{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hydra.ModelSpec where
import Hydra.Cardano.Api
import Hydra.Prelude
import Test.Hydra.Prelude hiding (after)
import Cardano.Api.UTxO qualified as UTxO
import Control.Concurrent.Class.MonadSTM (newTVarIO)
import Control.Monad.Class.MonadTimer ()
import Control.Monad.IOSim (Failure (FailureException), IOSim, runSimTrace, traceResult)
import Data.Map ((!))
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import Hydra.API.ClientInput (ClientInput (GetUTxO))
import Hydra.API.ServerOutput (ServerOutput (GetUTxOResponse))
import Hydra.BehaviorSpec (TestHydraClient (..), dummySimulatedChainNetwork)
import Hydra.Logging.Messages (HydraLog)
import Hydra.Model (
Action (ObserveConfirmedTx, ObserveHeadIsOpen, Wait),
GlobalState (..),
Nodes (Nodes, nodes),
OffChainState (..),
RunState (..),
WorldState (..),
import Hydra.Model qualified as Model
import Hydra.Model.Payment qualified as Payment
import Hydra.Tx.Party (Party (..), deriveParty)
import System.IO.Temp (writeSystemTempFile)
import Test.Hydra.Tx.Fixture (testNetworkId)
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Testable, counterexample, forAllShrink, property, withMaxSuccess, within)
import Test.QuickCheck.DynamicLogic (
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen.Unsafe (Capture (Capture), capture)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (PropertyM, assert, monadic', monitor, run)
import Test.QuickCheck.Property ((===))
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel (
ActionWithPolarity (..),
Annotated (..),
Step ((:=)),
pattern Actions,
import Test.Util (printTrace, traceInIOSim)
spec :: Spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"model should not generate 0 Ada UTxO" (Property -> Spec) -> Property -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> (Actions WorldState -> Bool) -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
withMaxSuccess Int
10000 Actions WorldState -> Bool
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"model generates consistent traces" (Property -> Spec) -> Property -> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
withMaxSuccess Int
10000 Actions WorldState -> Property
String -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"implementation respects model" Actions WorldState -> Property
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"check conflict-free liveness" Property
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"check head opens if all participants commit" Property
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"fanout contains whole confirmed UTxO" Property
-> ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"toRealUTxO is distributive" (([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec)
-> ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> Property
forall b a.
(Show b, Eq b, Semigroup a, Semigroup b) =>
(a -> b) -> a -> a -> Property
propIsDistributive [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
UTxOType Payment -> UTxOType Tx
-> ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"toTxOuts is distributive" (([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec)
-> ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Property)
-> Spec
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> [TxOut CtxUTxO Era])
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> Property
forall b a.
(Show b, Eq b, Semigroup a, Semigroup b) =>
(a -> b) -> a -> a -> Property
propIsDistributive [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> [TxOut CtxUTxO Era]
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"parties contest to wrong closed snapshot" Property
String -> Property -> Spec
forall prop.
(HasCallStack, Testable prop) =>
String -> prop -> Spec
prop String
"checkModel" Property
prop_checkModel :: Property
prop_checkModel :: Property
prop_checkModel =
Int -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
within Int
30000000 (Property -> Property) -> Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Gen (Actions WorldState)
-> (Actions WorldState -> [Actions WorldState])
-> (Actions WorldState -> Property)
-> Property
forall a prop.
(Show a, Testable prop) =>
Gen a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> prop) -> Property
forAllShrink Gen (Actions WorldState)
forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary Actions WorldState -> [Actions WorldState]
forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink ((Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property)
-> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Actions WorldState
actions ->
(forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property
forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a) -> Property
runIOSimProp ((forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property)
-> (forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(Annotated WorldState
metadata, Env (RunMonad (IOSim s))
_symEnv) <- Actions WorldState
-> PropertyM
(RunMonad (IOSim s))
(Annotated WorldState, Env (RunMonad (IOSim s)))
forall state (m :: * -> *) e.
