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Decommit funds

To take out some UTxO present in an open head and send it back to the layer one, you need to do a so-called decommit.

This how-to assumes that we are in a similar situation as in the Getting Started or Testnet tutorial. Depending on who owns something in your head, you might need to update the instructions of this tutorial. In our example we decommit funds owned by Alice from their address:

export WALLET_SK=credentials/
export WALLET_ADDR=addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z

First, we need to find out which UTxO we can spend using our address:

curl localhost:4001/snapshot/utxo \
| jq "with_entries(select(.value.address == \"${WALLET_ADDR}\"))" \
> utxo.json
Example output
"f6b004be1cf95dbd3d0abc3daceac40ef6401e502972a919e5e52564b9f5740b#0": {
"address": "addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 50000000
"f6b004be1cf95dbd3d0abc3daceac40ef6401e502972a919e5e52564b9f5740b#1": {
"address": "addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 50000000

Now, the decommit command requires us to build a transaction that proves we can spend what we want to decommit. The outputs of this transaction will be the outputs that are also going to be made available on the main chain.

For example, to spend the first UTxO queried above in a transaction sending the same value to Alice's key (so she can spend it on the layer one later):

LOVELACE=$(jq -r 'to_entries[0].value.value.lovelace' < utxo.json)
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--tx-in $(jq -r 'to_entries[0].key' < utxo.json) \
--tx-out ${WALLET_ADDR}+${LOVELACE} \
--fee 0 \
--out-file decommit.json

You can inspect the transaction with

cardano-cli transaction view --tx-file decommit.json

As the transaction spends from Alices funds in the Hydra head, we also need to sign it with her key:

cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-file decommit.json \
--signing-key-file ${WALLET_SK} \
--out-file alice-decommit-tx-signed.json

With the signed decommit transaction, now we can submit it to the /decommit endpoint:

curl -X POST \
--data @alice-decommit-tx-signed.json
Alternative using websocket

We can also submit a Decommit client input using a websocket:

cat alice-decommit-tx-signed.json \
| jq -c '{tag: "Decommit", decommitTx: .}' \
| websocat "ws://"

If you haven't already, open a websocket session using websocat ws:// now.

In the message history you will see a DecommitRequested message which indicates a decommit is requested.

After some time, a DecommitFinalized can be observed which concludes the decommit process and after which the funds are available on the layer one.

To confirm, you can query the funds of the wallet on the layer one from a cardano-node:

cardano-cli query utxo \
--address ${WALLET_ADDR} \
--output-json | jq