{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind #-} module Hydra.HeadLogicSnapshotSpec where import Hydra.Prelude hiding (label) import Test.Hydra.Prelude import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Hydra.HeadLogic ( CoordinatedHeadState (..), Effect (..), HeadState (..), OpenState (OpenState), SeenSnapshot (..), coordinatedHeadState, isLeader, update, ) import Hydra.HeadLogicSpec (getState, hasEffect, hasEffectSatisfying, hasNoEffectSatisfying, inOpenState, inOpenState', receiveMessage, receiveMessageFrom, runHeadLogic, step) import Hydra.Ledger.Simple (SimpleTx (..), aValidTx, simpleLedger, utxoRef) import Hydra.Network.Message (Message (..)) import Hydra.Options (defaultContestationPeriod, defaultDepositDeadline) import Hydra.Tx.Crypto (sign) import Hydra.Tx.Environment (Environment (..)) import Hydra.Tx.HeadParameters (HeadParameters (..)) import Hydra.Tx.IsTx (txId) import Hydra.Tx.Party (deriveParty) import Hydra.Tx.Snapshot (ConfirmedSnapshot (..), Snapshot (..), getSnapshot) import Test.Hydra.Tx.Fixture ( alice, aliceSk, bob, bobSk, carol, carolSk, deriveOnChainId, testHeadId, ) import Test.QuickCheck (Property, counterexample, forAll, oneof, (==>)) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicST, pick) spec :: Spec spec :: Spec spec = do Spec -> Spec forall a. SpecWith a -> SpecWith a parallel (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let threeParties :: [Party] threeParties = [Party alice, Party bob, Party carol] u0 :: Set SimpleTxOut u0 = Set SimpleTxOut forall a. Monoid a => a mempty envFor :: SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey signingKey = let party :: Party party = SigningKey HydraKey -> Party deriveParty SigningKey HydraKey signingKey otherParties :: [Party] otherParties = Party -> [Party] -> [Party] forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] List.delete Party party [Party] threeParties in Environment { Party party :: Party $sel:party:Environment :: Party party , SigningKey HydraKey signingKey :: SigningKey HydraKey $sel:signingKey:Environment :: SigningKey HydraKey signingKey , [Party] otherParties :: [Party] $sel:otherParties:Environment :: [Party] otherParties , $sel:contestationPeriod:Environment :: ContestationPeriod contestationPeriod = ContestationPeriod defaultContestationPeriod , $sel:depositDeadline:Environment :: DepositDeadline depositDeadline = DepositDeadline defaultDepositDeadline , $sel:participants:Environment :: [OnChainId] participants = Party -> OnChainId deriveOnChainId (Party -> OnChainId) -> [Party] -> [OnChainId] forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b <$> [Party] threeParties } let coordinatedHeadState :: CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState = CoordinatedHeadState { $sel:localUTxO:CoordinatedHeadState :: UTxOType SimpleTx localUTxO = Set SimpleTxOut UTxOType SimpleTx u0 , $sel:allTxs:CoordinatedHeadState :: Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) SimpleTx allTxs = Map SimpleId SimpleTx Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) SimpleTx forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:localTxs:CoordinatedHeadState :: [SimpleTx] localTxs = [SimpleTx] forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:confirmedSnapshot:CoordinatedHeadState :: ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx confirmedSnapshot = HeadId -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx forall tx. HeadId -> UTxOType tx -> ConfirmedSnapshot tx InitialSnapshot HeadId testHeadId Set SimpleTxOut UTxOType SimpleTx u0 , $sel:seenSnapshot:CoordinatedHeadState :: SeenSnapshot SimpleTx seenSnapshot = SeenSnapshot SimpleTx forall tx. SeenSnapshot tx NoSeenSnapshot , $sel:pendingDeposits:CoordinatedHeadState :: Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) (UTxOType SimpleTx) pendingDeposits = Map SimpleId (Set SimpleTxOut) Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:decommitTx:CoordinatedHeadState :: Maybe SimpleTx decommitTx = Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing , $sel:version:CoordinatedHeadState :: SnapshotVersion version = SnapshotVersion 0 } let sendReqSn :: Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn = \case NetworkEffect ReqSn{} -> Bool True Effect tx _ -> Bool False let snapshot1 :: Snapshot SimpleTx snapshot1 = HeadId -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [SimpleTx] -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Snapshot SimpleTx forall tx. HeadId -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Snapshot tx Snapshot HeadId testHeadId SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [] UTxOType SimpleTx forall a. Monoid a => a mempty Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing let ackFrom :: SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey sk Party vk = Party -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party vk (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx) -> SnapshotNumber -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. Signature (Snapshot tx) -> SnapshotNumber -> Message tx AckSn (SigningKey HydraKey -> Snapshot SimpleTx -> Signature (Snapshot SimpleTx) forall a. SignableRepresentation a => SigningKey HydraKey -> a -> Signature a sign SigningKey HydraKey sk Snapshot SimpleTx snapshot1) SnapshotNumber 1 String -> Spec -> Spec forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a describe String "Generic Snapshot property" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do String -> Property -> Spec forall prop. (HasCallStack, Testable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec prop String "there's always a leader for every snapshot number" Property prop_thereIsAlwaysALeader String -> Spec -> Spec forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a describe String "On ReqTx" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do String -> (ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx -> Property) -> Spec forall prop. (HasCallStack, Testable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec prop String "always emit ReqSn given head has 1 member" ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx -> Property prop_singleMemberHeadAlwaysSnapshotOnReqTx String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "sends ReqSn when leader and no snapshot in flight" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let tx :: SimpleTx tx = SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1 outcome :: Outcome SimpleTx outcome = Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update (SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk) Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party alice, Party bob] CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState) (Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx) -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx SimpleTx tx Outcome SimpleTx outcome Outcome SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> Effect tx -> IO () `hasEffect` Message SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Effect tx NetworkEffect (SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType SimpleTx] -> Maybe SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx txId SimpleTx tx] Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "does NOT send ReqSn when we are NOT the leader even if no snapshot in flight" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let tx :: SimpleTx tx = SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1 st :: CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st = CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState{localTxs = [tx]} outcome :: Outcome SimpleTx outcome = Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update (SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey bobSk) Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party alice, Party bob] CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st) (Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx) -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Party -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party bob (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx SimpleTx tx Outcome SimpleTx outcome Outcome SimpleTx -> (Effect SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> (Effect tx -> Bool) -> IO () `hasNoEffectSatisfying` Effect SimpleTx -> Bool forall {tx}. Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "does NOT send ReqSn when we are the leader but snapshot in flight" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let tx :: SimpleTx tx = SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1 sn1 :: Snapshot SimpleTx sn1 = HeadId -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [SimpleTx] -> UTxOType SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Snapshot SimpleTx forall tx. HeadId -> SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [tx] -> UTxOType tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Snapshot tx Snapshot HeadId testHeadId SnapshotVersion 1 SnapshotNumber 1 [] Set SimpleTxOut UTxOType SimpleTx u0 Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing :: Snapshot SimpleTx st :: CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st = CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState{seenSnapshot = SeenSnapshot sn1 mempty} outcome :: Outcome SimpleTx outcome = Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update (SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk) Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party alice, Party bob] CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st) (Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx) -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx SimpleTx tx Outcome SimpleTx outcome Outcome SimpleTx -> (Effect SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> (Effect tx -> Bool) -> IO () `hasNoEffectSatisfying` Effect SimpleTx -> Bool forall {tx}. Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "updates seenSnapshot state when sending ReqSn" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let tx :: SimpleTx tx = SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1 st :: HeadState SimpleTx st = [Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party] threeParties CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState st' :: HeadState SimpleTx st' = [Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party] threeParties (CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx) -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx coordinatedHeadState { localTxs = [tx] , allTxs = Map.singleton (txId tx) tx , localUTxO = u0 <> utxoRef (txId tx) , seenSnapshot = RequestedSnapshot{lastSeen = 0, requested = 1} } HeadState SimpleTx actualState <- Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall (m :: * -> *) tx a. Monad m => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> StateT (StepState tx) m a -> m a runHeadLogic (SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk) Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger HeadState SimpleTx st (StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx)) -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx)) -> Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx SimpleTx tx StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). MonadState (StepState tx) m => m (HeadState tx) getState HeadState SimpleTx actualState HeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> IO () forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> IO () `shouldBe` HeadState SimpleTx st' String -> Spec -> Spec forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a describe String "On AckSn" (Spec -> Spec) -> Spec -> Spec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let bobEnv :: Environment bobEnv = SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey bobSk String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "sends ReqSn when leader and there are seen transactions" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do HeadState SimpleTx headState <- Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall (m :: * -> *) tx a. Monad m => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> StateT (StepState tx) m a -> m a runHeadLogic Environment bobEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState [Party] threeParties) (StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx)) -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType SimpleTx] -> Maybe SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [] Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Party -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party carol (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx (SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx) -> SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey carolSk Party carol) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk Party alice) StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). MonadState (StepState tx) m => m (HeadState tx) getState Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update Environment bobEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger HeadState SimpleTx headState (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey bobSk Party bob) Outcome SimpleTx -> (Effect SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> (Effect tx -> Bool) -> IO () `hasEffectSatisfying` Effect SimpleTx -> Bool forall {tx}. Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "does NOT send ReqSn when we are the leader but there are NO seen transactions" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do HeadState SimpleTx headState <- Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall (m :: * -> *) tx a. Monad m => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> StateT (StepState tx) m a -> m a runHeadLogic Environment bobEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState [Party] threeParties) (StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx)) -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType SimpleTx] -> Maybe SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [] Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey carolSk Party carol) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk Party alice) StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). MonadState (StepState tx) m => m (HeadState tx) getState Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update Environment bobEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger HeadState SimpleTx headState (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey bobSk Party bob) Outcome SimpleTx -> (Effect SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> (Effect tx -> Bool) -> IO () `hasNoEffectSatisfying` Effect SimpleTx -> Bool forall {tx}. Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "does NOT send ReqSn when we are NOT the leader but there are seen transactions" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do let notLeaderEnv :: Environment notLeaderEnv = SigningKey HydraKey -> Environment envFor SigningKey HydraKey carolSk let initiateSigningASnapshot :: Party -> m (Outcome tx) initiateSigningASnapshot Party actor = Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Party -> Message tx -> Input tx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party actor (Message tx -> Input tx) -> Message tx -> Input tx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [] Maybe tx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (UTxOType tx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) newTxBeforeSnapshotAcknowledged :: StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) newTxBeforeSnapshotAcknowledged = Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Party -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party carol (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx (SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx) -> SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1) HeadState SimpleTx headState <- Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall (m :: * -> *) tx a. Monad m => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> StateT (StepState tx) m a -> m a runHeadLogic Environment notLeaderEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState [Party] threeParties) (StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx)) -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do Party -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall {tx} {m :: * -> *}. (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Party -> m (Outcome tx) initiateSigningASnapshot Party alice Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey carolSk Party carol) StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) newTxBeforeSnapshotAcknowledged Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk Party alice) StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). MonadState (StepState tx) m => m (HeadState tx) getState let everybodyAcknowleged :: Outcome SimpleTx everybodyAcknowleged = Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update Environment notLeaderEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger HeadState SimpleTx headState (Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx) -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey bobSk Party bob Outcome SimpleTx everybodyAcknowleged Outcome SimpleTx -> (Effect SimpleTx -> Bool) -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> (Effect tx -> Bool) -> IO () `hasNoEffectSatisfying` Effect SimpleTx -> Bool forall {tx}. Effect tx -> Bool sendReqSn String -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a. (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a) it String "updates seenSnapshot state