(StateModel state, RunModel state m, e ~ Error state,
forall a. IsPerformResult e a) =>
Actions state -> PropertyM m (Annotated state, Env m)
runActions Actions WorldState
let WorldState{[(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties :: [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
$sel:hydraParties:WorldState :: WorldState -> [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties, GlobalState
hydraState :: GlobalState
$sel:hydraState:WorldState :: WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState} = Annotated WorldState -> WorldState
forall state. Annotated state -> state
underlyingState Annotated WorldState
RunMonad (IOSim s) () -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> PropertyM m a
run (RunMonad (IOSim s) () -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> RunMonad (IOSim s) () -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IOSim s () -> RunMonad (IOSim s) ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> RunMonad m a
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift IOSim s ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => m ()
let parties :: Set Party
parties = [Party] -> Set Party
forall a. Ord a => [a] -> Set a
Set.fromList ([Party] -> Set Party) -> [Party] -> Set Party
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SigningKey HydraKey -> Party
deriveParty (SigningKey HydraKey -> Party)
-> ((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)
-> SigningKey HydraKey)
-> (SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)
-> Party
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> SigningKey HydraKey
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> Party)
-> [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)] -> [Party]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
nodes <- RunMonad (IOSim s) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
-> PropertyM
(RunMonad (IOSim s)) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> PropertyM m a
run (RunMonad (IOSim s) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
-> PropertyM
(RunMonad (IOSim s)) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))))
-> RunMonad (IOSim s) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
-> PropertyM
(RunMonad (IOSim s)) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Nodes (IOSim s) -> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
-> RunMonad (IOSim s) (Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
gets Nodes (IOSim s) -> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
forall (m :: * -> *). Nodes m -> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx m)
Bool -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Bool -> PropertyM m ()
assert (Set Party
parties Set Party -> Set Party -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)) -> Set Party
forall k a. Map k a -> Set k
Map.keysSet Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
Set Party
-> (Party -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ Set Party
parties ((Party -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> (Party -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Party
p -> do
-> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
-> Party
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall s.
-> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
-> Party
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent GlobalState
hydraState Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
nodes Party
waitForAMinute :: MonadDelay m => m ()
waitForAMinute :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => m ()
waitForAMinute = DiffTime -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadDelay m => DiffTime -> m ()
threadDelay DiffTime
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent ::
GlobalState ->
Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)) ->
Party ->
PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent :: forall s.
-> Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
-> Party
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
assertBalancesInOpenHeadAreConsistent GlobalState
world Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
nodes Party
p = do
let node :: TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)
node = Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
nodes Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
-> Party -> TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)
forall k a. Ord k => Map k a -> k -> a
! Party
case GlobalState
world of
Open{$sel:offChainState:Start :: GlobalState -> OffChainState
offChainState = OffChainState{UTxOType Payment
confirmedUTxO :: UTxOType Payment
$sel:confirmedUTxO:OffChainState :: OffChainState -> UTxOType Payment
confirmedUTxO}} -> do
UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
utxo <- RunMonad (IOSim s) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> PropertyM m a
run (RunMonad (IOSim s) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
-> RunMonad (IOSim s) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) (UTxOType Tx)
forall {t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *} {m :: * -> *} {tx}.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
TestHydraClient tx m -> t m (UTxOType tx)
getUTxO TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s)
let expectedBalance :: Map Text Value
expectedBalance =
(Value -> Value -> Value) -> [(Text, Value)] -> Map Text Value
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Value -> Value -> Value
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
[ (AddressInEra -> Text
unwrapAddress AddressInEra
addr, Value
| (Payment.CardanoSigningKey SigningKey PaymentKey
sk, Value
value) <- [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
UTxOType Payment
, let addr :: AddressInEra
addr = NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra
forall era.
