{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Hydra.TUI.Drawing where
import Hydra.Prelude hiding (Down, State)
import Brick
import Hydra.Cardano.Api hiding (Active)
import Brick.Forms (
import Brick.Widgets.Border (hBorder, vBorder)
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (ascii)
import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Text (chunksOf)
import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import Data.Time.Format (FormatTime)
import Data.Version (Version, showVersion)
import Hydra.Chain.CardanoClient (CardanoClient (..))
import Hydra.Chain.Direct.State ()
import Hydra.Client (Client (..))
import Hydra.Network (NodeId)
import Hydra.TUI.Drawing.Utils (drawHex, drawShow, ellipsize, maybeWidget)
import Hydra.TUI.Logging.Types (LogMessage (..), LogVerbosity (..), logMessagesL, logVerbosityL)
import Hydra.TUI.Model
import Hydra.TUI.Style
import Hydra.Tx (HeadId, IsTx (..), Party (..))
import Lens.Micro ((^.), (^?), _head)
import Paths_hydra_tui (version)
draw :: CardanoClient -> Client Tx IO -> RootState -> [Widget Name]
draw :: CardanoClient -> Client Tx IO -> RootState -> [Widget Text]
draw CardanoClient
cardanoClient Client Tx IO
hydraClient RootState
s =
case RootState
s RootState
-> Getting LogVerbosity RootState LogVerbosity -> LogVerbosity
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. (LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> RootState -> Const LogVerbosity RootState
Lens' RootState LogState
logStateL ((LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> RootState -> Const LogVerbosity RootState)
-> ((LogVerbosity -> Const LogVerbosity LogVerbosity)
-> LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> Getting LogVerbosity RootState LogVerbosity
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LogVerbosity -> Const LogVerbosity LogVerbosity)
-> LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState
Lens' LogState LogVerbosity
logVerbosityL of
Full -> RootState -> [Widget Text]
drawScreenFullLog RootState
Short -> CardanoClient -> Client Tx IO -> RootState -> [Widget Text]
drawScreenShortLog CardanoClient
cardanoClient Client Tx IO
hydraClient RootState
drawScreenShortLog :: CardanoClient -> Client Tx IO -> RootState -> [Widget Name]
drawScreenShortLog :: CardanoClient -> Client Tx IO -> RootState -> [Widget Text]
drawScreenShortLog CardanoClient{NetworkId
networkId :: NetworkId
$sel:networkId:CardanoClient :: CardanoClient -> NetworkId
networkId} Client{SigningKey PaymentKey
sk :: SigningKey PaymentKey
sk :: forall tx (m :: * -> *). Client tx m -> SigningKey PaymentKey
sk} RootState
s =
Widget Text -> [Widget Text]
forall a. a -> [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Widget Text -> [Widget Text]) -> Widget Text -> [Widget Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
BorderStyle -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. BorderStyle -> Widget n -> Widget n
withBorderStyle BorderStyle
ascii (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n
joinBorders (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeftRight Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
hLimit Int
40 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Version -> Widget Text
forall n. Version -> Widget n
drawTUIVersion Version
version Widget Text -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<+> Padding -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeft (Int -> Padding
Pad Int
1) (RootState -> Widget Text
forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawConnectedStatus RootState
, ConnectedState -> Widget Text
forall n. ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawPeersIfConnected (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, (Connection -> Widget Text) -> ConnectedState -> Widget Text
forall n. (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawIfConnected (IdentifiedState -> Widget Text
forall n. IdentifiedState -> Widget n
drawMeIfIdentified (IdentifiedState -> Widget Text)
-> (Connection -> IdentifiedState) -> Connection -> Widget Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Connection -> IdentifiedState
me) (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
, AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall n. AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawMyAddress (AddressInEra -> Widget Text) -> AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra
forall era.
IsShelleyBasedEra era =>
NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra era
mkVkAddress NetworkId
networkId (SigningKey PaymentKey -> VerificationKey PaymentKey
forall keyrole.