when sending ReqSn" (IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ()))) -> IO () -> SpecWith (Arg (IO ())) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do HeadState SimpleTx headState <- Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall (m :: * -> *) tx a. Monad m => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> StateT (StepState tx) m a -> m a runHeadLogic Environment bobEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState [Party] threeParties) (StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx)) -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) -> IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType SimpleTx] -> Maybe SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion 0 SnapshotNumber 1 [] Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (Party -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Party -> Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessageFrom Party carol (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx (SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx) -> SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx SimpleId 1) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey carolSk Party carol) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk Party alice) Input SimpleTx -> StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (Outcome SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). (MonadState (StepState tx) m, IsChainState tx) => Input tx -> m (Outcome tx) step (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party -> Input SimpleTx ackFrom SigningKey HydraKey bobSk Party bob) StateT (StepState SimpleTx) IO (HeadState SimpleTx) forall tx (m :: * -> *). MonadState (StepState tx) m => m (HeadState tx) getState case HeadState SimpleTx headState of Open OpenState{$sel:coordinatedHeadState:OpenState :: forall tx. OpenState tx -> CoordinatedHeadState tx coordinatedHeadState = CoordinatedHeadState{$sel:seenSnapshot:CoordinatedHeadState :: forall tx. CoordinatedHeadState tx -> SeenSnapshot tx seenSnapshot = SeenSnapshot SimpleTx actualSnapshot}} -> SeenSnapshot SimpleTx actualSnapshot SeenSnapshot SimpleTx -> SeenSnapshot SimpleTx -> IO () forall a. (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> IO () `shouldBe` RequestedSnapshot{$sel:lastSeen:NoSeenSnapshot :: SnapshotNumber lastSeen = SnapshotNumber 1, $sel:requested:NoSeenSnapshot :: SnapshotNumber requested = SnapshotNumber 2} HeadState SimpleTx other -> HasCallStack => String -> IO () String -> IO () expectationFailure (String -> IO ()) -> String -> IO () forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ String "Expected to be in open state: " String -> String -> String forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a <> HeadState SimpleTx -> String forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b show HeadState SimpleTx other prop_singleMemberHeadAlwaysSnapshotOnReqTx :: ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx -> Property prop_singleMemberHeadAlwaysSnapshotOnReqTx :: ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx -> Property prop_singleMemberHeadAlwaysSnapshotOnReqTx ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx sn = (forall s. PropertyM (ST s) Property) -> Property forall a. Testable a => (forall s. PropertyM (ST s) a) -> Property monadicST ((forall s. PropertyM (ST s) Property) -> Property) -> (forall s. PropertyM (ST s) Property) -> Property forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ do (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx seenSnapshot, SnapshotVersion version) <- Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) -> PropertyM (ST s) (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Monad m, Show a) => Gen a -> PropertyM m a pick (Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) -> PropertyM (ST s) (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion)) -> Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) -> PropertyM (ST s) (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion)] -> Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) forall a. HasCallStack => [Gen a] -> Gen a oneof [ (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) -> Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) forall a. a -> Gen a forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a pure (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx forall tx. SeenSnapshot tx NoSeenSnapshot, SnapshotVersion 0) , do SnapshotNumber n <- Gen SnapshotNumber forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a arbitrary let v :: SnapshotVersion v = SimpleId -> SnapshotVersion forall a. Num a => SimpleId -> a fromInteger (SnapshotNumber -> SimpleId forall a. Integral a => a -> SimpleId toInteger SnapshotNumber n) (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) -> Gen (SeenSnapshot SimpleTx, SnapshotVersion) forall a. a -> Gen a forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a pure (SnapshotNumber -> SeenSnapshot SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotNumber -> SeenSnapshot tx LastSeenSnapshot SnapshotNumber n, SnapshotVersion v) ] SimpleTx tx <- Gen SimpleTx -> PropertyM (ST s) SimpleTx forall (m :: * -> *) a. (Monad m, Show a) => Gen a -> PropertyM m a pick (Gen SimpleTx -> PropertyM (ST s) SimpleTx) -> Gen SimpleTx -> PropertyM (ST s) SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleId -> SimpleTx aValidTx (SimpleId -> SimpleTx) -> Gen SimpleId -> Gen SimpleTx forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b <$> Gen SimpleId forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a arbitrary let aliceEnv :: Environment aliceEnv = let party :: Party party = Party alice in Environment { Party $sel:party:Environment :: Party party :: Party party , $sel:signingKey:Environment :: SigningKey HydraKey signingKey = SigningKey HydraKey aliceSk , $sel:otherParties:Environment :: [Party] otherParties = [] , $sel:contestationPeriod:Environment :: ContestationPeriod contestationPeriod = ContestationPeriod defaultContestationPeriod , $sel:depositDeadline:Environment :: DepositDeadline depositDeadline = DepositDeadline defaultDepositDeadline , $sel:participants:Environment :: [OnChainId] participants = [Party -> OnChainId deriveOnChainId Party party] } st :: CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st = CoordinatedHeadState { $sel:localUTxO:CoordinatedHeadState :: UTxOType SimpleTx localUTxO = Set SimpleTxOut UTxOType SimpleTx forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:allTxs:CoordinatedHeadState :: Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) SimpleTx allTxs = Map SimpleId SimpleTx Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) SimpleTx forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:localTxs:CoordinatedHeadState :: [SimpleTx] localTxs = [] , $sel:confirmedSnapshot:CoordinatedHeadState :: ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx confirmedSnapshot = ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx sn , SeenSnapshot SimpleTx $sel:seenSnapshot:CoordinatedHeadState :: SeenSnapshot SimpleTx seenSnapshot :: SeenSnapshot SimpleTx seenSnapshot , $sel:pendingDeposits:CoordinatedHeadState :: Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) (UTxOType SimpleTx) pendingDeposits = Map SimpleId (Set SimpleTxOut) Map (TxIdType SimpleTx) (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Monoid a => a mempty , $sel:decommitTx:CoordinatedHeadState :: Maybe SimpleTx decommitTx = Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing , SnapshotVersion $sel:version:CoordinatedHeadState :: SnapshotVersion version :: SnapshotVersion version } outcome :: Outcome SimpleTx outcome = Environment -> Ledger SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall tx. IsChainState tx => Environment -> Ledger tx -> HeadState tx -> Input tx -> Outcome tx update Environment aliceEnv Ledger SimpleTx simpleLedger ([Party] -> CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx -> HeadState SimpleTx inOpenState' [Party alice] CoordinatedHeadState SimpleTx st) (Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx) -> Input SimpleTx -> Outcome SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Input tx receiveMessage (Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx -> Input SimpleTx forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ SimpleTx -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. tx -> Message tx ReqTx SimpleTx tx Snapshot{$sel:number:Snapshot :: forall tx. Snapshot tx -> SnapshotNumber number = SnapshotNumber confirmedSn} = ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx -> Snapshot SimpleTx forall tx. ConfirmedSnapshot tx -> Snapshot tx getSnapshot ConfirmedSnapshot SimpleTx sn nextSn :: SnapshotNumber nextSn = SnapshotNumber confirmedSn SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber -> SnapshotNumber forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a + SnapshotNumber 1 Property -> PropertyM (ST s) Property forall a. a -> PropertyM (ST s) a forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a pure (Property -> PropertyM (ST s) Property) -> Property -> PropertyM (ST s) Property forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Outcome SimpleTx outcome Outcome SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx -> IO () forall tx. (HasCallStack, IsChainState tx) => Outcome tx -> Effect tx -> IO () `hasEffect` Message SimpleTx -> Effect SimpleTx forall tx. Message tx -> Effect tx NetworkEffect (SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType SimpleTx] -> Maybe SimpleTx -> Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) -> Message SimpleTx forall tx. SnapshotVersion -> SnapshotNumber -> [TxIdType tx] -> Maybe tx -> Maybe (UTxOType tx) -> Message tx ReqSn SnapshotVersion version SnapshotNumber nextSn [SimpleTx -> TxIdType SimpleTx forall tx. IsTx tx => tx -> TxIdType tx txId SimpleTx tx] Maybe SimpleTx forall a. Maybe a Nothing Maybe (Set SimpleTxOut) Maybe (UTxOType SimpleTx) forall a. Maybe a Nothing) IO () -> (IO () -> Property) -> Property forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b & String -> IO () -> Property forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property counterexample (Outcome SimpleTx -> String forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b show Outcome SimpleTx outcome) prop_thereIsAlwaysALeader :: Property prop_thereIsAlwaysALeader :: Property prop_thereIsAlwaysALeader = Gen SnapshotNumber -> (SnapshotNumber -> Property) -> Property forall a prop. (Show a, Testable prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property forAll Gen SnapshotNumber forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a arbitrary ((SnapshotNumber -> Property) -> Property) -> (SnapshotNumber -> Property) -> Property forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ \SnapshotNumber sn -> Gen HeadParameters -> (HeadParameters -> Property) -> Property forall a prop. (Show a, Testable prop) => Gen a -> (a -> prop) -> Property forAll Gen HeadParameters forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a arbitrary ((HeadParameters -> Property) -> Property) -> (HeadParameters -> Property) -> Property forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ \params :: HeadParameters params@HeadParameters{[Party] parties :: [Party] $sel:parties:HeadParameters :: HeadParameters -> [Party] parties} -> Bool -> Bool not ([Party] -> Bool forall a. [a] -> Bool forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool null [Party] parties) Bool -> Bool -> Property forall prop. Testable prop => Bool -> prop -> Property ==> (Party -> Bool) -> [Party] -> Bool forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool any (\Party p -> HeadParameters -> Party -> SnapshotNumber -> Bool isLeader HeadParameters params Party p SnapshotNumber sn) [Party] parties