IsShelleyBasedEra era =>
NetworkId -> VerificationKey PaymentKey -> AddressInEra era
mkVkAddress NetworkId
testNetworkId (SigningKey PaymentKey -> VerificationKey PaymentKey
forall keyrole.
(Key keyrole, HasTypeProxy keyrole) =>
SigningKey keyrole -> VerificationKey keyrole
getVerificationKey SigningKey PaymentKey
, Value -> Maybe Lovelace
valueToLovelace Value
value Maybe Lovelace -> Maybe Lovelace -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Lovelace -> Maybe Lovelace
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Lovelace
let actualBalance :: Map Text Value
actualBalance =
(Value -> Value -> Value) -> [(Text, Value)] -> Map Text Value
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromListWith Value -> Value -> Value
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
(<>) ([(Text, Value)] -> Map Text Value)
-> [(Text, Value)] -> Map Text Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[ (AddressInEra -> Text
unwrapAddress AddressInEra
addr, Value
| (TxOut AddressInEra
addr Value
value TxOutDatum CtxUTxO
_ ReferenceScript
_) <- Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO Era) -> [TxOut CtxUTxO Era]
forall k a. Map k a -> [a]
Map.elems (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era) -> Map TxIn (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
forall out. UTxO' out -> Map TxIn out
UTxO.toMap UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)
, Value -> Maybe Lovelace
valueToLovelace Value
value Maybe Lovelace -> Maybe Lovelace -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Lovelace -> Maybe Lovelace
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Lovelace
(Property -> Property) -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
Monad m =>
(Property -> Property) -> PropertyM m ()
monitor ((Property -> Property) -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ())
-> (Property -> Property) -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (String -> Property -> Property) -> String -> Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
Text -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString (Text -> String) -> Text -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
[Text] -> Text
forall t. IsText t "unlines" => [t] -> t
[ Text
"actualBalance = " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map Text Value -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Map Text Value
, Text
"expectedBalance = " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map Text Value -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Map Text Value
, Text
"Difference: (" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Party -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Party
p Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
") " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map Text Value -> Text
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show (Map Text Value -> Map Text Value -> Map Text Value
forall k a b. Ord k => Map k a -> Map k b -> Map k a
Map.difference Map Text Value
actualBalance Map Text Value
Bool -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Bool -> PropertyM m ()
assert (Map Text Value
expectedBalance Map Text Value -> Map Text Value -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Map Text Value
_ -> do
() -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall a. a -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
getUTxO :: TestHydraClient tx m -> t m (UTxOType tx)
getUTxO TestHydraClient tx m
node = m (UTxOType tx) -> t m (UTxOType tx)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => m a -> t m a
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (m (UTxOType tx) -> t m (UTxOType tx))
-> m (UTxOType tx) -> t m (UTxOType tx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
TestHydraClient tx m
node TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> ClientInput tx -> m ()
`send` ClientInput tx
forall tx. ClientInput tx
let loop :: m (UTxOType tx)
loop =
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
forall tx (m :: * -> *).
TestHydraClient tx m -> m (ServerOutput tx)
waitForNext TestHydraClient tx m
node m (ServerOutput tx)
-> (ServerOutput tx -> m (UTxOType tx)) -> m (UTxOType tx)
forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
GetUTxOResponse HeadId
_ UTxOType tx
u -> UTxOType tx -> m (UTxOType tx)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure UTxOType tx
ServerOutput tx
_ -> m (UTxOType tx)
m (UTxOType tx)
propIsDistributive :: (Show b, Eq b, Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Property
propIsDistributive :: forall b a.
(Show b, Eq b, Semigroup a, Semigroup b) =>
(a -> b) -> a -> a -> Property
propIsDistributive a -> b
f a
x a
y =
a -> b
f a
x b -> b -> b
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> a -> b
f a
y b -> b -> Property
forall a. (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Property
=== a -> b
f (a
x a -> a -> a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> a
Property -> (Property -> Property) -> Property
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& String -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (String
"f (x <> y) " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> b -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show (a -> b
f (a
x a -> a -> a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> a
Property -> (Property -> Property) -> Property
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& String -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (String
"f x <> f y: " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> b -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show (a -> b
f a
x b -> b -> b
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> a -> b
f a
prop_partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot :: Property
prop_partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot :: Property
prop_partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot =
DL WorldState () -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall s a.