(Key keyrole, HasTypeProxy keyrole) =>
SigningKey keyrole -> VerificationKey keyrole
getVerificationKey SigningKey PaymentKey
, (Connection -> Widget Text) -> ConnectedState -> Widget Text
forall n. (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawIfConnected (\Connection
connection -> (ActiveLink -> Widget Text) -> HeadState -> Widget Text
forall n. (ActiveLink -> Widget n) -> HeadState -> Widget n
drawIfActive (IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget Text
forall n. IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawHeadParticipants (Connection -> IdentifiedState
me Connection
connection) ([Party] -> Widget Text)
-> (ActiveLink -> [Party]) -> ActiveLink -> Widget Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ActiveLink -> [Party]
parties) (Connection -> HeadState
headState Connection
connection)) (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeftRight Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ ConnectedState -> Widget Text
forall n. ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawHeadState (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, case RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
connectedStateL of
Disconnected -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
Connected Connection
k -> NetworkId
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> UTCTime
-> Connection
-> Widget Text
drawFocusPanel NetworkId
networkId (SigningKey PaymentKey -> VerificationKey PaymentKey
forall keyrole.
(Key keyrole, HasTypeProxy keyrole) =>
SigningKey keyrole -> VerificationKey keyrole
getVerificationKey SigningKey PaymentKey
sk) (RootState
s RootState -> Getting UTCTime RootState UTCTime -> UTCTime
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting UTCTime RootState UTCTime
Lens' RootState UTCTime
nowL) Connection
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
hLimit Int
20 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n
joinBorders (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RootState -> Widget Text
forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandPanel RootState
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
vLimit Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Text -> ViewportType -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n.
(Ord n, Show n) =>
n -> ViewportType -> Widget n -> Widget n
viewport Text
shortFeedbackViewportName ViewportType
Horizontal (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
(LogMessage -> Widget Text) -> Maybe LogMessage -> Widget Text
forall a n. (a -> Widget n) -> Maybe a -> Widget n
maybeWidget LogMessage -> Widget Text
forall n. LogMessage -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackShort (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting (First LogMessage) RootState LogMessage
-> Maybe LogMessage
forall s a. s -> Getting (First a) s a -> Maybe a
^? (LogState -> Const (First LogMessage) LogState)
-> RootState -> Const (First LogMessage) RootState
Lens' RootState LogState
logStateL ((LogState -> Const (First LogMessage) LogState)
-> RootState -> Const (First LogMessage) RootState)
-> ((LogMessage -> Const (First LogMessage) LogMessage)
-> LogState -> Const (First LogMessage) LogState)
-> Getting (First LogMessage) RootState LogMessage
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ([LogMessage] -> Const (First LogMessage) [LogMessage])
-> LogState -> Const (First LogMessage) LogState
Lens' LogState [LogMessage]
logMessagesL (([LogMessage] -> Const (First LogMessage) [LogMessage])
-> LogState -> Const (First LogMessage) LogState)
-> ((LogMessage -> Const (First LogMessage) LogMessage)
-> [LogMessage] -> Const (First LogMessage) [LogMessage])
-> (LogMessage -> Const (First LogMessage) LogMessage)
-> LogState
-> Const (First LogMessage) LogState
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LogMessage -> Const (First LogMessage) LogMessage)
-> [LogMessage] -> Const (First LogMessage) [LogMessage]
forall s a. Cons s s a a => Traversal' s a
Traversal' [LogMessage] LogMessage
drawCommandPanel :: RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandPanel :: forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandPanel RootState
s =
RootState -> Widget n
forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandList RootState
Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<=> Widget n
maybeDrawLogCommandList :: Widget n
| Bool -> Bool
not (RootState -> Bool
isModalOpen RootState
s) =
[Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Widget n
forall n. Widget n
, LogVerbosity -> Widget n
forall n. LogVerbosity -> Widget n
drawLogCommandList (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting LogVerbosity RootState LogVerbosity -> LogVerbosity
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. (LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> RootState -> Const LogVerbosity RootState
Lens' RootState LogState
logStateL ((LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> RootState -> Const LogVerbosity RootState)
-> ((LogVerbosity -> Const LogVerbosity LogVerbosity)
-> LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState)
-> Getting LogVerbosity RootState LogVerbosity
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LogVerbosity -> Const LogVerbosity LogVerbosity)
-> LogState -> Const LogVerbosity LogState
Lens' LogState LogVerbosity
| Bool
otherwise = Widget n
forall n. Widget n
drawScreenFullLog :: RootState -> [Widget Name]
drawScreenFullLog :: RootState -> [Widget Text]
drawScreenFullLog RootState
s =
Widget Text -> [Widget Text]
forall a. a -> [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Widget Text -> [Widget Text]) -> Widget Text -> [Widget Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
BorderStyle -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. BorderStyle -> Widget n -> Widget n
withBorderStyle BorderStyle
ascii (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n
joinBorders (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ ConnectedState -> Widget Text
forall n. ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawHeadState (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, Text -> ViewportType -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n.
