> STM m () -> m ()
forall a. HasCallStack => STM m a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadSTM m, HasCallStack) =>
STM m a -> m a
atomically (STM m () -> m ()) -> STM m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                TQueue m (ServerOutput tx) -> ServerOutput tx -> STM m ()
forall a. TQueue m a -> a -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => TQueue m a -> a -> STM m ()
writeTQueue TQueue m (ServerOutput tx)
outputs ServerOutput tx
                TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
-> ([ServerOutput tx] -> [ServerOutput tx]) -> STM m ()
forall a. TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadSTM m =>
TVar m a -> (a -> a) -> STM m ()
modifyTVar' TVar m [ServerOutput tx]
outputHistory (ServerOutput tx
out :)
  env :: Environment
env =
      { Party
party :: Party
$sel:party:Environment :: Party
      , SigningKey HydraKey
signingKey :: SigningKey HydraKey
$sel:signingKey:Environment :: SigningKey HydraKey
      , [Party]
otherParties :: [Party]
$sel:otherParties:Environment :: [Party]
      , $sel:contestationPeriod:Environment :: ContestationPeriod
contestationPeriod = ContestationPeriod
      , [OnChainId]
participants :: [OnChainId]
$sel:participants:Environment :: [OnChainId]
      , DepositDeadline
depositDeadline :: DepositDeadline
$sel:depositDeadline:Environment :: DepositDeadline
  party :: Party
party = SigningKey HydraKey -> Party
deriveParty SigningKey HydraKey

  -- NOTE: We use the hydra-keys as on-chain identities directly. This is fine
  -- as this is a simulated network.
  participants :: [OnChainId]
participants = Party -> OnChainId
deriveOnChainId (Party -> OnChainId) -> [Party] -> [OnChainId]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Party
party Party -> [Party] -> [Party]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Party]

openHead ::
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s) ->
  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) ->
  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s) ->
  IOSim s ()
openHead :: forall s.
SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> IOSim s ()
openHead SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2 = do
  TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> ClientInput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
send TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1 ClientInput SimpleTx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> [Party] -> ServerOutput tx
HeadIsInitializing HeadId
testHeadId ([Item [Party]] -> [Party]
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item [Party]
alice, Item [Party]
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
alice, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
alice (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
  SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
-> (Party, UTxOType SimpleTx) -> IOSim s ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
SimulatedChainNetwork tx m -> (Party, UTxOType tx) -> m ()
simulateCommit SimulatedChainNetwork SimpleTx (IOSim s)
chain (Party
bob, Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ServerOutput SimpleTx
forall tx. HeadId -> Party -> UTxOType tx -> ServerOutput tx
Committed HeadId
testHeadId Party
bob (Integer -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRef Integer
  [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)]
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, MonadAsync m, MonadTimer m,
 IsChainState tx) =>
[TestHydraClient tx m] -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
waitUntil [TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n1, TestHydraClient SimpleTx (IOSim s)
n2] (ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ())
-> ServerOutput SimpleTx -> IOSim s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadIsOpen{$sel:headId:PeerConnected :: HeadId
headId = HeadId
testHeadId, $sel:utxo:PeerConnected :: UTxOType SimpleTx
utxo = [Integer] -> UTxOType SimpleTx
utxoRefs [Integer
1, Integer

assertHeadIsClosed :: (HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) => ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosed :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosed = \case
  HeadIsClosed{} -> () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
  ServerOutput tx
_ -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
String -> m a
failure String
"expected HeadIsClosed"

assertHeadIsClosedWith :: (HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) => SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosedWith :: forall (m :: * -> *) tx.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
SnapshotNumber -> ServerOutput tx -> m ()
assertHeadIsClosedWith SnapshotNumber
expectedSnapshotNumber = \case
$sel:snapshotNumber:PeerConnected :: forall tx. ServerOutput tx -> SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber :: SnapshotNumber
snapshotNumber} -> do
snapshotNumber SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m, Eq a, Show a) =>
a -> a -> m ()
`shouldBe` SnapshotNumber
  ServerOutput tx
_ -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(HasCallStack, MonadThrow m) =>
String -> m a
failure String
"expected HeadIsClosed"

-- | Provide a quick and dirty to way to label stuff from a signing key
shortLabel :: SigningKey HydraKey -> String
shortLabel :: SigningKey HydraKey -> String
shortLabel SigningKey HydraKey
s =
  Int -> String -> String
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
take Int
8 (String -> String) -> String -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> String -> String
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop Int
1 (String -> String) -> String -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> [String]
List.words (SigningKey HydraKey -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show SigningKey HydraKey
s) [String] -> Int -> String
forall a. HasCallStack => [a] -> Int -> a
!! Int