(DynLogicModel s, Testable a) =>
DL s () -> (Actions s -> a) -> Property
forAllDL DL WorldState ()
partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot Actions WorldState -> Property
partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot :: DL WorldState ()
partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot :: DL WorldState ()
partyContestsToWrongClosedSnapshot = do
DL WorldState ()
DL WorldState WorldState
forall s. DL s s
getModelStateDL DL WorldState WorldState
-> (WorldState -> DL WorldState ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b.
DL WorldState a -> (a -> DL WorldState b) -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
st :: WorldState
st@WorldState{$sel:hydraState:WorldState :: WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState = Open{}} -> do
party, Payment
payment) <- Quantification (Party, Payment) -> DL WorldState (Party, Payment)
forall a s.
QuantifyConstraints (HasNoVariables a) =>
Quantification a -> DL s a
forAllNonVariableQ (WorldState -> Quantification (Party, Payment)
nonConflictingTx WorldState
Var Payment
tx <- Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment))
-> Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Payment -> Action WorldState Payment
Model.NewTx Party
party Payment
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually (Var Payment -> Action WorldState ()
ObserveConfirmedTx Var Payment
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ (Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ())
-> Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Action WorldState ()
Model.CloseWithInitialSnapshot Party
DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))) -> DL WorldState ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
-> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
-> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))))
-> Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
Model.Fanout Party
_ -> () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a. a -> DL WorldState a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ Action WorldState ()
prop_fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO :: Property
prop_fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO :: Property
prop_fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO =
DL WorldState () -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall s a.
(DynLogicModel s, Testable a) =>
DL s () -> (Actions s -> a) -> Property
forAllDL DL WorldState ()
fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO Actions WorldState -> Property
fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO :: DL WorldState ()
fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO :: DL WorldState ()
fanoutContainsWholeConfirmedUTxO = do
DL WorldState ()
forall s. DL s ()
DL WorldState WorldState
forall s. DL s s
getModelStateDL DL WorldState WorldState
-> (WorldState -> DL WorldState ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b.
DL WorldState a -> (a -> DL WorldState b) -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
st :: WorldState
st@WorldState{$sel:hydraState:WorldState :: WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState = Open{}} -> do
party, Payment
payment) <- Quantification (Party, Payment) -> DL WorldState (Party, Payment)
forall a s.
QuantifyConstraints (HasNoVariables a) =>
Quantification a -> DL s a
forAllNonVariableQ (WorldState -> Quantification (Party, Payment)
nonConflictingTx WorldState
Var Payment
tx <- Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment))
-> Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Payment -> Action WorldState Payment
Model.NewTx Party
party Payment
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually (Var Payment -> Action WorldState ()
ObserveConfirmedTx Var Payment
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ (Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ())
-> Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Action WorldState ()
Model.Close Party
DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))) -> DL WorldState ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
-> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
-> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))))
-> Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Action WorldState (UTxO' (TxOut CtxUTxO Era))
Model.Fanout Party
_ -> () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a. a -> DL WorldState a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ Action WorldState ()
prop_checkHeadOpensIfAllPartiesCommit :: Property
prop_checkHeadOpensIfAllPartiesCommit :: Property
prop_checkHeadOpensIfAllPartiesCommit =
Int -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
within Int
50000000 (Property -> Property) -> Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
DL WorldState () -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall s a.