(Ord n, Show n) =>
n -> ViewportType -> Widget n -> Widget n
viewport Text
fullFeedbackViewportName ViewportType
Vertical (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [LogMessage] -> Widget Text
forall n. [LogMessage] -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackFull (RootState
s RootState
-> Getting [LogMessage] RootState [LogMessage] -> [LogMessage]
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. (LogState -> Const [LogMessage] LogState)
-> RootState -> Const [LogMessage] RootState
Lens' RootState LogState
logStateL ((LogState -> Const [LogMessage] LogState)
-> RootState -> Const [LogMessage] RootState)
-> (([LogMessage] -> Const [LogMessage] [LogMessage])
-> LogState -> Const [LogMessage] LogState)
-> Getting [LogMessage] RootState [LogMessage]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ([LogMessage] -> Const [LogMessage] [LogMessage])
-> LogState -> Const [LogMessage] LogState
Lens' LogState [LogMessage]
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
hLimit Int
20 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n
joinBorders (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RootState -> Widget Text
forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandPanel RootState
drawCommandList :: RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandList :: forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawCommandList RootState
s = [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n)
-> ([Text] -> [Widget n]) -> [Text] -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Text -> Widget n) -> [Text] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt ([Text] -> Widget n) -> [Text] -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case RootState
s RootState
-> Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
-> ConnectedState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ConnectedState RootState ConnectedState
Lens' RootState ConnectedState
connectedStateL of
Disconnected -> [Text
Connected Connection
c -> case Connection
c Connection -> Getting HeadState Connection HeadState -> HeadState
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting HeadState Connection HeadState
Lens' Connection HeadState
headStateL of
Idle -> [Text
"[I]nit", Text
Active (ActiveLink{ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState :: ActiveHeadState
$sel:activeHeadState:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState}) -> case ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState of
Initializing{} -> [Text
"[C]ommit", Text
"[A]bort", Text
Open{} -> [Text
"[N]ew Transaction", Text
"[D]ecommit", Text
"[I]ncrement", Text
"[R]ecover", Text
"[C]lose", Text
Closed{} -> [Text
FanoutPossible{} -> [Text
"[F]anout", Text
Final{} -> [Text
"[I]nit", Text
drawLogCommandList :: LogVerbosity -> Widget n
drawLogCommandList :: forall n. LogVerbosity -> Widget n
drawLogCommandList LogVerbosity
s = [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n)
-> ([Text] -> [Widget n]) -> [Text] -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Text -> Widget n) -> [Text] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt ([Text] -> Widget n) -> [Text] -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case LogVerbosity
s of
Short ->
[ Text
"[<] Scroll Left"
, Text
"[>] Scroll Right"
, Text
"Full [H]istory Mode"
Full ->
[ Text
"[<] Scroll Up"
, Text
"[>] Scroll Down"
, Text
"[S]hort History Mode"
drawFocusPanelInitializing :: IdentifiedState -> InitializingState -> Widget Name
drawFocusPanelInitializing :: IdentifiedState -> InitializingState -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelInitializing IdentifiedState
me InitializingState{[Party]
remainingParties :: [Party]
$sel:remainingParties:InitializingState :: InitializingState -> [Party]
remainingParties, InitializingScreen
initializingScreen :: InitializingScreen
$sel:initializingScreen:InitializingState :: InitializingState -> InitializingScreen
initializingScreen} = case InitializingScreen
initializingScreen of
InitializingHome -> IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget Text
forall n. IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawRemainingParties IdentifiedState
me [Party]
CommitMenu UTxOCheckboxForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox [Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Select UTxOs to commit:", UTxOCheckboxForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm UTxOCheckboxForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
ConfirmingAbort ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox [Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Confirm Abort action:", ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
drawRemainingDepositDeadline :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Name
drawRemainingDepositDeadline :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawRemainingDepositDeadline UTCTime
deadline UTCTime
now =
let remaining :: NominalDiffTime
remaining = UTCTime -> UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime
diffUTCTime UTCTime
deadline UTCTime
in if NominalDiffTime
remaining NominalDiffTime -> NominalDiffTime -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> NominalDiffTime
then Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeftRight Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox [Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Remaining time to deposit: ", String -> Widget Text
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (NominalDiffTime -> String
forall t. (Ord t, Num t, FormatTime t) => t -> String
renderTime NominalDiffTime
else Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Deposit deadline passed, ready to recover."
