End-to-end benchmark results
This page is intended to collect the latest end-to-end benchmark results produced by Hydra's continuous integration (CI) system from the latest master
Please note that these results are approximate as they are currently produced from limited cloud VMs and not controlled hardware. Rather than focusing on the absolute results, the emphasis should be on relative results, such as how the timings for a scenario evolve as the code changes.
Generated at 2025-01-07 13:48:29.548515944 UTC
Baseline Scenario
Number of nodes | 1 |
Number of txs | 3000 |
Avg. Confirmation Time (ms) | 5.153641168 |
P99 | 10.773642199999959ms |
P95 | 6.1073001499999995ms |
P50 | 4.634059000000001ms |
Number of Invalid txs | 0 |
Three local nodes
Number of nodes | 3 |
Number of txs | 9000 |
Avg. Confirmation Time (ms) | 23.966978662 |
P99 | 117.02212867000003ms |
P95 | 30.898912099999993ms |
P50 | 21.417504ms |
Number of Invalid txs | 0 |