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Running a Hydra head involves operating a Hydra node connected to other Hydra nodes and a Cardano node. The entire configuration of the hydra-node is managed through command-line options. Use the --help option to see a full list of available commands:

hydra-node --help

Below, we document selected aspects of the configuration. For a comprehensive guide, refer to the tutorial or specific how to articles.

Cardano keys

In a Hydra head, each participant is authenticated using two sets of keys. The first set identifies a participant on the Cardano layer 1 and is used to hold ada for paying fees. Each hydra-node requires a --cardano-signing-key, and you must provide the --cardano-verification-key for each participant.

Generate a Cardano key pair using the cardano-cli:

cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file cardano.vk \

These keys authenticate on-chain transactions and ensure that only authorized participants can control the head's lifecycle, preventing unauthorized actors from interfering (eg, aborting an initialized head). While this issue does not put participants' funds at risk, it is still inconvenient and can be avoided.

Hydra keys

The second set of keys are Hydra keys, used for multi-signing snapshots within a head. Although these keys may eventually support an aggregated multi-signature scheme, they currently use the Ed25519 format.

Generate new Hydra keys using the hydra-node:

hydra-node gen-hydra-key --output-file my-key

This command creates two files: and my-key.vk containing Hydra keys suitable for use inside a head.

For demonstration purposes, we also provide demo key pairs (alice.{vk,sk}, bob.{vk,sk}, and carol.{vk,sk}) in our demo folder. These demo keys should not be used in production.

Contestation period

The contestation period is a critical protocol parameter, defined in seconds, for example:

hydra-node --contestation-period 120s

The contestation period is used in:

  • Constructing the upper validity bound for Close and Contest transactions
  • Computing the contestation deadline, which defines the lower validity bound for the FanOut transaction.

The default contestation period is 60 seconds, but it should be tailored to the network conditions, as different networks have varying slot lengths and block production rates.

Consistent contestation period

All parties in the Hydra head protocol must configure the same --contestation-period value. Otherwise, the Init transaction will be ignored, preventing any participant from stalling or causing a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by setting an unreasonably large contestation period.

Invalid Close and Contest transactions

Depending on the contestation period value and the network conditions, Close and Contest transactions could become invalid and be silently rejected by the cardano-node to which they have been submitted. This can happen, for example, if:

  • The network is congested with many transactions waiting to be included in a block
  • The node's connectivity to the network drops and the transaction is not propagated to block producers fast enough.

Currently, the hydra-node does not handle this situation. Each client application should implement a retry mechanism based on the expected time for transaction inclusion.

Reference scripts

The hydra-node uses reference scripts to reduce transaction sizes driving the head's lifecycle. Specify the --hydra-scripts-tx-id to reference the correct scripts. The hydra-node will verify the availability of these scripts on-chain.

Check the scripts against which a hydra-node was compiled using:

hydra-node --script-info

For public (test) networks, we publish Hydra scripts with each new release, listing transaction IDs in the release notes and networks.json.

To publish scripts yourself, use the publish-scripts command:

hydra-node publish-scripts \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--node-socket /path/to/node.socket \

This command outputs a transaction ID upon success. The provided key should hold sufficient funds (> 50 ada) to create multiple UNSPENDABLE UTxO entries on-chain, each carrying a script referenced by the Hydra node.

Ledger parameters

The ledger is at the core of a Hydra head. Hydra is currently integrated with Cardano and assumes a ledger configuration similar to layer 1. This translates as a command-line option --ledger-protocol-parameters. This defines the updatable protocol parameters such as fees or transaction sizes. These parameters follow the same format as the cardano-cli query protocol-parameters output.

We provide existing files in hydra-cluster/config which can be used as the basis. In particular, the protocol parameters nullify costs inside a head. Apart from that, they are the direct copy of the current mainnet parameters. An interesting point about Hydra's ledger is that while it re-uses the same rules and code as layer 1 (isomorphic), some parameters can be altered. For example, fees can be adjusted, but not parameters controlling maximum value sizes or minimum ada values, as altering these could make a head unclosable.

A good rule thumb is that anything that applies strictly to transactions (fees, execution units, max tx size...) is safe to change. But anything that could be reflected in the UTxO is not.

About protocol parameters

Many protocol parameters are irrelevant in the Hydra context (eg, there is no treasury or stake pools within a head). Parameters related to reward incentives or delegation rules are therefore unused.