drawPendingIncrement :: AddressInEra -> [PendingIncrement] -> UTCTime -> Widget Name
drawPendingIncrement :: AddressInEra -> [PendingIncrement] -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawPendingIncrement AddressInEra
ownAddress [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements UTCTime
now =
Padding -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeft (Int -> Padding
Pad Int
2) (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget Text] -> Widget Text) -> [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
([Widget Text] -> PendingIncrement -> [Widget Text])
-> [Widget Text] -> [PendingIncrement] -> [Widget Text]
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' [Widget Text] -> PendingIncrement -> [Widget Text]
pendingWidget [] [PendingIncrement]
pendingWidget :: [Widget Text] -> PendingIncrement -> [Widget Text]
pendingWidget [Widget Text]
acc = \case
utxoToCommit :: UTxO
$sel:utxoToCommit:PendingIncrement :: PendingIncrement -> UTxO
utxoToCommit, TxId
deposit :: TxId
$sel:deposit:PendingIncrement :: PendingIncrement -> TxId
deposit, UTCTime
depositDeadline :: UTCTime
$sel:depositDeadline:PendingIncrement :: PendingIncrement -> UTCTime
depositDeadline, PendingIncrementStatus
status :: PendingIncrementStatus
$sel:status:PendingIncrement :: PendingIncrement -> PendingIncrementStatus
status} ->
[Widget Text]
[Widget Text] -> [Widget Text] -> [Widget Text]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [ Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Text -> Widget Text) -> Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"id: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TxId -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show TxId
, Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Text -> Widget Text) -> Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"status: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PendingIncrementStatus -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show PendingIncrementStatus
, Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"utxo: "
, (AddressInEra -> Widget Text) -> UTxO -> Widget Text
forall n. (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO (AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall n. AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress AddressInEra
ownAddress) UTxO
, Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"deadline: "
, UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawRemainingDepositDeadline UTCTime
depositDeadline UTCTime
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
drawFocusPanelOpen :: NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> UTxO -> UTxO -> [PendingIncrement] -> UTCTime -> OpenScreen -> Widget Name
drawFocusPanelOpen :: NetworkId
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> UTxO
-> UTxO
-> [PendingIncrement]
-> UTCTime
-> OpenScreen
-> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelOpen NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk UTxO
utxo UTxO
pendingUTxOToDecommit [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements UTCTime
now = \case
OpenHome ->
[Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Active UTxO: "
, (AddressInEra -> Widget Text) -> UTxO -> Widget Text
forall n. (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO (AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall n. AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress AddressInEra
ownAddress) UTxO
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Pending UTxO to decommit: "
, (AddressInEra -> Widget Text) -> UTxO -> Widget Text
forall n. (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO (AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall n. AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress AddressInEra
ownAddress) UTxO
, Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
, [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Pending UTxO to commit: "
, AddressInEra -> [PendingIncrement] -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawPendingIncrement AddressInEra
ownAddress [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements UTCTime
SelectingUTxO UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
SelectingUTxOToDecommit UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
SelectingUTxOToIncrement UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm UTxORadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
SelectingDepositIdToRecover TxIdRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> TxIdRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm TxIdRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
EnteringAmount (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
_ Form Integer (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> Form Integer (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm Form Integer (HydraEvent Tx) Text
SelectingRecipient (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
_ Integer
_ Form SelectAddressItem (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> Form SelectAddressItem (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm Form SelectAddressItem (HydraEvent Tx) Text
EnteringRecipientAddress (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
_ Integer
_ Form AddressInEra (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> Form AddressInEra (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm Form AddressInEra (HydraEvent Tx) Text
ConfirmingClose ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
x -> [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox [Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Confirm Close action:", ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text -> Widget Text
forall n s e. Eq n => Form s e n -> Widget n
renderForm ConfirmingRadioFieldForm (HydraEvent Tx) Text
ownAddress :: AddressInEra
ownAddress = NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra
forall era.