(DynLogicModel s, Testable a) =>
DL s () -> (Actions s -> a) -> Property
forAllDL DL WorldState ()
headOpensIfAllPartiesCommit Actions WorldState -> Property
headOpensIfAllPartiesCommit :: DL WorldState ()
headOpensIfAllPartiesCommit :: DL WorldState ()
headOpensIfAllPartiesCommit = do
DL WorldState ()
DL WorldState ()
DL WorldState ()
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually' Action WorldState ()
eventually' :: Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually' Action WorldState ()
a = Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState (Var ())
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (DiffTime -> Action WorldState ()
Wait DiffTime
1000) DL WorldState (Var ()) -> DL WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. DL WorldState a -> DL WorldState b -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ Action WorldState ()
seedTheWorld :: DL WorldState ()
seedTheWorld = Quantification (Action WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState (Action WorldState ())
forall a s.
QuantifyConstraints (HasNoVariables a) =>
Quantification a -> DL s a
forAllNonVariableQ (Gen (Action WorldState ())
-> (Action WorldState () -> Bool)
-> (Action WorldState () -> [Action WorldState ()])
-> Quantification (Action WorldState ())
forall a. Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> Quantification a
withGenQ Gen (Action WorldState ())
genSeed (Bool -> Action WorldState () -> Bool
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Bool
True) ([Action WorldState ()]
-> Action WorldState () -> [Action WorldState ()]
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const [])) DL WorldState (Action WorldState ())
-> (Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b.
DL WorldState a -> (a -> DL WorldState b) -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
initHead :: DL WorldState ()
initHead = do
WorldState{[(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
$sel:hydraParties:WorldState :: WorldState -> [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties :: [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties} <- DL WorldState WorldState
forall s. DL s s
Quantification (Action WorldState ())
-> DL
WorldState (Quantifies (Quantification (Action WorldState ())))
forall q s. Quantifiable q => q -> DL s (Quantifies q)
forAllQ (Gen (Action WorldState ())
-> (Action WorldState () -> Bool)
-> (Action WorldState () -> [Action WorldState ()])
-> Quantification (Action WorldState ())
forall a. Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> Quantification a
withGenQ ([(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
-> Gen (Action WorldState ())
forall b. [(SigningKey HydraKey, b)] -> Gen (Action WorldState ())
genInit [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties) (Bool -> Action WorldState () -> Bool
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Bool
True) ([Action WorldState ()]
-> Action WorldState () -> [Action WorldState ()]
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const [])) DL WorldState (Action WorldState ())
-> (Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b.
DL WorldState a -> (a -> DL WorldState b) -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
everybodyCommit :: DL WorldState ()
everybodyCommit = do
WorldState{[(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
$sel:hydraParties:WorldState :: WorldState -> [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties :: [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties, GlobalState
$sel:hydraState:WorldState :: WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState :: GlobalState
hydraState} <- DL WorldState WorldState
forall s. DL s s
case GlobalState
hydraState of
pendingCommits :: Uncommitted
$sel:pendingCommits:Start :: GlobalState -> Uncommitted
pendingCommits} ->
[(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
-> ((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
forM_ [(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)]
hydraParties (((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState ())
-> ((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \(SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)
p -> do
let party :: Party
party = SigningKey HydraKey -> Party
deriveParty ((SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey) -> SigningKey HydraKey
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (SigningKey HydraKey, CardanoSigningKey)
case Party
-> Map Party [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
-> Maybe [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup Party
party Map Party [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
pendingCommits of
Maybe [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
Nothing -> () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a. a -> DL WorldState a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
Just [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
utxo ->
DL WorldState (Var [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)])
-> DL WorldState ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (DL WorldState (Var [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)])
-> DL WorldState ())
-> DL WorldState (Var [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)])
-> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Action WorldState (UTxOType Payment)
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxOType Payment))
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState (UTxOType Payment)
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxOType Payment)))
-> Action WorldState (UTxOType Payment)
-> DL WorldState (Var (UTxOType Payment))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> UTxOType Payment -> Action WorldState (UTxOType Payment)
Model.Commit Party
party [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
UTxOType Payment
_ -> () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a. a -> DL WorldState a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
prop_checkConflictFreeLiveness :: Property
prop_checkConflictFreeLiveness :: Property
prop_checkConflictFreeLiveness =
Int -> Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => Int -> prop -> Property
within Int
50000000 (Property -> Property) -> Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
DL WorldState () -> (Actions WorldState -> Property) -> Property
forall s a.