Fuel v funds

Transactions driving the head lifecycle (Init, Abort, Close, etc) must be submitted to layer 1 and hence incur costs. Any UTxO owned by the --cardano-signing-key provided to the --hydra-node can be used to pay fees or serve as collateral for these transactions. We refer to this as fuel.

Consequently, sending some ada to the address of this 'internal wallet' is required. To get the address for the Cardano keys as generated above, one can use, for example, the cardano-cli:

cardano-cli address build --verification-key-file cardano.vk --mainnet
# addr1v92l229athdj05l20ggnqz24p4ltlj55e7n4xplt2mxw8tqsehqnt

While the hydra-node needs to pay fees for protocol transactions, any wallet can be used to commit funds into an initializing Hydra head. The hydra-node provides an HTTP endpoint at /commit, allowing you to specify either:

  • A set of UTxO outputs to commit (belonging to public keys), or
  • A blueprint transaction along with the UTxO that resolves it.

This endpoint returns a commit transaction, which is balanced, and all fees are paid by the hydra-node. The integrated wallet must sign and submit this transaction to the Cardano network. See the API documentation for details.

If using your own UTxO to commit to a head, send the appropriate JSON representation of the said UTxO to the /commit API endpoint. Using a blueprint transaction with /commit offers flexibility, as hydra-node adds necessary commit transaction data without removing additional information specified in the blueprint transaction (eg, reference inputs, redeemers, validity ranges).

Note: Outputs of a blueprint transaction are not considered — only inputs are used to commit funds to the head. The hydra-node will also ignore any minting or burning specified in the blueprint transaction.

For more details, refer to this how to guide on committing to a head using a blueprint transaction.

Connect to Cardano

The hydra-node must be connected to the Cardano network, unless running in offline mode.

A direct connection to a cardano-node is a pre-requisite. Please refer to existing documentation on starting a node, for example on, or use Mithril to bootstrap the local node.

To specify how to connect to the local cardano-node, use --node-socket and --testnet-magic:

hydra-node \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--node-socket devnet/node.socket \

The hydra-node is compatible with the Cardano mainnet network, and can consequently operate using real funds. Please be sure to read the known issues to fully understand the limitations and consequences of running Hydra nodes on mainnet. To choose mainnet, use --mainnet instead of --testnet-magic.

Using the direct node connection, the hydra-node does synchronize the chain and observes Hydra protocol transactions. On first startup, it will start observing from the chain's tip. Once a Hydra head has been observed, the point of the last known state change is used automatically.

You can manually set the intersection point using --start-chain-from <slot>.<hash> which specifies a slot and block header hash. For example:

hydra-node \
--testnet-magic 2 \
--node-socket preview/node.socket \
--start-chain-from 49533501.e364500a42220ea47314215679b7e42e9bbb81fa69d1366fe738d8aef900f7ee

To synchronize from the genesis block, use --start-chain-from 0.


If the hydra-node already tracks a head in its state and --start-chain-from is given, the newer point is used.

Offline mode

Hydra supports an offline mode, which allows for disabling the layer 1 interface (that is, the underlying Cardano blockchain which Hydra heads acquire funds and ultimately funds are withdrawn to). Disabling layer 1 interactions allows use cases that would otherwise require running and configuring an entire layer 1 private devnet. For example, the offline mode can be used to quickly validate a series of transactions against a UTxO, without having to spin up an entire layer 1 Cardano node.

To initialize the layer 2 ledger's UTxO state, offline mode takes an obligatory --initial-utxo parameter, which points to a JSON-encoded UTxO file. See the API reference for the schema.

Using this example UTxO:

"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#0": {
"address": "addr_test1vqg9ywrpx6e50uam03nlu0ewunh3yrscxmjayurmkp52lfskgkq5k",
"value": {
"lovelace": 100000000

An offline mode hydra-node can be started with:

hydra-node offline \
--hydra-signing-key \
--ledger-protocol-parameters protocol-parameters.json \
--initial-utxo utxo.json

As the node is not connected to a real network, genesis parameters that normally influence things like time-based transaction validation cannot be fetched and are set to defaults. To configure block times, set --ledger-genesis to a Shelley genesis file similar to the shelley-genesis.json.

API server

The hydra-node exposes an API for clients to interact with the hydra node, submit transactions to an open, but also initialize / close Hydra heads!

As the API is not authenticated by default, the node is only binding to localhost/ interfaces and listens on port 4001. This can be configured using --api-host and --api-port.


The API is not authenticated and if exposed, an open head can be easily closed through the API!

The API server also supports TLS connections (https:// and wss://) when a certificate and key are configured with --tls-cert and --tls-key respectively.