IsShelleyBasedEra era =>
NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra era
mkVkAddress NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
drawFocusPanelClosed :: UTCTime -> ClosedState -> Widget Name
drawFocusPanelClosed :: UTCTime -> ClosedState -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelClosed UTCTime
now (ClosedState{UTCTime
contestationDeadline :: UTCTime
$sel:contestationDeadline:ClosedState :: ClosedState -> UTCTime
contestationDeadline}) = UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawRemainingContestationPeriod UTCTime
contestationDeadline UTCTime
drawFocusPanelFinal :: NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> UTxO -> Widget Name
drawFocusPanelFinal :: NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> UTxO -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelFinal NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk UTxO
utxo =
Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeftRight Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Text
"Distributed UTXO, total: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Value -> Text
renderValue (forall tx. IsTx tx => UTxOType tx -> ValueType tx
balance @Tx UTxO
UTxOType Tx
Widget Text -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<=> Padding -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
(Int -> Padding
Pad Int
((AddressInEra -> Widget Text) -> UTxO -> Widget Text
forall n. (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO (AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget Text
forall n. AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress AddressInEra
ownAddress) UTxO
ownAddress :: AddressInEra
ownAddress = NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra
forall era.
IsShelleyBasedEra era =>
NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra era
mkVkAddress NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
highlightOwnAddress :: AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress :: forall n. AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Widget n
highlightOwnAddress AddressInEra
ownAddress AddressInEra
a =
AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr (if AddressInEra
a AddressInEra -> AddressInEra -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== AddressInEra
ownAddress then AttrName
own else AttrName
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AddressInEra -> Widget n
forall n. AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawAddress AddressInEra
drawFocusPanel :: NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> UTCTime -> Connection -> Widget Name
drawFocusPanel :: NetworkId
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> UTCTime
-> Connection
-> Widget Text
drawFocusPanel NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk UTCTime
now (Connection{IdentifiedState
$sel:me:Connection :: Connection -> IdentifiedState
me :: IdentifiedState
me, HeadState
$sel:headState:Connection :: Connection -> HeadState
headState :: HeadState
headState}) = case HeadState
headState of
Idle -> Widget Text
forall n. Widget n
Active (ActiveLink{UTxO
utxo :: UTxO
$sel:utxo:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> UTxO
utxo, UTxO
pendingUTxOToDecommit :: UTxO
$sel:pendingUTxOToDecommit:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> UTxO
pendingUTxOToDecommit, [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements :: [PendingIncrement]
$sel:pendingIncrements:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements, ActiveHeadState
$sel:activeHeadState:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState :: ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState}) -> case ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState of
Initializing InitializingState
x -> IdentifiedState -> InitializingState -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelInitializing IdentifiedState
me InitializingState
Open OpenScreen
x -> NetworkId
-> VerificationKey PaymentKey
-> UTxO
-> UTxO
-> [PendingIncrement]
-> UTCTime
-> OpenScreen
-> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelOpen NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk UTxO
utxo UTxO
pendingUTxOToDecommit [PendingIncrement]
pendingIncrements UTCTime
now OpenScreen
Closed ClosedState
x -> UTCTime -> ClosedState -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelClosed UTCTime
now ClosedState
FanoutPossible -> Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Ready to fanout!"
