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Commit using a blueprint

This guide provides a walkthrough on using cardano-cli to assemble the necessary components for committing funds to a head using a blueprint transaction.


You should have access to the following repositories:

  • hydra-node
  • hydra-tui
  • cardano-cli, and
  • curl binaries.

Step 1

You can use cardano-cli to create a blueprint transaction from some UTXO you own. First, initiate a Cardano node on the pre-production network:

./testnets/ ~/code/hydra/testnets/preprod

Step 2

Determine which UTXO you intend to commit to the head. This example uses Alice's external wallet key to identify her address:

cardano-cli address build \
--payment-verification-key-file hydra-cluster/config/credentials/alice-funds.vk \
--testnet-magic 1


Next, query to see what UTXO Alice has:

cardano-cli query utxo \
--socket-path testnets/preprod/node.socket \
--address addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z \
--testnet-magic 1 \

"14ab373afb1112d925b0f6a84518ac26d4a8cfcc99231e1f47e6996182e843a9#0": {
"address": "addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 8000000
"14ab373afb1112d925b0f6a84518ac26d4a8cfcc99231e1f47e6996182e843a9#1": {
"address": "addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 1828427

Step 3

Select the first UTXO, which has eight ada available. Use five ada to commit and rely on hydra-node to balance the commit transaction:

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--babbage-era \
--tx-in 14ab373afb1112d925b0f6a84518ac26d4a8cfcc99231e1f47e6996182e843a9#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z+5000000 \
--fee 0 \
--out-file tx.json

Step 4

You should now have the blueprint transaction in the tx.json file. For hydra-node to provide a draft commit transaction, you need to:

  • Obtain the protocol parameters needed to run the hydra-node
  • Ensure the hydra-node is up and running
  • Have the head in the initializing state
  • Submit the HTTP request to the hydra-node API server using the blueprint transaction you just created and the UTXO used for its input.

Query the protocol parameters:

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--socket-path testnets/preprod/node.socket \
--out-file pp-preprod.json

Step 5

Start the hydra-node as a single party head instance.

Note: The value 6264cee4d5eab3fb58ab67f3899ecbcc0d7e72732a2d9c1c5d638115db6ca711 comes from the hydra-node release 0.16.0.

hydra-node \
--node-id 1 --port 5001 --api-port 4001 \
--hydra-signing-key demo/ \
--hydra-scripts-tx-id 6264cee4d5eab3fb58ab67f3899ecbcc0d7e72732a2d9c1c5d638115db6ca711 \
--cardano-signing-key hydra-cluster/config/credentials/ \
--ledger-protocol-parameters pp-preprod.json \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--node-socket testnets/preprod/node.socket \
--persistence-dir .

Now you can start hydra-tui and initialize the head:

hydra-tui \
--connect \
--cardano-signing-key hydra-cluster/config/credentials/ \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--node-socket testnets/preprod/node.socket

Press i to initialize the head. Once the head is in the Initializing state, you can send the HTTP request to the /commit API path. Assemble the request body using the cborHex field from the tx-body file tx.json and the JSON representation of the UTXO you used as input.

This is the valid JSON request:

"blueprintTx": {
"cborHex": "84a3008182582014ab373afb1112d925b0f6a84518ac26d4a8cfcc99231e1f47e6996182e843a900018182581d6069830961c6af9095b0f2648dff31fa9545d8f0b6623db865eb78fde81a007a12000200a0f5f6",
"description": "",
"type": "Tx BabbageEra"
"utxo": {
"14ab373afb1112d925b0f6a84518ac26d4a8cfcc99231e1f47e6996182e843a9#0": {
"address": "addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 8000000

Save this JSON to a commit-request.json file.

You can now prompt the running hydra-node to draft a commit transaction:

curl -X POST \
--data @commit-request.json

This yields a large CBOR blob, which you can save to the commit-tx.json file.

Next, sign and submit the draft of the commit transaction:

cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-file commit-tx.json \
--signing-key-file hydra-cluster/config/credentials/ \
--out-file signed-tx.json

cardano-cli transaction submit \
--tx-file signed-tx.json \
--socket-path testnets/preprod/node.socket \
--testnet-magic 1

If you start the hydra-tui and wait until the transaction you just sent is re-observed by the hydra-node, you should see that the head is now open.