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With Docker

We'll be using Docker and compose to get the demo running, so make sure you have them in scope or, jump right away to Running The Demo: Without Docker if you feel like doing it the hard way.


For convenience, we also provide a script ./, which combines the steps above. It also performs a few sanity checks to avoid tripping ourselves.


All commands below are written as if executed from the demo folder in the project repository, so make sure to clone the repository and cd demo before doing anything else.

OS Compatibility

These instructions have been tested only on Linux environments (Ubuntu, NixOS). If you're on Windows or Mac OS X, you might need to adapt to use Volumes.

Setting-up The Chain

To get started, let's pull the necessary images for services defined in the compose file:

docker-compose --profile tui --profile hydra-node pull

From there, we can run the ./ script to create an initial configuration for our development network. This creates genesis files needed to bootstrap a Cardano blockchain. Note that, for the demo, we use a simple variant of Cardano that requires no stake pools whatsoever.


We can now bring the Cardano node up with:

docker-compose up -d cardano-node

As we use ad-hoc private devnets that start from the genesis block, you need to ensure the devnet configuration is reasonably up to date. If you get TraceNoLedgerView errors from the Cardano node, the start times are too far in the past and you should update them by using the script, for example.

You can verify that the node is up-and-running by checking the logs with docker-compose logs cardano-node -f. You should see traces containing TraceAdoptedBlock, which means that the devnet is producing blocks .. nice!

Seeding The Network

We include a script that uses the cardano-cli in the already running cardano-node container to give Alice, Bob, and Carol some UTXO entries to commit and some fuel UTXO.


Starting Hydra Nodes

Finally, now that the on-chain preparations are ready, we can bring the Hydra network (i.e. all three nodes for Alice, Bob and Carol) up by running:

docker-compose --profile hydra-node up -d

Running The Clients

Using compose, you can start the demo Terminal-based User Interface (a.k.a. hydra-tui) to interact with Hydra nodes. There are 3 preconfigured TUI services in the compose definition: hydra-tui-1, hydra-tui-2, and hydra-tui-3. To connect to the first Hydra node in a terminal, run the following commands:

docker-compose --profile tui run hydra-tui-1

This will start a full-blown terminal interface loaded with signing keys corresponding to the first Hydra node. In other terminals, you can start other nodes in a similar fashion targeting hydra-tui-2 and hydra-tui-3 services.