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25. Event-sourced, resource-based API

· 5 minutes de lecture




  • ADR-3 concluded that a full-duplex communication channels are desirable to interact with a reactive system.

  • The Client API communicates several types of messages to clients. Currently this ranges from node-level PeerConnected, over head-specific HeadIsOpen to messages about transactions like TxValid. These messages are all of type StateChanged.

  • Current capabilities of the API:

    • Clients can retrieve the whole history of StateChanged messages or opt-out using a query parameter - all or nothing.

    • There is a welcome message called Greetings which is always sent, that contains the last headStatus.

    • There exists a GetUTxO query-like ClientInput, which will respond with a GetUTxOResponse containing the confirmed UTxO set in an open head, or (!) the currently committed UTxO set when the head is initializing.

    • While overall json encoded, clients can choose choose between json or binary (cbor) output of transaction fields in several of these using a query parameter.

  • Many of these features have been added in a "quick and dirty" way, by monkey patching the encoded JSON.

  • The current capabalities even do not satisfy all user needs:

    • Need to wade through lots of events to know the latest state (except the very basic headStatus from the Greetings).

    • Need to poll GetUTxO or aggregate confirmed transactions on client side to know the latest UTxO set for constructing transactions.

    • Inclusion of the whole UTxO set in the head is not always desirable and filtering by address would be beneficial. (not addressed in this ADR though, relevant discussion #797)

    • As ADR-15 also proposes, some clients may not need (or should not have) access to administrative information.

  • It is often a good idea to separate the responsibilities of Commands and Queries (CQRS), as well as the model they use.


  • Drop GetUTxO and GetUTxOResponse messages as they advocate a request/response way of querying.

  • Realize that ClientInput data is actually a ClientCommand (renaming them) and that ServerOutput are just projections of the internal event stream (see ADR-24) into read models on the API layer.

  • Compose a versioned (/v1) API out of resource models, which compartmentalize the domain into topics on the API layer.

    • A resource has a model type and the latest value is the result of a pure projection folded over the StateChanged event stream, i.e. project :: model -> StateChanged -> model.

    • Each resource is available at some HTTP path, also called "endpoint":

      • GET requests must respond with the latest state in a single response.

      • GET requests with Upgrade: websocket headers must start a websocket connection, push the latest state as first message and any resource state updates after.

      • Other HTTP verbs may be accepted by a resource handler, i.e. to issue resource-specific commands. Any commands accepted must also be available via the corresponding websocket connection.

    • Accept request headers can be used to configure the Content-Type of the response

      • All resources must provide application/json responses

      • Some resources might support more content types (e.g. CBOR-encoded binary)

    • Query parameters may be used to further configure responses of some resources. For example, ?address=<bech32> could be used to filter UTxO by some address.

  • Keep the semantics of /, which accepts websocket upgrade connections and sends direct/raw output of ServerOutput events on /, while accepting all ClientCommand messages.

    • Define ServerOutput also in terms of the StateChanged event stream

Example resources

Example resource paths + HTTP verbs mapped to existing things to demonstrate the effects of the decision points above. The mappings may change and are to be documented by an API specification instead.

/v1/head/snapshot/utxolast confirmed snapshot utxo---
/v1/head/snapshot/transactionsconfirmed snapshot txsNewTx + responses--
/v1/head/ledger/transactionslocalTxsNewTx + responses--
/v1/headall /v1/head/* dataInitCloseFanout / Abort
/v1/protocol-parameterscurrent protocol parameters
/v1/peersa list of peers---
/v1/node-versionnode version as in Greetings---
/v1/all /v1/* data---

Multiple heads are out of scope now and hence paths are not including a <headId> variable section.


  • Clear separation of what types are used for querying and gets subscribed to by clients and we have dedicated types for sending data to clients

  • Changes on the querying side of the API are separated from the business logic.

  • Clients do not need to aggregate data that is already available on the server side without coupling the API to internal state representation.

  • Separation of Head operation and Head usage, e.g. some HTTP endpoints can be operated with authentication.

  • Clients have a fine-grained control over what to subscribe to and what to query.

  • Versioned API allows clients to detect incompatibility easily.

  • Need to rewrite how the hydra-tui is implemented.