(DynLogicModel s, Testable a) =>
DL s () -> (Actions s -> a) -> Property
forAllDL DL WorldState ()
conflictFreeLiveness Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_HydraModel :: Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_HydraModel :: Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_HydraModel Actions WorldState
actions =
(forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property
forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a) -> Property
runIOSimProp ((forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property)
-> (forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()) -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(Annotated WorldState, Env (RunMonad (IOSim s)))
_ <- Actions WorldState
-> PropertyM
(RunMonad (IOSim s))
(Annotated WorldState, Env (RunMonad (IOSim s)))
forall state (m :: * -> *) e.
(StateModel state, RunModel state m, e ~ Error state,
forall a. IsPerformResult e a) =>
Actions state -> PropertyM m (Annotated state, Env m)
runActions Actions WorldState
Bool -> PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) ()
forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => Bool -> PropertyM m ()
assert Bool
conflictFreeLiveness :: DL WorldState ()
conflictFreeLiveness :: DL WorldState ()
conflictFreeLiveness = do
DL WorldState ()
forall s. DL s ()
DL WorldState WorldState
forall s. DL s s
getModelStateDL DL WorldState WorldState
-> (WorldState -> DL WorldState ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b.
DL WorldState a -> (a -> DL WorldState b) -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \case
st :: WorldState
st@WorldState{$sel:hydraState:WorldState :: WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState = Open{}} -> do
party, Payment
payment) <- Quantification (Party, Payment) -> DL WorldState (Party, Payment)
forall a s.
QuantifyConstraints (HasNoVariables a) =>
Quantification a -> DL s a
forAllNonVariableQ (WorldState -> Quantification (Party, Payment)
nonConflictingTx WorldState
Var Payment
tx <- Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
action (Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment))
-> Action WorldState Payment -> DL WorldState (Var Payment)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Party -> Payment -> Action WorldState Payment
Model.NewTx Party
party Payment
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually (Var Payment -> Action WorldState ()
ObserveConfirmedTx Var Payment
_ -> () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a. a -> DL WorldState a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ Action WorldState ()
prop_generateTraces :: Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_generateTraces :: Actions WorldState -> Property
prop_generateTraces Actions WorldState
actions =
let Metadata VarContext
_vars WorldState
st = Actions WorldState -> Annotated WorldState
forall state. StateModel state => Actions state -> Annotated state
stateAfter Actions WorldState
in case Actions WorldState
actions of
Actions [] -> Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => prop -> Property
property Bool
Actions [Step WorldState]
_ ->
WorldState -> GlobalState
hydraState WorldState
st GlobalState -> GlobalState -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= GlobalState
Bool -> (Bool -> Property) -> Property
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& String -> Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (String
"state: " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> WorldState -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show WorldState
prop_doesNotGenerate0AdaUTxO :: Actions WorldState -> Bool
prop_doesNotGenerate0AdaUTxO :: Actions WorldState -> Bool
prop_doesNotGenerate0AdaUTxO (Actions [Step WorldState]
actions) =
Bool -> Bool
not ((Step WorldState -> Bool) -> [Step WorldState] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any Step WorldState -> Bool
contains0AdaUTxO [Step WorldState]
contains0AdaUTxO :: Step WorldState -> Bool
contains0AdaUTxO :: Step WorldState -> Bool
contains0AdaUTxO = \case
Var a
_anyVar := (ActionWithPolarity (Model.Commit Party
_anyParty UTxOType Payment
utxos) Polarity
_) -> ((CardanoSigningKey, Value) -> Bool)
-> [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any (CardanoSigningKey, Value) -> Bool
forall {a}. (a, Value) -> Bool
contains0Ada [(CardanoSigningKey, Value)]
UTxOType Payment
Var a
_anyVar := (ActionWithPolarity (Model.NewTx Party
_anyParty Payment.Payment{Value
value :: Value
$sel:value:Payment :: Payment -> Value