Final -> NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> UTxO -> Widget Text
drawFocusPanelFinal NetworkId
networkId VerificationKey PaymentKey
vk UTxO
drawRemainingContestationPeriod :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Name
drawRemainingContestationPeriod :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Widget Text
drawRemainingContestationPeriod UTCTime
deadline UTCTime
now =
let remaining :: NominalDiffTime
remaining = UTCTime -> UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime
diffUTCTime UTCTime
deadline UTCTime
in if NominalDiffTime
remaining NominalDiffTime -> NominalDiffTime -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> NominalDiffTime
then Int -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeftRight Int
1 (Widget Text -> Widget Text) -> Widget Text -> Widget Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Widget Text] -> Widget Text
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox [Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Remaining time to contest: ", String -> Widget Text
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (NominalDiffTime -> String
forall t. (Ord t, Num t, FormatTime t) => t -> String
renderTime NominalDiffTime
else Text -> Widget Text
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Contestation period passed, ready to fan out soon."
drawRemainingParties :: IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawRemainingParties :: forall n. IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawRemainingParties IdentifiedState
k [Party]
xs =
String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Waiting for parties to commit:"
Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<=> ( case IdentifiedState
k of
Unidentified -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n
Identified Party
p -> Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
forall n. Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawPartiesWithOwnHighlighted Party
p [Party]
drawPartiesWithOwnHighlighted :: Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawPartiesWithOwnHighlighted :: forall n. Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawPartiesWithOwnHighlighted Party
k = (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
forall n. (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawParties (\Party
p -> AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
drawParty (if Party
k Party -> Party -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Party
p then AttrName
own else AttrName
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) Party
drawUserFeedbackFull :: [LogMessage] -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackFull :: forall n. [LogMessage] -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackFull = [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n)
-> ([LogMessage] -> [Widget n]) -> [LogMessage] -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (LogMessage -> Widget n) -> [LogMessage] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap LogMessage -> Widget n
forall n. LogMessage -> Widget n
f :: LogMessage -> Widget n
f :: forall n. LogMessage -> Widget n
f (LogMessage{Text
message :: Text
message :: LogMessage -> Text
message, Severity
severity :: Severity
severity :: LogMessage -> Severity
severity, UTCTime
time :: UTCTime
time :: LogMessage -> UTCTime
time}) =
let feedbackText :: Text
feedbackText = UTCTime -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show UTCTime
time Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
" | " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
feedbackChunks :: [Text]
feedbackChunks = Int -> Text -> [Text]
chunksOf Int
150 Text
feedbackDecorator :: Text -> Widget n
feedbackDecorator = AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr (Severity -> AttrName
severityToAttr Severity
severity) (Widget n -> Widget n) -> (Text -> Widget n) -> Text -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
in [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n) -> [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Widget n) -> [Text] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Text -> Widget n
feedbackDecorator [Text]
drawUserFeedbackShort :: LogMessage -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackShort :: forall n. LogMessage -> Widget n
drawUserFeedbackShort (LogMessage{Text
message :: LogMessage -> Text
message :: Text
message, Severity
severity :: LogMessage -> Severity
severity :: Severity
severity, UTCTime
time :: LogMessage -> UTCTime
time :: UTCTime
time}) =
AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr (Severity -> AttrName
severityToAttr Severity
severity) (Widget n -> Widget n) -> (Text -> Widget n) -> Text -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (String -> Widget n) -> (Text -> String) -> Text -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString (Text -> Widget n) -> Text -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (UTCTime -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show UTCTime
time Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
" | " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
drawParties :: (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawParties :: forall n. (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawParties Party -> Widget n
f [Party]
xs = [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n) -> [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Party -> Widget n
f [Party]
drawHeadParticipants :: IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawHeadParticipants :: forall n. IdentifiedState -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawHeadParticipants IdentifiedState
k [Party]
xs =
