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Submit a transaction

This section describes how to submit a transaction to an already open head using the NewTx command of the WebSocket API.

First, query the UTXO available in the head:

curl localhost:4001/snapshot/utxo | jq

Below is an example response:

Example response of GET /snapshot/utxo
"8690d7618bb88825d6ec7cfbe2676779b8f4633cb137a1c12cd31b4c53f90f32#0": {
"address": "addr_test1vrdhewmpp96gv6az4vymy80hlw9082sjz6rylt2srpntsdq6njxxu",
"datum": null,
"datumhash": null,
"inlineDatum": null,
"referenceScript": null,
"value": {
"lovelace": 100000000

Assuming the single UTXO is owned by and you want to send all of it to another address, you can use cardano-cli (or your preferred transaction builder) to construct and sign a transaction:

Transaction building
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--babbage-era \
--tx-in 8690d7618bb88825d6ec7cfbe2676779b8f4633cb137a1c12cd31b4c53f90f32#0 \
--tx-out addr_test1vp5cxztpc6hep9ds7fjgmle3l225tk8ske3rmwr9adu0m6qchmx5z+100000000 \
--fee 0 \
--out-file tx.json

cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file tx.json \
--signing-key-file \
--out-file tx-signed.json

cat tx-signed.json | jq -c '{tag: "NewTx", transaction: .}'

This command generates a message suitable for submission to the hydra-node via a WebSocket connection. If hydra-node operates on the default port 4001, the message can be submitted using websocat:

cat tx-signed.json | jq -c '{tag: "NewTx", transaction: .}' | websocat "ws://"

The transaction will be validated by all connected hydra-node instances. It will result in either a TxInvalid message, providing a reason for rejection, or a TxValid message followed by a SnapshotConfirmed, updating the UTXO available in the head shortly after that.