value}) Polarity
_) -> Value
value Value -> Value -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Lovelace -> Value
lovelaceToValue Lovelace
Step WorldState
_anyOtherStep -> Bool
contains0Ada :: (a, Value) -> Bool
contains0Ada = (Value -> Value -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Lovelace -> Value
lovelaceToValue Lovelace
0) (Value -> Bool) -> ((a, Value) -> Value) -> (a, Value) -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (a, Value) -> Value
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
runIOSimProp :: Testable a => (forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a) -> Property
runIOSimProp :: forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a) -> Property
runIOSimProp forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a
p = Gen Property -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => prop -> Property
property ((forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) Property)) -> Gen Property
forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)) -> Gen Property
runRunMonadIOSimGen (PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a
-> Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) Property)
forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Testable a, Monad m) =>
PropertyM m a -> Gen (m Property)
monadic' PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a
forall s. PropertyM (RunMonad (IOSim s)) a
runRunMonadIOSimGen ::
forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)) ->
Gen Property
runRunMonadIOSimGen :: forall a.
Testable a =>
(forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)) -> Gen Property
runRunMonadIOSimGen forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)
f = do
Capture forall a. Gen a -> a
eval <- Gen Capture
let tr :: SimTrace a
tr = (forall s. IOSim s a) -> SimTrace a
forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> SimTrace a
runSimTrace ((Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> IOSim s a
forall s.
(Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> IOSim s a
sim Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a
forall a. Gen a -> a
Property -> Gen Property
forall a. a -> Gen a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Property -> Gen Property) -> Property -> Gen Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
SimTrace a -> Property -> Property
forall {prop} {a}. Testable prop => SimTrace a -> prop -> Property
logsOnError SimTrace a
tr (Property -> Property) -> Property -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
case Bool -> SimTrace a -> Either Failure a
forall a. Bool -> SimTrace a -> Either Failure a
traceResult Bool
False SimTrace a
tr of
Right a
a -> a -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => prop -> Property
property a
Left (FailureException (SomeException e
ex)) ->
String -> Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (e -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show e
ex) Bool
Left Failure
ex ->
String -> Bool -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (Failure -> String
forall b a. (Show a, IsString b) => a -> b
show Failure
ex) Bool
logsOnError :: SimTrace a -> prop -> Property
logsOnError SimTrace a
tr =
String -> prop -> Property
forall prop. Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property
counterexample (String -> prop -> Property)
-> (IO String -> String) -> IO String -> prop -> Property
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. IO String -> String
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (IO String -> prop -> Property) -> IO String -> prop -> Property
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
fn <- String -> String -> IO String
writeSystemTempFile String
"io-sim-trace" (String -> IO String) -> String -> IO String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString Text
String -> IO String
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (String -> IO String) -> String -> IO String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"IOSim trace stored in: " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> String
forall a. ToString a => a -> String
toString String
traceDump :: Text
traceDump = Proxy (HydraLog Tx ()) -> SimTrace a -> Text
forall log a.
(Typeable log, ToJSON log) =>
Proxy log -> SimTrace a -> Text
printTrace (Proxy (HydraLog Tx ())
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy (HydraLog Tx ())) SimTrace a
sim ::
forall s.
(Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a) ->
IOSim s a
sim :: forall s.
(Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> IOSim s a
sim Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a
eval = do
TVar s (Nodes (IOSim s))
v <-
Nodes (IOSim s) -> IOSim s (TVar (IOSim s) (Nodes (IOSim s)))
forall a. a -> IOSim s (TVar (IOSim s) a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadSTM m => a -> m (TVar m a)
{ $sel:nodes:Nodes :: Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
nodes = Map Party (TestHydraClient Tx (IOSim s))
forall a. Monoid a => a
, $sel:logger:Nodes :: Tracer (IOSim s) (HydraLog Tx ())
logger = Tracer (IOSim s) (HydraLog Tx ())
forall a s. Typeable a => Tracer (IOSim s) a
, $sel:threads:Nodes :: [Async (IOSim s) ()]
threads = [Async (IOSim s) ()]
[Async s ()]
forall a. Monoid a => a
, $sel:chain:Nodes :: SimulatedChainNetwork Tx (IOSim s)
chain = SimulatedChainNetwork Tx (IOSim s)
forall tx (m :: * -> *). SimulatedChainNetwork tx m
ReaderT (RunState (IOSim s)) (IOSim s) a
-> RunState (IOSim s) -> IOSim s a
forall r (m :: * -> *) a. ReaderT r m a -> r -> m a
runReaderT (RunMonad (IOSim s) a -> ReaderT (RunState (IOSim s)) (IOSim s) a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. RunMonad m a -> ReaderT (RunState m) m a
runMonad (Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a) -> RunMonad (IOSim s) a
eval Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)
forall s. Gen (RunMonad (IOSim s) a)
f)) (TVar (IOSim s) (Nodes (IOSim s)) -> RunState (IOSim s)
forall (m :: * -> *). TVar m (Nodes m) -> RunState m
RunState TVar (IOSim s) (Nodes (IOSim s))
TVar s (Nodes (IOSim s))
nonConflictingTx :: WorldState -> Quantification (Party, Payment.Payment)
nonConflictingTx :: WorldState -> Quantification (Party, Payment)
nonConflictingTx WorldState
st =
Gen (Party, Payment)
-> ((Party, Payment) -> Bool)
-> ((Party, Payment) -> [(Party, Payment)])
-> Quantification (Party, Payment)
forall a. Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> Quantification a
withGenQ (WorldState -> Gen (Party, Payment)
genPayment WorldState
st) (Bool -> (Party, Payment) -> Bool
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Bool
True) ([(Party, Payment)] -> (Party, Payment) -> [(Party, Payment)]
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const [])
Quantification (Party, Payment)
-> ((Party, Payment) -> Bool) -> Quantification (Party, Payment)
forall a. Quantification a -> (a -> Bool) -> Quantification a
`whereQ` \(Party
party, Payment
tx) -> WorldState -> Action WorldState Payment -> Bool
forall state a. StateModel state => state -> Action state a -> Bool
forall a. WorldState -> Action WorldState a -> Bool
precondition WorldState
st (Party -> Payment -> Action WorldState Payment
Model.NewTx Party
party Payment
eventually :: Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually :: Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
eventually Action WorldState ()
a = Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ (DiffTime -> Action WorldState ()
Wait DiffTime
10) DL WorldState () -> DL WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
forall a b. DL WorldState a -> DL WorldState b -> DL WorldState b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ Action WorldState ()
action_ :: Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ :: Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState ()
action_ = DL WorldState (Var ()) -> DL WorldState ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (DL WorldState (Var ()) -> DL WorldState ())
-> (Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState (Var ()))
-> Action WorldState ()
-> DL WorldState ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Action WorldState () -> DL WorldState (Var ())
forall a s.
(Typeable a, Eq (Action s a), Show (Action s a)) =>
Action s a -> DL s (Var a)
unwrapAddress :: AddressInEra -> Text
unwrapAddress :: AddressInEra -> Text
unwrapAddress = \case
ShelleyAddressInEra Address ShelleyAddr
addr -> Address ShelleyAddr -> Text
forall a. SerialiseAsBech32 a => a -> Text
serialiseToBech32 Address ShelleyAddr
ByronAddressInEra{} -> Text -> Text
forall a t. (HasCallStack, IsText t) => t -> a
error Text