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Get involved

The Hydra Head protocol implementation is an open-source project built on the principles of transparency, collaboration, and community-driven development. As part of the broader Cardano ecosystem, Hydra welcomes contributions from developers, researchers, and enthusiasts who are committed to advancing decentralized technologies. By participating in the Hydra project, you join a global community dedicated to enhancing Cardano’s scalability, security, and efficiency.

Your involvement, whether through code contributions, issue reporting, or community discussions, helps drive the innovation and continuous improvement of Hydra protocols.

Here's how you can get involved and stay updated with the latest developments:

  • Roadmap: explore the development roadmap to understand key objectives and upcoming features
  • Discord: ask questions, engage with other developers, and discuss in the #ask-hydra channel
  • GitHub issues and discussions: contribute to the development of Hydra by sharing bug reports or feature ideas
  • Monthly demo: join these demo and roadmap review sessions to witness the latest developments and provide feedback to the core team; meeting times are announced in Hydra #announcements on Discord
  • Monthly reports: catch up on latest progress and demo session takeaways
  • Hydra working group: newest forum to discuss the future of Hydra and related scaling projects in this Intersect technical working group.

For more details, see the contributing guidelines and the code of conduct.