String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Head participants:"
Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<=> ( case IdentifiedState
k of
Unidentified -> (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
forall n. (Party -> Widget n) -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawParties (AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
drawParty AttrName
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) [Party]
Identified Party
p -> Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
forall n. Party -> [Party] -> Widget n
drawPartiesWithOwnHighlighted Party
p [Party]
drawIfConnected :: (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawIfConnected :: forall n. (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawIfConnected Connection -> Widget n
f = \case
Disconnected{} -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n
Connected Connection
c -> Connection -> Widget n
f Connection
drawIfActive :: (ActiveLink -> Widget n) -> HeadState -> Widget n
drawIfActive :: forall n. (ActiveLink -> Widget n) -> HeadState -> Widget n
drawIfActive ActiveLink -> Widget n
f = \case
Idle -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n
Active ActiveLink
x -> ActiveLink -> Widget n
f ActiveLink
drawPeersIfConnected :: ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawPeersIfConnected :: forall n. ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawPeersIfConnected = (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
forall n. (Connection -> Widget n) -> ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawIfConnected ([NodeId] -> Widget n
forall n. [NodeId] -> Widget n
drawPeers ([NodeId] -> Widget n)
-> (Connection -> [NodeId]) -> Connection -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Connection -> [NodeId]
drawHeadId :: HeadId -> Widget n
drawHeadId :: forall n. HeadId -> Widget n
drawHeadId HeadId
x = Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Text -> Widget n) -> Text -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"Head id: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> HeadId -> Text
forall a. SerialiseAsRawBytes a => a -> Text
serialiseToRawBytesHexText HeadId
drawMyAddress :: AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawMyAddress :: forall n. AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawMyAddress AddressInEra
addr = String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Address " Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<+> AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
own (AddressInEra -> Widget n
forall n. AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawAddress AddressInEra
drawAddress :: AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawAddress :: forall n. AddressInEra -> Widget n
drawAddress AddressInEra
addr = Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Int -> Text -> Text
ellipsize Int
40 (Text -> Text) -> Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AddressInEra -> Text
forall addr. SerialiseAddress addr => addr -> Text
serialiseAddress AddressInEra
drawMeIfIdentified :: IdentifiedState -> Widget n
drawMeIfIdentified :: forall n. IdentifiedState -> Widget n
drawMeIfIdentified (Identified Party{VerificationKey HydraKey
vkey :: VerificationKey HydraKey
$sel:vkey:Party :: Party -> VerificationKey HydraKey
vkey}) = String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Party " Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<+> AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
own (Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt (Text -> Widget n) -> Text -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VerificationKey HydraKey -> Text
forall a. SerialiseAsRawBytes a => a -> Text
serialiseToRawBytesHexText VerificationKey HydraKey
drawMeIfIdentified IdentifiedState
Unidentified = Widget n
forall n. Widget n
drawConnectedStatus :: RootState -> Widget n
drawConnectedStatus :: forall n. RootState -> Widget n
drawConnectedStatus RootState{Host
nodeHost :: Host
$sel:nodeHost:RootState :: RootState -> Host
nodeHost, ConnectedState
connectedState :: ConnectedState
$sel:connectedState:RootState :: RootState -> ConnectedState
connectedState} = case ConnectedState
connectedState of
Disconnected -> AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
negative (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (String -> Widget n) -> String -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"connecting to " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Host -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Host
Connected Connection
_ -> AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
positive (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (String -> Widget n) -> String -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"connected to " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Host -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Host
drawParty :: AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
drawParty :: forall n. AttrName -> Party -> Widget n
drawParty AttrName
x Party{VerificationKey HydraKey
$sel:vkey:Party :: Party -> VerificationKey HydraKey
vkey :: VerificationKey HydraKey
vkey} = AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
x (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ VerificationKey HydraKey -> Widget n
forall a n. SerialiseAsRawBytes a => a -> Widget n
drawHex VerificationKey HydraKey
drawPeers :: [NodeId] -> Widget n
drawPeers :: forall n. [NodeId] -> Widget n
drawPeers [NodeId]
peers = [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox ([Widget n] -> Widget n) -> [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Peers connected to our node:" Widget n -> [Widget n] -> [Widget n]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: (NodeId -> Widget n) -> [NodeId] -> [Widget n]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map NodeId -> Widget n
