Benchmarks and limitations
This section provides up-to-date data regarding the known limitations of the Hydra Head on-chain protocol. Cardano transactions and blocks are subject to constraints on transaction size, execution cost, and the number of inputs and outputs. These constraints are determined by network parameters and significantly influence the capabilities of the Hydra Head protocol, such as the maximum number of parties that can participate, the amount of UTXOs that can be committed, and the extent to which these UTXOs can be fanned out. As on-chain scripts and transactions are further optimized, and as the underlying Cardano blockchain evolves with expanded parameters and enhanced script execution efficiency, these limitations are expected to evolve.
The data in this section is generated through Hydra's continuous integration (CI) process, ensuring that it accurately reflects the current state of the code.
📄️ Transaction costs
Sizes and execution budgets for Hydra protocol transactions. Note that unlisted parameters are currently using arbitrary values and results are not fully deterministic and comparable to previous runs.
📄️ End-to-end benchmarks
This page is intended to collect the latest end-to-end benchmark results produced by Hydra's continuous integration (CI) system from the latest master code.
📄️ Profiling Hydra scripts
This tutorial explains how to profile Hydra scripts and is intended for contributors to the hydra-node.
📄️ Ledger micro-benchmarks
This section details the time taken for various key processes in applying transactions in the Cardano ledger within a Hydra head. The absolute values are relatively meaningless. Instead, the focus is on understanding the relative costs of the different operations that make up the end-to-end process of submitting and applying a new transaction to a Hydra head.