forall a n. Show a => a -> Widget n
drawShow [NodeId]
drawTUIVersion :: Version -> Widget n
drawTUIVersion :: forall n. Version -> Widget n
drawTUIVersion Version
v = String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str String
"Hydra TUI " Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<+> String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (Version -> String
showVersion Version
renderTime :: (Ord t, Num t, FormatTime t) => t -> String
renderTime :: forall t. (Ord t, Num t, FormatTime t) => t -> String
renderTime t
| t
r t -> t -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< t
0 = String
"-" String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> t -> String
forall t. (Ord t, Num t, FormatTime t) => t -> String
renderTime (t -> t
forall a. Num a => a -> a
negate t
| Bool
otherwise = TimeLocale -> String -> t -> String
forall t. FormatTime t => TimeLocale -> String -> t -> String
formatTime TimeLocale
defaultTimeLocale String
"%dd %Hh %Mm %Ss" t
drawHeadState :: ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawHeadState :: forall n. ConnectedState -> Widget n
drawHeadState = \case
Disconnected{} -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n
Connected (Connection{HeadState
$sel:headState:Connection :: Connection -> HeadState
headState :: HeadState
headState}) ->
[Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Text -> Widget n
forall n. Text -> Widget n
txt Text
"Head status: "
Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Widget n -> Widget n -> Widget n
<+> AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. AttrName -> Widget n -> Widget n
withAttr AttrName
infoA (String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (String -> Widget n) -> String -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HeadState -> String
showHeadState HeadState
, (ActiveLink -> Widget n) -> HeadState -> Widget n
forall n. (ActiveLink -> Widget n) -> HeadState -> Widget n
drawIfActive (HeadId -> Widget n
forall n. HeadId -> Widget n
drawHeadId (HeadId -> Widget n)
-> (ActiveLink -> HeadId) -> ActiveLink -> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ActiveLink -> HeadId
headId) HeadState
showHeadState :: HeadState -> String
showHeadState :: HeadState -> String
showHeadState = \case
Idle -> String
Active (ActiveLink{ActiveHeadState
$sel:activeHeadState:ActiveLink :: ActiveLink -> ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState :: ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState}) -> case ActiveHeadState
activeHeadState of
Initializing{} -> String
Open{} -> String
FanoutPossible{} -> String
Closed{} -> String
Final{} -> String
drawUTxO :: (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO :: forall n. (AddressInEra -> Widget n) -> UTxO -> Widget n
drawUTxO AddressInEra -> Widget n
f UTxO
utxo =
let byAddress :: Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
byAddress =
-> TxOut CtxUTxO
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)])
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO)
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall k a b. (k -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Map k a -> b
k v :: TxOut CtxUTxO
v@TxOut{txOutAddress :: forall ctx. TxOut ctx -> AddressInEra
txOutAddress = AddressInEra
addr} -> ([(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)])
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.unionWith [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)] -> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(++) (AddressInEra
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall k a. k -> a -> Map k a
Map.singleton AddressInEra
addr [(TxIn
k, TxOut CtxUTxO
Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall a. Monoid a => a
(Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO)
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)])
-> Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO)
-> Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UTxO -> Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO)
forall out. UTxO' out -> Map TxIn out
UTxO.toMap UTxO
in [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
padTop (Int -> Padding
Pad Int
1) (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
[ AddressInEra -> Widget n
f AddressInEra
, Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall n. Padding -> Widget n -> Widget n
padLeft (Int -> Padding
Pad Int
2) (Widget n -> Widget n) -> Widget n -> Widget n
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Widget n] -> Widget n
forall n. [Widget n] -> Widget n
vBox (String -> Widget n
forall n. String -> Widget n
str (String -> Widget n)
-> ((TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) -> String)
-> (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
-> Widget n
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString (Text -> String)
-> ((TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) -> Text)
-> (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)
-> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) -> Text
forall ctx era. (TxIn, TxOut ctx era) -> Text
UTxO.render ((TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO) -> Widget n)
-> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)] -> [Widget n]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
| (AddressInEra
addr, [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
u) <- Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]
-> [(AddressInEra, [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)])]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList Map AddressInEra [(TxIn, TxOut CtxUTxO)]